you never suspect the people closest to you
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you mean himself right?
Nice. Have a bump.
what the fuck is this
Great work, OP! Now we spread it around.
calling him black and not a nigger.
>Not giving these attackers a metal
>The joke being that the recipient would be Jussie.
place your bets on how fast this whole thing gets memory-holed
I went to that link and my anti-virus popped up with a phishing threat.
48 hours.
all he had to do was make a nice believable simple lie but he couldn’t help himself. liar who lies for a living lies, news at 11
Nobody believes this. Apparently when he reported it to the police, he left out a bunch of details that the media has focused on.
Any bets on him claiming it was catholic boys tomorrow?
The letter was sent by the guy with "I hate black people" tattoo who kidnapped that black kid.
11:10 AM PT -- "Empire" creator Lee Daniels just expressed his outrage and horror over the attack.
11:18 AM PT -- We're told cops recently visited a Target Department Store close to where the incident happened and obtained surveillance footage. Our source says the video shows one person -- presumably Jussie -- walking down the street. Officers also visited a nearby apartment building to ask for video.
11:20 AM PT -- Law enforcement sources tell us the FBI was already investigating the letter sent to Jussie last week containing racist and homophobic slurs.
11:10 AM PT -- Fox just issued this statement ... "We are deeply saddened and outraged to learn that a member of our EMPIRE family, Jussie Smollett, was viciously attacked last night. We send our love to Jussie, who is resilient and strong, and we will work with law enforcement to bring these perpetrators to justice. The entire studio, network and production stands united in the face of any despicable act of violence and hate -- and especially against one of our own."
10:30 AM PT -- "Empire" staff held an emergency meeting Tuesday morning in Chicago to tell everyone what happened to Jussie. We're told the cast and crew were extremely upset. Several actors were already in their trailers getting ready to shoot when they got the news.
We're told there was a discussion about getting extra security on set while shooting. They have a handful of episodes left to shoot for the current season.
Sounds like their ratings needed a boost...
Enter the black fag....
>Any bets on him claiming it was catholic boys tomorrow?
I hope they checked him for any signs of severe third degree long term smirking damage
good point.
is the show down in the ratings?
>is the show down in the ratings?
it's about to be. spread this to twitter & leddit and let the salty tears flow
I don't know, I've never heard of it before today.
Not that I watch a lot of TV but it can't be that popular if no one ever heard of it until this made up BS..
who would actually use 'black' in the middle of fucking chicago if they are targeting them... you have balls to pull this off but not say nigger eh
x to doubt
a tmz comment
roger that
first season did okay, but it's been down in ratings consistently since then. there is talk of cancellation
kek @ that pic
Yes, it has been significantly down in ratings on the verge of being canceled.
A story about one of its actors being beaten up in a drug deal gone poorly would hurry that process up, a story about one of its actors being beaten up by evil MAGA whites will surely help the ratings.
This wasnt supposed to come out for another few weeks when it could be burried more easily
>A story about one of its actors being beaten up in a drug deal gone poorly would hurry that process up
2am grindr meetup or drug deal or both, gone wrong. too embarrassed to admit it so he makes up the most ridiculous story.
>a story about one of its actors being beaten up by evil MAGA whites will surely help the ratings.
it's probably an upcoming storyline from the show, he panicked and recited it when he realized he was about to get caught trying to go suck cock for crack behind a Subway
i doubt it was anything other than him planning this hoax himself from the beginning. he sent himself that fake-ass threatening letter, then shows the letter to police. really who the fuck is going to send some nobody actor a threatening letter like that? and then presumably the person who sent it stalked with AN ACCOMPLICE, as though some deranged psycho writing threatening letters to d-list actors is going to have a friend willing to go out with him to do violent hate crimes. what im sure happened is this nig wrote the letter himself, showed it to the police, then poured bleach on himself and then went to the hospital and alerted the media. why? because he's an aging d-list actor and knows that being a victim of a hate crime is the best way to build your name and get famous. i can't wait for it to blow up in his face though when the cops break down the bullshit and he finally confesses he made it all up.
I bet those KKK trump supporters didn't even leave ligature marks on him with their safety-noose
thank you for showing me weaponized autism in real time. this guy is pretty pathetic if he wrote that himself.
>thank you for showing me weaponized autism in real time
with all these false flags they're just training us to debunk their lies even faster. every lie makes our autism stronger.
previous thread to get into context.
"Daily Yeast says that the race is unknown and no one yelled MAGA
It’s fake news. " -user how do we figure out the REAL story?
Zute Suit Riots; WW2
He's a HUGE Trump Hater, BLM supporter from an "activist" family
>I think that [Trump] is truly one the worst people that has ever walked the face of this planet
>he is the mogul of hate
>you in turn are getting a fascist dictator to come into the USA, and you’re gonna tell me that this doesn’t feel like the beginning of the Third Reich?
>And for everybody that is supporting Trump: Fuck are you thinkin’ about? Why the fuck?”
>(Trump protesters) are brave women and men...are soldiers against hate
Smollett also encouraged the protestors — and everyone — to continue mobilizing against Trump.
>we are so complacent and so apathetic that we would sit and let it happen and not shut it down?” he asked. “Shut it down. Shut it the fuck down, period
>We cannot stand for this
Holy FUCK this level of autism is amazing. And it's actually something worthy of discussion. Fucking hell.
>>I can’t talk about him without getting heated and I get so emotional about it. I’m so emotional about it because I feel it so deeply. And I’m also ashamed. I’m embarrassed for our nation, that we allowed someone like this to get so far.
Black Lives Matter movement, for which Smollett advocates and views as vital right now
The roots of Smollett’s fierce advocacy can be traced to growing up in a family whose life-blood is activism, and he credits his mother with instilling him with a powerful sense of social justice.
>She is a fighter, an activist, always has been,” he said. “I’ve never known a time when my mother didn’t speak up for the injustices of the world. One of her first mentors was the late great Julian Bond. She marched with the Black Panthers and Gloria Steinem, and Angela Davis is one of her dear friends.
(4 in a row?)
>beats nigs up for wearing oversized fancy suits
>wears one while beating him up
Today op was not a faggot.
I think the most interesting part of these hoaxes is how child-like they this guy scribbled a stickman drawing like he's reverted to being a 2 year old in his head shouting PEE PEE POO POO
it's the weirdest thing. it's like they go into some kind of psychotic state for minutes or hours at a time and literally can't function beyond the thought process of a 2 year old. I know TDS is a meme but they really do get triggered into this crazy state...same with that comicsgate pro comics artist who posted his literal butthole on twitter. could you imagine anyone on the right doing this kind of thing?
well with police not saying even gender and race, tmz seems like they are lying to me. and with that huffpost older article where he is "mobilizing against trump" i would say he planned this a long time. and he even failed to do it right. wearing ski masks is now reason to think its maga supporter? lol
>drug deal gone wrong
I'm not a degenerate who knows drug lingo but this sounds like it's referencing drugs...posted at 6:43 AM from chicago sunday morning:
..wait the timeline is weird:
>According to a statement released by the Chicago Police Department, Smollett was beaten by two men who approached him by yelling out “racial and homophobic slurs” at approximately 2 a.m. Tuesday morning
>He had posted on Instagram late Monday night saying he had arrived in the city “after spending 7 hours on a plane for a 2 hour flight.” According to TMZ, Smollett had gone out for food after landing when the assault occurred.
how did he tweet from chicago sunday morning the 27th if he landed monday around 2am when he went for food and got beaten up?
a lot of FAKE NEWS in the comments at tmz, people are not eating it at least in there.
bump for justice
>12:43 PM PT -- Sources connected to production tell us Jussie and the rest of the main "Empire" cast members will have armed security going forward while they continue shooting in Chicago.
Guns for me but not for thee.
>That leaves one possibility. If there truly was bleach involved. It could be drug addicts. But even that makes no sense. The only sketchy white people you see downtown are heroin addicts - most of whom are from out of town or state. However, they tend to panhandle during the day in the Loop, get their money, and take the El to the west side in the evening to get their drugs. I’ve never seen any carrying their gallon jugs of Clorox around either.
even leddit is starting to doubt the story and they're the dumbest fucks on the internet. does anyone know what bleach is used for in drug related scenarios? assuming this guy was meeting up with some grindr faggots for drugs & dicking
Police are now confirming that he's lying and changed story about the so called attacker being white
>Calling it right now. Jussie got mugged or tried to buy drugs and got ripped off and beaten.
>Thought to himself "this is a great opportunity to stage a hate crime and drum up some media attention."
>Reddit liberals gleefully slurp up the lies like the cuckolded retards they are.
>Story revealed as a hoax within 2 weeks, leftists memory-hole it and move on to the next fake outrage.
>It’s just really sad that you read a story about a gay black man being horribly beaten. Politics aside, why does this need to be a conspiracy? Why can’t we all as humans just acknowledge that a horrible thing happened to a person that was intentionally caused by other people? Why is it that because a gay black man gets brutally beaten your first instinct is to make fun of “reddit liberal cuckolded retards?” And talk about how it probably didn’t happen?
>It’s disgusting behavior. You’re better than this. I don’t know you but I know you were raised better than to act like this.
This is more believable than Jussie's injustice
violent subhuman magatards strike again
Heimlich Hotpants!
_I I_
It's not, but can be very quickly. Very very quickly.
Nope. This has been planned for weeks. The letter is not just coincidence.
Can't believe Subway had the fucking balls to buy product placement in a fake hoax story. Next level shit.
Possible motive to make this up?
Hurl Hatstand!
_ _
I_ I __I
Bleach is used to sterilize neddles.
Interadesting. maybe they were doing this in a subway bathroom and they mug him and spill the bleach and he has to go to the hospital but also has to explain the bleach and cant say he’s a junkie
i'm confused about how this will be good for ratings. people will watch the show just because one of the actors got beat up?
Yes. Sadly. Same way SJWs ran to watch lady-Ghostbusters just because they were “targets of a hate campaign”
TDS goes back to 2011
It'll remind people it is still on TV.
Poor ratings could mean a poor state of mind.
Drugs, alcohol, depression, and etc.
What does he mean by this?
Yo, big ronnie here. You muthafuckas always talking shit about me online. I just shit in a finger bowl and dipped my fingers in it before i typed this post. Bet you feel really stupid now, huh?
these people live in some alternate reality. literally nothing has really changed from a few years ago except some people got jobs because the economy is doing okay. but they’ve convinced eachother they’re literally living in a mad max wasteland with a flaming hitler demon trying to exterminate them all between hosting McDonald’s banquets in the oval office
no you didn't find it, your autism did
wtf did lil donnie bum bum even do to him back in 2011
>how did he tweet from chicago sunday morning the 27th if he landed monday around 2am when he went for food and got beaten up?
you are just trying to make him look bad, stop with the awkward questions
There are literally cameras all over Chicago.
Asked for obamas birth certificate. Ever since the blacks have hated him. Actors and musicians got pissed off as always. The news gave it a ton of coverage.
Still no birth certificate too.
No one hates faggots more than niggers - and nigger faggots - ? Ten bucks the nigger faggot actor got mugged by drug dealing niggers he was trying to score from and then made up the whole "maga supremecist" bullshit as a cover; as pussy, nigger faggots will.
Idiots get on Twatter type something to the effect of:
>I'm such a good person, I'm gonna support Smollett by watch the terrible program he is in.
Other idiots spread it and actually believe that watching the shit makes them good people...
You're new to the world of virtue signalling , aren't you?
Shalom my nig!
Depreciated mental state because the show he is in is tanking!
Trump is a retard and his fans are morons but even so this sounds pretty fake.
Can these retards at least try to be subtle with their falseflags?
gotta get that social media buzz going any way possible, for a show about to get canceled any news is good news