Based and redpilled Moslem patrols two nasty thots.
Video in link
Based and redpilled Moslem patrols two nasty thots.
Video in link
Other urls found in this thread:
>same women yesterday
>all white boys are shit and ain't shit and fragile and their ways are over
>women in the comments
>"like OMG why aren't the men doing something " (something meaning have a white male response to defend them)
>"like you're not a man if you don't put your life and livelihood of your family on the line at the drop of a hat to defend the same whore who just 88 minutes ago was calling you incel, shit, rapist, fragile, etc
all these bitches begging for the white man's character traits now. Whores are in for a rude awakening. This is your future now bitch
>getting ktfo while non white males vertical record you and steal you shit
:) wouldn't piss on these modern women if they were on fire. My family and my race. we're not the same as you remember us.
That shits funny!!
additionally, I would lay my life on the line for a white married woman (obviously who has a white husband only). We white men learned to make distinctions again. If you value everyone the same, the lowest is the limit by which everyone is judged. Not how logic or nature intended. We're restructuring things back to how it should be.
>"The woman, whom NBC4 is not naming to protect her identity, was out with her friend when they stopped for street hot dogs. She said they noticed a man being rude to a hot dog vendor over the $6 cost.
hardly a "Moslem patrols", a simple skirmish between a three potential would-be customers at a hotdog stand.
> If you have any info contact Detective Gonzalez
No, just no
>eating non halal meating
he's not even a muslim
how fucking clueless are those women?! They want a Victorian civilization while living a Weimar lifestyle. If you're a white man and you see this exact scenario, DO NOT even call the cops to get them help. Only help your people.
it was a Hispanic guy *slapping some yappy empowered Latinas. now all the single whores in the comments playing Freud trying to masculine shame.
>"why are the men standing there doing nothing "
>the whole encounter lasted 3 seconds and the guy ran off
>don't judge you bigot
>quick you have 2 seconds to make a life altering decision that might get your family harassed and you fired if twitta do yah thang feels like it.
>Feminists have brainwashed women into thinking they can fight back against a man
Fucking kek
Instead of fighting back, go and hide behind the nearest man who doesn't look like a cuck.
At this point if you would still help a random whore, or are shocked that random whores are trying to shame you one way or the other, then you need to lurk a hell of a lot more
joining a random street fight is dangerous, you don't know who has a weapon or who has a gang waiting nearby
he wasnt pummeling them, they were still engaging
>i would lay my life on the line for a white married woman
Be my guest fagg
Something about white knights getting hurt or killed warms my soul
Beautifully put.
>additionally, I would lay my life on the line for a white married woman (obviously who has a white husband only)
>(obviously who has a white husband only)
>A man was stabbed in the back in Midtown when he defended one of his female friends, police said Monday.
>The 24-year-old victim was walking with a group of people, including multiple women, just before 10:30 p.m. Sunday near West 31st Street and 8th Avenue in Manhattan when a second man — who police said was not a stranger — began making inappropriate comments to one of the ladies, cops said.
>When the victim confronted the other man, the suspect responded by lashing out — pulling out a sharp object and stabbing the young man in the back, police said.
>Thot status: patrolled
Alright, we know the number of Detective Gonzalez. What can we do with it? Can we odred him some whores?
I'm not familiar with Muslims, but that guy doesn't look like one to me. Even if he is... nice combo.
How the hell would you know who shes married to? Why wouldnt her husband be protecting her? How do you know shes not a degenerate left wing whore who started shit she couldnt finish?
I found the perfect article for you
>A man who was almost killed for defending his girlfriend against a cat caller hopes that his case will highlight the horrors of street harassment and help put a stop to it.
Ben Schwartz, 31, was stabbed nine times after confronting an aggressive catcaller who made persistent, obscene comments to his girlfriend, Miyoko Moody, as they walked home from a friends' house at 4.45am.
Report his relatives to ICE.
>that girl
Is that half black half asian girl?
kek peep the comments, women putting aside their feminism acknowledging those bitches didnt stand a chance so they are like :"why are those pussy men just watching him beat those 2 poor girls!!"
Video doesn't capture the entire confrontation. The women ganged up on him and drunkenly attacked as they are known to do. Man was not tolerating violent cunts that night and laid them out clean in self defense. He then fled for his safety.
based abduallah
thank you.
lol I could have done without the cursing and derogatory terms in the other posts but reading the hypocritical comments in the Twitter thread lowered my respect threshold. I'm also approaching this from the perspective of how a white married woman who has her protection (husband) and made sacrifices in life to get him. Now all the single women trying to get married men involved in their lives and choices. Nope, not how we're doing things anymore.
>this is white in UK
The comments are pure gold. No one is "M'ladying" and the bitches in the thread are fucking furious.
I guess that possible pussy is worth some stabbing. Just don't your life, mr. white knight
The twitter comments are fantastic.
(((they))) created a world where being a protector and a man is toxic.
These are the results that women stupidly accepted
Looks like it, pretty rare
>gunman shoots up school
>man beats up some thots
Call the cops on the women. They were assaulting that innocent man, and he was forced to defend himself.
The vid is actually pretty funny. Wtf were those women thinking? That guy is pretty hefty. Just another testament of the femail hubris shown the reality of the world.
i see in the distant that those are just ugly lesbians, patrol nasty lesbians is based and ok too
>I found the perfect article for you
>literally NOT a white woman
>dumbass guy was not defending her from physical harm but from random comments
>Ben (((Schwartz))) misjudged his ability to fight
how will I ever recover from this perfect counter example to my statement "for a white married woman (obviously who has a white husband only)"
>how do you know she's married to a white man
it's not 100% but I can judge by the catalyst of the situation and how she responds to the attack.
what thirld world country is this
Pretty rare for us, but maybe common in USA.
Los Angeles
Boys will be boys
>Attention Los Angeles — this guy brutally punched two women at a hotdog stand on Jan. 26
Brutally punched two women? Look at his choice of words, he's framing the situation in a way where it sounds negative.
He should've phrased it in a neutral manner like, "The man in the video was seen in a violent confrontation on X street and we're looking for more information on him."
Instead it's all "Wahhhhh the big bad meanie hit a woman". They should leave their moral judgements out of it.
I have half a mind to call the number they provided and tell him I thought it looked like legal self-defense. Fuckin' stupid pigs.
Detective Gonzales lol fake. thank you
Do it. I'll post your news article on Jow Forums as well
>a shocking video has emerged of a white nationalist punching a Somalian immigrang. Abdul Fareem had been in the country fof 3 hours before attempting an intercultural exchange with Becky.
>user is accused of assualt with a racially aggrevated motivation and is looking at 20 years behind bars. An onlooker stated "all i saw was a vibrant celebration of diversity and then user came flying in with his white supremacist fists. I also heard him shout MAGA and GAS THE JEWS"
>user said it was worth throwing his life away to protect Becky who later posted an instagram post with her boyfriend Tyrone, thanking user for his sacrifice.
Please do it. We dont have freedom lf speech here, but you guys do
In spite of all the feminist shit, I'd still try to break it up in most cases but lets be real, at 70kg I'm gonna be no more effective than the dumb roasties that keep coming back for more.
It's mostly them responding instinctively. Often times getting hit unexpectedly has the opposite reaction in your brain, not the "oh wow, this is quite the situation I'm in" but the "I got hit, I must react". The adrenaline of the situation and how quick it happens numbs your senses and capacity to judge the danger.
Nobody in the crowd doing shit about it either, tells me that these girls definitely had it coming
We have every kind of goblin you can image, Sasha.
no it's best to get out of the situation as efficiently as possible. Especially if non whites are involved because the fights always explode into group brawls and random bystanders getting sucker punched.
Ever hear of the stand-by effect? People everywhere do this shit, just stand there and pull out their phones. I highly doubt you would lay your life on the line for a married woman who you do not know and is getting punched in the face by a muzzy or by anyone for that matter.
lmao the casual jog with which he flees the scene
Why don't those girls put up their fists? Poor form! No wonder they got KO'd.
He's making his rounds.
california basedboys can't stop him lmao he probably got mad pussy that night
>southeast asian descent
>Defend random leftist from violent paki
>Get arrested for a hatecrime, leftist defends her attacker and lands you in it
Nice try.
Whatever, obviously you can't process nuance and distinctions. Yes, reading through my earlier posts I'd be the guy defending a coal burner or those types.
i would hate to have to exercise my white male physical privilege and attempt to restrain this poor POC
>act as a human
honorary white
If I understand correctly, this is not the full video; the two woman were surrounding and attacking the dude, initiating the physical confrontation. But otherwise yeah, I agree with your assessment.
agreed.. getting into it late night, people are drunk, on concrete. you can be a fucking trained mma fighter but if you misjudge the situation you'll wake up (if you're lucky) in the hospital with brain damage.
Sure, when its time to catch a bullte for them we are good enough. baka
oh man, don't commit a gender crime
>two human beings attacked another one
that's likely what happened but I was mostly referring to general situations. People who get themselves in these situations never make the connections in their minds that at any moment the other person can decide to get violent in a disproportionate way.
>let your women get attacked.
it is literally no surprise that the UK has its current problems if you are representative of the UK pop. Traitor.
You do realize that it's the man's job to put woman back in their place insociety, right? Or perhaps you believe it will happen naturally? What is your plan? Unironically.
Lmao, the comments. Women are on their own.
>check out this one scenario that happens 100% of the time.
>the eastern euros (which I happen to be) judged correctly that they could handle the situation
>nothing happened to them
>"btfo yet again"
No white man defends white women to get upvotes in case you're unaware by now. It's an obligation to other white men.. I expect white men to defend my white wife and they can expect the same. In return white married women don't get us into situations needlessly. Notice it was mostly non white women and race mixers who you posted articles about getting those guys into those situations.
>What is your plan?
Protect my mom, sister and girlfriend.
Any other roastie can hang.
This is the new world now. We Weimar punk mode now.
>white married women don't get us into situations needlessly
boy this is the biggest crock of shit i've read on this site and that's saying a lot
I believe you, Pedro
What is it with slavs and white knighting, you guys fucking love it.
White women wanted the borders open, they got what they wanted. The guy in the twitter vid is brave as hell, two roasties started on him, he took appropriate action to defend himself, the cops put put a bounty on his head.
Where the fuck is your loyalty to men, basedboy
I can literally see how arrogant those two women were just by their movement style. Interesting yet sad.
He is a very good man and has my vote for any office he seeks.
and the entire thing happened in less than 3 seconds. their bodies didn't even land on the ground before he was gone. they watch too much superman thinking everyone is in cape mode while out with the family. First thing is first, secure my family's safety then worry about who's at fault/needs help etc.
simple solution to 99% of the problems in the video
>Get a man, lose the attitude.
Shit... maybe its a female larping. Only the faggiest of men would believe that. Ask any man married to a hot teacher what he thinks.
This whole thing is hilarious.
>Los Angeles
>Middle Eastern or Illegal Alien
>Twitter women calling men cowards
Fucking poetic.
lol ffs everyone with the exceptions. Obviously there are situations but taken in context ie vs. single women or gfs it's significantly lower rates.
>What is it with slavs and white knighting, you guys fucking love it.
southern Romanian so not technically a Slav. results came back 75% Mediterranean and 25% Danish/Germanic (somehow).
>White women wanted the borders open, they got what they wanted.
we voted for a wall.. nope a white man lied
you voted for brexit.. nope a politician lied.
you're the reverse of the feminists, a misogynist. No situation exists in your mind.
My loyalty to (white) men exists in excess. I would defend their (white) wives. Nothing more loyal and honorable than that.
forgot to tag you
Im pretty sure they started it.
Just saying.
The story is he was arguing with a hot dog vendor over the price and the 2 girls got involved and he punched one, then the other tried to stop him and he slugged her too.
Absolute madman
I got jumped at a train station infront of 100 people and nobody did anything.
Guess the chance I'm ever gonna help anyone ever?
I’m in there just calling everyone a sexist racist.
That dude has at least C cups. God damn what the fuck is in the food of California.
Good. The prices on fastfood has gone skyrocketing out of proportion. Its time to rise up against this madness.
fuggin based
I hope our society gets to a point where street brawls with all people and major anarchy. Black women do not pick fights with black men, in fact you rarely will see it. They get other men to do it for them from their gang or clique. White women think they can lay their hands on non-white men and only to feel their culture hit them in the face.
Defending these women likely would have resulted in hate crime charges, so no thanks.