Is he the lowest IQ president in history?

Is he the lowest IQ president in history?

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It's not his fault. He never had to be smart, because of all that family money. Go easy on the guy, he's just doing his best.

I hear that 43% of trannies commit suicide

I’ve never seen a warmingfag make a falsifiable prediction with their theory. Actually that’s not true, 30 years ago they said NYC would be underwater in 30 years. Then they said it 10 years ago it would be underwater in 10 years. Etc.

Instead of pinning literally every weather event on global warming - when it’s hot, cold, rainy, dry, etc. - they should start making predictions and demand to be held accountable for them. Until then they can fuck off.

>humans caused climate change
>overpopulation is a problem
>the third world is responsible for most pollution
>all people are equal
>standards of living should be raised

Imagine being this retarded.

>sub shrimp IQ
>get BTFO
yet again, sad!

>Is he the lowest IQ president in history?
idk,seems to be working for him so far.

>for him and his buddies


I think he's playing the part. GWB used to act like a retard, too. His retard voter base felt they could better relate to him. I'm sure Trump is using the same strategy.

Yes I hear everyone with a low IQ owns one of these...

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>tries to pass theory as facts
>attacks people's intelligence

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what did he say that was wrong? he's asking for more global warming because it's cold.

Rejecting climate change is at the same tier as rejecting the spherical earth model and vaccines

No surprise that all of this comes from Brainlet Central, America
You deserve your sub 100 IQ President.

>all these weak ass liberal faggots working at starbucks thinking they're smarter than a president and multi-millionaire.
pls. he's appearing weak to punch these little pussies in their raisin sized testicles when they least expect it

>I’ve never seen a warmingfag make a falsifiable prediction with their theory
What are you talking about, he says it quite plainly.
If this starts happening more and more frequently it means he's right.
If it doesn't, then we just need to wait more time until it does and then he'll be right.
... oh. I see your point.

You could too if your daddy gave you $400M and all his real estate connections

Yea, let's install some overpriced solar panels and these polar vortices will go away.
Trump has a point though, global warming has too much attention, these resources could be spent on figuring how to make safer and more efficient nuclear.

not even close
>iq is adherence to the "scientific" narrative
careful buddy your iq might break three digits some day

Geoengineering plays a large part in climate change as well imo.

tampering with the weather over the course of many years and filling our air with aluminum and other metals via contrails is detrimental.

Prime examples of geoengineering are the California wildfires and that hurricane that turned around instead of hitting Mexico in the fall when the illegals were coming.

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The absolute state of people's ignorance. Trump is trolling, but the guy with his response...he actually thinks he KNOWS what he just spouted.

You are never going to get it. He is only doing this to trigger you. He knows one cold day has nothing to do with a climate. Everything he has ever tweeted was purely to entertain. To watch retards go ape shit. I absolutely love this shitposter in chief.

>cull 6.5 billion sub-humans
>bitch and complain about muh climate ad naseum
you know what must be done

Unironically, he is literally the highest IQ president in history


and if your daddy was actually there and helped you along in life

dont you have a vidya game to play user?

>global warming is a problem
>we need to reduce our carbon footprint to curtail GW
>let's import billions of third world migrants to the first world
>thus increasing all their carbon footprints dozens of times over
Trump has the highest IQ of any president.

Lol. So more weather = humans caused it to happen

Do these brainlets even know what the null hypothesis is here?

Dont forget that my double digit iq president beat out a billion dollar democrat campaign supported by hollywood and foreign governments all over the world :)

>literally seething

Current global warming studies is a “science” in the same way current gender studies is a science

what is the issue he made a joke and the response is wrong anyway. The polar vortex was disturbed by solar activity and is now dipping and being pulled by the jet stream. So yes all normal issues we have more polar ice than at most times and it has little effect compared to our sun and its activity. You silly nigger

Exactly. Why didn't this happen last year? Or the year before? How often does it have to happen for him to be right?

Can you show me one person rejecting climate change? i have yet to see one.

So Climate change is not the same is Global Warming. Got it

No. He's a genius because his uncle was a course instructor at MIT.

Wait a few months señor Trump, it will be very hot, California will be a barbecue again.

That number needs to be higher

you're so clever, truth is earth will be a piece of shit in your lifetime young user

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>the polar vortex has split into three places


Yes and low IQ people also take that 400 million and turn it into billions. I wish I was that stupid.
I guess you consider nog jocks that make $50 million over a career and blow it all to the point they have to do reality shows to stay afloat the epitome of brilliance.

See how fast they went from global warming to climate change?

On his first try no less

A lot of the arguments against climate change, which are promoted by big oil, are the same ones companies like DuPont used against CFC regulations.

>funneling money into disinfo campaigns
>hiring a few scientists to agree with their position
>pointing out a few discredited studies as "proof" that your view is right, while ignoring all the other research which contradicts your view
>making an emotional appeal based on the economy, that doing any action will cost a substantial number of jobs and lead to economic losses, and in the case of the US, it would put America at an economic disadvantage
>ignoring global evidence in favour of local data which supports their view
>claiming a conspiracy that scientists who disagree with your position simply want lucrative research grants (fucking ironic when the scientists are getting paid peanuts compared to the corporate shills)
>disparaging environmentalists as being ideologues
>claiming that more research needs to be done before any action is taken (then when more research is done, they keep saying it's not enough and even more research needs to be done)
>arguing that the predictions are true but it's less expensive to live with the consequences than try to deal with it first

All the above were actually pushed by corporations to lobby against action on CFCs. Literally every single thing on this list. Only when the ozone layer had an undeniable gaping hole bigger than the poster below me's mother's cunt, did they finally agree that it was time to phase out CFCs. This mirrors what the tobacco industry did. Even soft drink companies and sugar lobbyists actively held back research findings that proved high sugar consumption was a key factor in preventable disease.

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Yep more than likely because of a CME - likely to occur when the sun emerges from its minimum

Yeah, it's the earth doing its thing retard. The thing it's been doing for billions of years. Driving a hummer or a Prius ain't gonna change that. Neither will fuelling money to the climate change ponzi scheme

Science Enthusiast absolutely btfo.

Americans cannot be helped, user.

Just take pleasure in the fact that they'll die right alongside the rest of us.

>he doesn't know about Trump's previous presidential campaigns


But 2012 is right, and computers were absolute shit before the turn of the century.

And all of a sudden it's doing it faster than ever before? For no reason?

Your point? That morons vote for morons and the United fats is full of tards? Agreed.

have you told this to the chinese and indians?

I have never met a person who disputes climate change

The cause of climate change, however, is a different story

>how many genders?
science man


I just said something similar you are right the climate has more to do with the Sun than what man has done.

Human caused climate change is a creation of white liberals and sold only to white liberals


Yes, only dummies fly around in old in 757s like it’s 1983 still.
The really smart people all fly in new 787s, because higher number, duhhhh!

>Everyone who expresses disagreement is a discord tranny

Because media blows it out of proportion. Some nutjob mispredicting it doesn't make the whole thing false

Humans caused climate change. Overpopulation is not a problem in the western world. China is the biggest contributor but they are also one of the few countries taking steps to reduce their CO2 footprint. India is trying to improve too. Africa hardly contributed anything considering they're not really industrialized. All people are equal in their humanity, not their qualities, of course.

Is that photoshopped? She looks normal on other pictures where she doesn't have makeup on

All these liberals are smart enough to realize all the scientists who specialize in this are smarter and more knowledgeable than them so they listen to them

He knows what he 'spouted'. You don't so you just insult him. Kind of sad

Gender studies are nonsense based on an ongoing trend in society. Global warming is a clearly measurable phenomenon that can be mathematically described

I am sure his IQ is right around the avg for americans.

When your country is ruined because there is no coming back from the low standards this moron has set, you can pat yourself on the back for it

Stop indulging his stupidities. Hillary was cancer but you voted for this nitwit. Now hold him accountable

He really gets to you, doesn’t he?

James Hansen was the one who made the predictions about NYC being underwater. Fuck off retard.

The issue is that he is the President of a country, not a middle schooler

You're crazy to think that oil companies are not looking into better technologies. You can bet they won't be left behind.

Yeah because earth has always had the kind of man made chemicals and pollutants in its atmosphere

I bet it is, but we don't get good data on it. I just like reminding discord trannies of their highly possible fate. Discord Tranny Warning: Look at the name above you, look at the name below you. It is highly likely that at least one of these names will not be here this time next year due to suicide."

>polar vortex

Oh look they made up a new theory just for his tweet

>says the 50 IQ abo
Shouldn't you be sleeping on the road or huffing petrol, you literal subhuman?

Guys prediction was that the earth will heat up 1 degree in 60 years. 1 degree. Global warming is a joke.

He asked about global warming, not climate change. Jokes on you smart ass.

You're too smart for this board. Leave user.

kek, i don't actually disagree with anything you said apart from the retard part.
Try not to fall for leftist tactics of changing the language that can get you trapped in undefensible position.

Retards usually do

Yep modern climate studies just shoehorns goal posted data to support conclusions

It’s anti-science, like much of modern liberalism

> Being this new

He’s the most pathetic in history, even King Nigger kept more campaign promises than him. He’s a failure on immigration and will be blamed for whatever happens to this country. It boggles my mind people continue to defend this piece of shit.

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>All these liberals are smart enough to realize all the scientists who specialize in this are smarter and more knowledgeable than them so they listen to them
This. And before any of you smartasses try to suggest that it's possible for government-funded scientists to have an alternative agenda other than pursuit of the truth, just shut up. You're wrong.

"He's doing he's best"

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>a science enthusiast

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t. Trump-hating pseudo intellectual

Right? Obviously a discord tranny

Computers cant accurately calculate weather patterns, then or now.

>trying this hard

So because it's getting warmer and melting ice, the super cold is spreading out and increasing the intensity of winter... but that last part has apparently no impact on ice cap.

The earth has dealt with worse shit than a 150 years worth of air pollution originating from maybe 1% of its surface area. A supervolcano eruption could spew pollutants in the atmosphere that would make gore hard for a thousand years.

No real point sweetie, i just wanted you to remember that despite how dumb drumpf and his fanbase is, they still managed to outplay democrats :)



>truth is earth will be a piece of shit in your lifetime young user
Literally only because retards like you attempt to dissolve borders and impede scientific progress

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I’m pouring a gallon of paint thinner down a storm drain because of this comment. You did this.

Except there are no studies "proving" humans are the primary cause of climate change. It's literally just a bunch of scientists claiming the science is settled and other scientists jumping on the bandwagon and quoting the ones who made the initial claim. Also even if China and India are doing things to fix their pollution problems they are still far worse than the US when it comes to carbon footprint, yet we are told by our most reliable (((msm))) we are the primary contributors to world pollution and the only way to fix it is by throwing more money and third world countries, having less children (whites only though) and giving trannies and other mentally ill people more benefits, like any of that has to do with climate

Obama is the lowest due to him being a nogger

Right liberal science. Just like liberal gender studies - ie chromosomes markers don’t dictate gender

>science enthusiast
>satisfied by two sentence non-explanation

But if the polar vortex is so cold and supposed to stay up in the pole why isn't creating ice?

Climate change is the new name for global warming because the weather wasn’t cooperating with your narrative of global destruction.
In the 70s they called it “the coming 2nd ice age”.


>volcanic eruptions don't exist
>the currrent theory of how the plates were made was because of endless volcanic activity
>humans are destroying the environment
