Abortion is NORMAL

Abortion is NORMAL.

Why can't my fellow whites see this?

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As long as its jewesses getting abortions Im cool with it.

Do these freaks WANT more people to start screwing their optics and going in? Because it seems like they do

Purely satirical post in self defense

Murder is normal. It doesn't mean we don't look down on murderers.

Yes, my fellow white people.
As a white person, we should all have abortions, free abortions for all.....yippeeeeee!!

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The degeneracy in this world is becoming a parody of itself.

>jew gaslighting women to kill children

ban all non white males from the internet

i wonder what they will say once they lose their rigths LMFAO


Just wait till the third supreme pick comes soon.

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All jewish babies should be aborted

I believe in pro choice. Abortion is morally wrong but women have been poisioning themselves and jumping off heights to get rid of unwanted pregnancies since the beginning of time. I view it like drugs. People are going to get their drugs/abortions. Its a matter of if we want them to be save and regulated or unsafe and unregulated.
Instead of 1 death a botched abprtion can result in 2. Its a net loss for the Nation.
However this inclination to celebrate child murder is fucked up. And New York's up to birth abortion law is the Devil's own work.
It should have a hush culture around it because you are literally killing a human.

If you have protected sex and keep track of your ovulation, it's impossible to get pregnant. People are just degenerates and need cum on their faces, in their stomachs, and in their ovaries like a porn star.

Women could easily get their tubes tied. In fact all these women who say they don't want children should just sterilize themselves. If you don't want a child, STERILIZE.

I agree with you. But that wont stop dumb whores from getting pregnant and it won't stop those same whores from getting abortions

>>Instead of 1 death a botched abprtion can result in 2. Its a net loss for the Nation.
>woman willing to kill her baby
>kills herself to
>"net loss"

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this. so easily said and done, too.

Spotted the virgin incel cuck who has no idea how a vagina works

Its a net loss in GDP fuckface. I dont care about their death but its bad for our nation if taxpayers die needlessly

>legitimate surgery
>that's not how vaginas work
Women aren't 100% fertile all the fucking time, what do you think menstruation and all that blood is? Dipshit

>Muh GDP
You think the dumb roast who gets an abortion is a positive asset to the economy and not in massive debt + working a low-grade job?

>niggers are going to rob and murder me anyway so let’s just make it legal for them


I wish skyrim had a force abortion shout that shit would be hilarious nigga

Every abortion out side of rape/birth defect/threat to the mother etc. should automatically include sterilization.

>press shout button
>character turns around and bends over
>dead baby comes flying out

Actually a good idea

i was thinking more like the shout hit's them and staggers them, then the force blasts the dead baby out of the cunterus in like a downward trajectory with a satisfying bounce or chance for a splatter


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Rape is normal too. I've seen animals do it.

Normalization of mandatory abortions for Jewish rats when?

>one less jew


This is truly MIGA. Jews need to abort all of their children to support Israel.

Replace all jews with refugees. Diversity is Israel's strength!

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case in point: liberals believe people live to serve the state.

The problem is that civilization has to control women sexuality or it will collapse eventually.
Just like men who not able to control their aggression ended up in gallows, women who were not able to control their sexual urges ended up ostracized from society. Tragedy for individuals but this was what eventually made the civilization great.

> -witz

I agree. The more blacks, jews and chinks abort, the better the planet Will be.

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What you big brained centrist don't realize is that you can't legalize abortion and then expect to have a hush culture around. You also can't have hard lines like abortion up to 3 months. You said it yourself that it's an immoral act. So by that logic the people that allow it and partake in it are evil. What is to stop these people with no sense of morality from pushing further and further into depravity? Absolutely nothing, that's why we WENT from a hush culture and "reasonable" limits when it was first legalized to #ShoutYourAbortion and killing babies in the 8th month and having a full delivery of a corpse in a mere 40 years.

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Any time a kike gets an abortion, it’s okay with me.

>believing a jewess ever

>Abortion is NORMAL
>this is why I have to shout it out on my social media for social approval to have a mob of other people who agree with me chant it back at me so I can not feel insecure about this "normal" thing
Women are such pathetic little creatures. I'll let this pass though, jewesses aborting is a thing we should encourage more.

"Abortion is normal" - person who wasn't aborted

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tweet picture of aborted baby parts. ask her if she got to keep the baby parts

It kinda is
Cavewomen used to just eat some herbs and then they shit out the baby
>An 8th-century Sanskrit text instructs women wishing to induce an abortion to sit over a pot of steam or stewed onions.[9]

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i feel like i read that nogs have more abortions than regular humans.
so, if that's true i'm in favor of legal abortions

>aborting cool wine aunt prevented her from having 8 abortions

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it's extremely difficult for healthy people of child bearing (or making) age to get a doctor to perform a sterilization. i'm living proof. two of my docs wouldn't give me a referral to get it done because i might change my mind, and i wasn't even that healthy, we'd been trying for a baby for a few years at that point.


Serious question. Are we in hell lads?

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Geezuz. Imagine how society ever managed BEFORE Roe v Wade .
Abortion is NOT another means of contraception . Back in the day everyone took responsibility for their actions.
NOW , its never their own fault . Unless your a victim of an attack or retarded( literally) or under 15 years old there is NO excuse for not having some form of protection.
I 100% blame the educational system. All teachers are useless propagandists.

She probably never got an abortion and is hoping to normalize it.

I say let leftists kill their kids. The fuck do I care?

Sexism is normal too. Thanks for justifying my sexism.

Murder is normal too

I've had two abortions AMA faggots

I don't have a issue with peoples freedom to do bad and immoral things to a degree but I do have a massive issue with how people like this act like it should be shameless. When no you should harbor some shame you fucked up and took the easy way out by denying the mistake you made its future.

Why not be quiet and ashamed about something so awful?

If aronowitz is killing her child it's normal, if we do it it's horrendous.

more details? doesn't count if you were the rapist...

agreed, abortions but only for the jews.

>cavewimmyn did it s-

Literally shut up.

>Instead of 1 death a botched abprtion can result in 2.
And this is bad...how?

hell is forever

BASED kike killer!

No, sweetie, abortion is one of the most disgusting and depraved things you can do as a human being and you should feel ashamed.

It's funny because a lot of feminists started cannibalizing each other after that #shoutyourabortion shitshow.

Some sociopathic pighags were trying to say how easy and guilt-free it was and how they'd do it 100 times over, then other feminists got mad because it might mean other women wouldn't be able to use their abortions for victimhood points & sob story fodder.

Normal for the people of the synagogue of Satan.

People sometimes get hurt while committing burglary. Should we legalise that too so as to prevent those upstanding citizens from being harmed while they do it?

At one point I had to make sure if too much time on Jow Forums had fucked my world view and these (((coincidences))) just get posted here regularly out of millions.
two months away outside the Jow Forums influence and it was always the jews upfront posting this degeneracy.

This this this.

Why are people still falling for such dirty tricks.

The Jewish revolutionary spirit

>single mothers are a net tax gain
Kill yourself you fucking moron

I don’t understand why anyone is against abortion. It’s mostly poor blacks obtaining them- w/o abortion the black population would probably be double, crime would be even worse, drugs even worse, higher taxes to pay for all of their social services.

The percentage of white women getting abortions is pretty minimal... and even then a lot of those girls are just trashy whores about to give birth to a nigger baby

Murdering babies is normal

>Instead of 1 death a botched abortion can result in 2. Its a net loss for the Nation.

I tend to disagree

mate she didn't get an abortion she's just doing this to encourage white women to do it

doesn't matter to me. Earth is overpopulated anyway. A woman has a right to control what happens to her body. Especially concerning parasitical lifeforms that cannot survive without the host. The second we make demands on someone's body, is the second we welcome fascists back into our society. My body, my choice. Don't like it? Get used to it.

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>pic related
Ya its normal, if you consider Genocide the scale of Stalin normal.
Total Abortion Numbers:

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Oh look the AI script is working

damn daniel

>imagine unironically wanting to have million more of niggers running around

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>Implying she is not telling lies and not making up shit to make whites abort more
I see you're still a rookie when it comes to jew tactics. May I advise you to LURK MOAR FGT

can't live on its own. And its not even born yet. 0 days old. It's termination is the best thing for whatever mother decided to abort it, in almost all cases. It is way better than a life time of debt, and crushed dreams, and raising a child in a harmful environment. You're "shock images" don't phase anybody. You might as well show people images of cold cuts.

>tweeting about your abortion
What, no selfie during the procedure?
Jesus Christ, these fucking people.

Here is that very child living. The one you just said cant.
24 week birth:

>pic related this is legal in USA now

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This is why libertarianism is a cultural failure

>its morally wrong but it should be legal.
>women should be allowed to kill babies to enable slutism

yeah go ahead. Enjoy your mental illness. Go freak out about this some more on how you want to be a fascist and have a right to revoke bodily autonomy based on YOUR feelings. You're not fooling anybody. Abortion is THE safest medical precedture in the entire western world, it is a constitutional right, every world health organization recommends access to on demand abortion, and there have been ZERO cases of ANY mental trauma due to an abortion.

What can you take away from all this? That while you are clutching your prayer beads and rolling around on the ground panicking, I'm going out and living a life, happy, healthy, and safe, while fulfilling my life goals and dreams, without the burden and penalty of a baby. Nobody believes you. And nobody ever will.

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>go freak out some more
I copy pasted from a notepad file.

99% of abortions are obtained prior to 20 weeks.

The remaining 1% are performed to save the life of the mother, or to remove the fetus if their is a condition that will result in death anyway.

Don’t pretend you even care about saving lives when it’s really you just wanting women to die

>What can you take away from all this? That while you are clutching your prayer beads and rolling around on the ground panicking, I'm going out and living a life, happy, healthy, and safe, while fulfilling my life goals and dreams, without the burden and penalty of a baby. Nobody believes you. And nobody ever will.

This is good shit.

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Based Dominican


Kys mutt

Reality Check Its about money:

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every human being has rights at the moment of conception if the zygote is geneticly human and i'm not convinced yet that jews are humans. they are not making a good case for themselves.

woman feels guilty because she understands deep down on an fundamental level she just committed a spiritually damaging act
she tries to blame her own self-guilt on others "shaming" her and then announces that shame-culture is the problem.

Woman, you just ended your own future. That wasn't just a collection of cells you threw away. The future you just ended by your own volition will haunt you until your death.

>All things are simply cost-weighted transactions of value.
literal jew-think
It's not a question of cost.
It's not even a question of law, or possibly even morality. And as with all things, simply prohibiting something doesn't mean the "choice" to do it goes away.
But most importantly it needs to stop being talked about as equation of cost. Every time a woman simply sees having a baby as a cost-value transaction, the underlying spiritual nature of being human is dealt damage.
That is the real issue here.

I don't believe that she had an abortion but kikes are known liars and deceivers. This is likely an attempt by her to convince (((fellow whites))) to have abortions.

they are redefining "threat to mother" so careful with that one.

they gonna class Mental health as a threat to mother, so she can claim fear/stress/anxiety/depression and abort/murder the baby

Good job killing a jew nose lady.

could anyone give me a reason why abortion should be limited to young fetal only?
i don’t see any objective justification not to abort a 25 year old marxist