Why have white men been so femininzed?
Here's the traits I notice lately
>Chubby skinny fat arms
>Chubby arm but thin wrist
>Gyno and a skinny fat physique
>Overall higher pitch voice for a male thier age etc
What happened ?
Why have white men been so femininzed?
Here's the traits I notice lately
>Chubby skinny fat arms
>Chubby arm but thin wrist
>Gyno and a skinny fat physique
>Overall higher pitch voice for a male thier age etc
What happened ?
onions happened
Eating to much fatty sugary food and living a non active lifestyle, pretty simple
Because they dont work out. Your genes can give you bitch tits but if you work your muscles it wont matter.
Checked. It's true.
It's office life. Even my friends who work out but are otherwise sedentary still have moobs.
t. sedentary mooblet who needs to work out.
i've seen everyone with puffy nipples
blacks have it the worst, probably
mine aren't puffy, but they aren't like most men's nipples. they're flesh colored and they're always soft. super strange
you're friends with a bitch
Your friends sound sexy.
Marijuana= moobs
Anglo genes. :^(
>Because they dont work out.
Oh wow look OP is a cherrypickin faggot.
My anecdotal evidence is a LAW...
The guy who won the most gold medals in Olympic history was a pot smoker.
Having fun?
Testosterone is converted to estrogens by body fat via aromatase. Fatness, especially during puberty, will result in this feminization of the male body. This is a recent thing, as mega calorie dense foods in abundance have only become a thing in the last few decades.
There do exist aromatase blockers, but the real solution is to simply shed your weight you fat fucks. Extra bonus is you eliminate your T2 diabetes risk to near zero.
Some degree of gynecomastia is very common, especially in adolescence.
It just means you're fat. Play a sport from time to time and you won't have this issue.
>spend childhood eating dessert for breakfast
>sitting in a desk for 40-50 hours a week
>little to no exercise
>plastics everywhere in water, food, and clothing
>countless other poisons
>food is toxic so fat is a defense mechanism
According to who? The most recent DSM iteration, which also states that gay experiences are perfectly normal for male adolescents and shouldnt be stigmatized?
If you have gyno during adolescence, its a warning for you to immediately change your lifestyle. It certainly shouldnt be painted as some kind of norm, or understood as "this is transient, therefore let me do nothing"
soda junk food and S-O-Y
Thankfully I never developed that shit, feels good man.
Yeah and my grandpa lived to be 98 and he smoke and drank heavily, I guess smoking is actually good for you. Almost like most of it is up to your specific genetics and how it relates to your lifestyle. One person with different genetics would wind up entirely different situation in the same lifestyle.
toxic food, defense mechanizim. fatcells store poison
What do you think this means
What do you think this means
Just say sugar and don’t play it up
Shit diet with poor quantities of vital nutrients. No exercise. No sunlight. Stress hormones always in high gear due to modern life.
Niggers suffer from gyno much more. Niceutryuniggeru
I don't believe you. Rub an ice cube on them then post pics for proof
And most importantly, tap water full of crap, including estrogens.
Drinking from PLASTIC BOTTLES! or any kind of plastic container, dont’ trust the BHP free stuff either. Too much corn (almost all gmo’d) and carbs in general. Not enough pure lean protean!!
stop touching your nipples, it will make it worse
My grandpa is in his 80's and fit as a fiddle. He was a Charlton Heston-ish Chad back in the day and was a diver. He still takes care of himself, exercises daily, is still ripped for a geriatric and has never had the inkling of a beer gut a day in his life. It's all about self discipline.
Spend your whole life sucking down BPA plastic, high levels of sugar, while living a sedentary existence and you end up with complete hormonal dysfunction.
>disgusting atrophied hand
God save us
Whilst clearly intended as a throw away side comment, this is actually correct.
Blacks produce more testosterone than whites, and much more than asians. The ratio is B > W >> A. Blacks also tend to be poorer and have fattier diets.
High body fat + high baseline testosterone manufacture -> LOTS of estrogen, for the reasons outlined in my earlier post. For similar testosterone related reasons, blacks have the highest incidence of benign prostatic hypertrophy.
See Why do people get so angry at the idea that genetics are more important than they want to accept? It’s undeniable biologically
I heard it from my doctor when I was 13ish, which was a while ago. I also have read it from a other sources. It's important to note that they refer to mild cases of it, where the nipple and area around it is a bit swollen, not where there's an actual breast taking shape.
>which also states that gay experiences are perfectly normal for male adolescents and shouldn't be stigmatized?
Those aren't uncommon either, and most of the time they're not anything to be concerned about unless the boys try full-on anal without knowing what they're doing.
>Can't into ꜱoyboy
According to (((American doctors))), so you know it's not really normal.
No excercise
Sitting all day
Chemicals in the water
You name it. Anything the modern human does, even breathing the polluted air filled with chems
humans were meant to have short violent lives, not sit at a computer and larp all day.
I used to be that. I lost about 100 pounds in a year because I got a job, changed my diet because I was able to afford better and had not much time for vidya or 4chin
I was 240 pounds now 137
Fast food, frozen meals and sugar in everything is to blame for that fat + inactivity
> thin wrist
The wrists does not have muscles, so you cannot change them.
> Gyno and a skinny fat physique
Shitty food and lack of physical exertion.
Your ass belongs to the BBC.
discipline >>> genetics
>cope so hard
Whatever keeps you from feeling like a bitch, bitch tits.
I have a theory that the result of this is food, well, not the food itself but the act of eating, we should fast as it has been confirmed that fasting increases the expression of androgenic
receptors, not fapping also increases the expression of androgenic receptors in the brain, and that is why I think some men have different sizes of penis
>inb4 muh genetics
but it also means that you'll could bald faster/earlier
French health sites talk about it as well.
>"It's the result of a benign growth of breast tissue in a boy... Between 14 and 14.5 years old, the prevalence is 65%."
So glad im a 220lb killing machine and not a gynoboy drinking onions and kicking trash cans
Diet. My man tits are finally disappearing after going full carnivore, grass-fed, grass-finished. You can see my abs I'm so ripped but I've always had that extra fat there.
no u
I have this. How do I fix it?
Considering surgery in future desu
Is it gay if you fuck a mans titties?
Smoking dope, drinking beer, and an overabundance of onions products. Pot and beer are the two biggest fagtors.
Boobs are pretty normal to show up when you're 15-20kg over what you should be
Also other signs are a fat face that looks like pic related and non chisling because the bones are covered in fat
Most people don't realize they can lose all this crap in 1 month with a water diet and by not eating.
>tfw twink and rail thin but look chubby due to large rib cage and shirts being slightly too large
I would unironically look better fat...
But I don’t want to be fat
Immediate solution is aromatase inhibitor such as: exemestane, anastrozole or testolactone - side effects to consider: bone breakage (as estrogen strengthens bones), acne (complex), hot flushes as in post menopausal women, and occasionally jaw bone necrosis. Permanent solution is fat loss.
>tfw lifted since early teens
>tfw did sports all the time when young
>still have gyno
Started manifesting when I was 12, after years of my doctor prescribing me hard antibiotics during winter
Fucking kike medicine
>Permanent solution is fat loss
I had bitch tits when I was a 20 year old at 5'9 135 lbs. Permanent solution is surgery
Gyno is actual breast growth due to hormone issues. It's increasing due to plastic and pharma exposure.
I tell you swimming is the redpill of the redpills out there
you don't look like a half-gay gym idiot, but you look like a real human bean
i remember that one guy at boarding school who was just as awkward teenager as all of us, but he always went swimming, even competetion-wise and unlike the football playing lanklets and the way too fatty "american football" people he looked so good the girls all flocked to him, to his own surprise
it's the fluoride in the water goy
>Why do most of my white friends have this? Concerned black Man
tons of blacks have gyno dude they're built like women, and their women are built like men
Swimming is a massive redpill. Good point.
They don’t have gynos they are just fat
I don't know, here in the Midwest guys are either fat or jacked.
Just tell him to use tamoxifen, problem solved
Swimming and rowing is where all the real redpilled white kids go for sport.
but in europe they wear speedos and speedos are kindof gay
>Blacks produce more testosterone than whites
I'm so sick of you cuckolds spouting this meme
I would not agree with this suggestion due to the much more systemic effects of this drug. Jow Forums memes aside, its not a clever idea to block all your estrogen receptors.
AI's will cure your gyno with much less of a price. Tamox/ERBs WILL also cure your gyno, but with more serious bone consequences
>Marijuana= moobs
I've always thought there was a correlation. So many chicks in high school were stoners with amazing racks, must be something estrogenic in weed.
Im glad you posted that. The data that ive learned from (as has any other med student who has graduated in the last 15+ years) and been working with states B > W >> A - however the link you posted is well written, and is food for thought
That's not how gyno works. Working out will do nothing to remove actual breast tissue. You would have to have basically 0% body fat before that happened. If you work out your pecs until you're really cut, it won't look as bad because it will stretch it out over the muscle some. Plus, muscle makes you look less pathetic anyway.
Psuedogyno is what you're thinking about. That's when it's just normal fat tissue, and that only happens when you're fat anyway. I had hoped this is what I had, but then I lost 50 pounds. I weighed 160 at 6' 0' and still had bitch tits, meaning I had gyno. The only solution is surgery or getting so ripped that you don't really notice it much.
I got it from fucking up a steroid cycle. Idk about your friends though. I'd guess onions and lack of physical exercise.
Alright simmer down, I've smoked every single day for 10 years, I have pecs and abs.
Weed enables people, who are predisposed to wallowing in their own filth and degenerating, to do so without pangs of conscience. A real gene test, long-term.
Probably the pesticides and shit that’s sprayed on it.
I thought this was a meme but my friends who work office jobs and don't hit the gym couldn't open a bottle of pop when they came over. Fucking sad. Men were meant to be physical most of the day. I work a physically demanding job and it shows. When I walk about in public women can't help themselves but look. It's very easy to stand out when most guys are either fat or harmless looking.
>The data that ive learned from (as has any other med student who has graduated in the last 15+ years) and been working with states B > W >> A
Show me that data. I want to see it.
what's hypospadia?
>Hypospadias (hi-poe-SPAY-dee-us) is a birth defect (congenital condition) in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis instead of at the tip.
It's a condition where the urethral opening is located lower down on the penis than normal.
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