Éire/pol/ - Captain Euro Issue #1 Edition

Join National Party: nationalparty.ie/join/
Join Irexit Freedom: irexitfreedom.ie/join
Join Aontu, no wait hahahahahahaha

Learn Irish ¦ Foghlaim Gaeilge:

Youtube channels of note ¦ Cainéil Youtube Chéimiúla:

Twitter Accounts to Follow/Shill ¦ Cuntais Twitter le leanúint:


>The Liberal.

>The Burkean.


Youtube Channels:
>Gemma O' Doherty

>Grand Torino


>Computing Forever.

>Parse The Noise.

Éire Jow Forums board:
>/eirepol/ on Infinity Chan.

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Other urls found in this thread:






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Lads the absolute state of Aontú, the name of Peadar Toibin's party. If you still had doubts about them they're just SF with a slightly different shade of green and a free vote on Abortion. One of their new councillors wanted the 8th to be repealed.

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I was lurking the last thread and I just wanna say you fuckers here and at britpol are really weird

Fed up with the weather already lads and it hasn't even got that bad yet.

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RTE is nothing more than propaganda horseshit. How do they get away with it?

While looking for the OP there was some templates for Captain Euro Varadkar that could be used for more OC, that thread sadly died, they can be found here.
The last thread was just a brit/pol/ invasion.

If they ever get mentioned shill the NP

our tax?

Because most Irish people are low IQ inbred trash.

I was unfortunately listening to the radio on the way home today, and I’m curious, why do rte faggots who hate this island, and want it filled with shitskins still call themselves nationalist? It’s starting to piss me off, every fucking day those fags talk shit.

The Irish are turbo cucked. They slip under the radar when compared to Sweden, Germany, the UK; but that's purely because they were starting at a disadvantage due to their until recently staunch Catholicism. But make no mistake, no nation on Earth is racing faster toward whatever Hell is at the end of this multikulti progressive road than Ireland. Every 6 months is a radical new move toward cuckdom: Gay pajeet PM, faggot marriage, abortion. And none of these slipped into law by (((byzantine))) bureaucratic means, but winning landslide plebiscites.

They're even worse off than other nations, who might find salvation through the rediscovery of nationalism. In Ireland, nationalism never went away, but in fact has already been totally subverted. The more "nationalist" the person/party, the harder they embrace socialism and inviting refugees. Their gibs package is just as welcoming as any of the aforementioned countries and their women perhaps moreso. That Ireland has not yet been swamped with aspiring surgeons and engineers is due solely to how fucking repulsive even gibs seeking niggers can see the place and people are.

They exist as a parasite nation, feeding on the asshole of global corporate capitalism. Contributing nothing. Creating nothing. Simply offering to be the western Cypress. A tax haven for billionaires to park their money. Maybe swing around to fuck some of your daughters, pick up their money and leave. You subsist off the crumbs they drop and beg them to return soon.

One Thousand Years worth of men who fought and died to secure an Ireland for The Irish are rolling in the worst kind of hell: one where you are punished not with failure, but success.

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we aren't that bad, the brits are awful animals though

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Irish nationalism was ALWAYS about diversifying this country with African and middle eastern people, goy!

oh man that last thread was a classic

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They felt left out at the 2016 commemorations so they redefined Nationalism to exclude the IRA, getting your hands dirty, and basically anything a pro-abortion, bi-sexual D4 inbred found unsanitary.

Seems that way, I don’t know why the republic decided to completely ignore most of the leaders of the rising, and go against pretty much everything they fought for, it’s all so tiresome.

because people would rather give their 140 quid to bryan trubridy than buy a new pair of winter shoes for their child

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How did you fuckers let the Brits completely take over one of our threads?

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Can someone help me restore my faith in this country. I have yet to meet a single like minded individual (late teens)

They took over the thread in the same way they took the island, more manpower.

the bread was goin 90
not a single bump

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It's because Brit/political was shut down so they migrated


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Try get in touch with a local NP Cumann or something similar if there's one in your area.

We are spread out lad, and everybody on here is incredibly paranoid so theirs pretty much no chance of a meet up, and we have got some good experience watching other people get doxxed, and have their life’s ruined, I have yet to meet a single like minded person ether so don’t feel as though you’re alone, even though you are.

I just realised Anne Doyle and Eileen Dunne are 2 different people.

Join NP
Go to Irexit protests

thank god they have gone away

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I won't be surprised if this law comes over here.

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our lads have infiltrated ff and fg

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Divorce Referendum to remove reference to a specific seperaton period will be held in May on the same day as the Local and EU elections.
FG are gutting the constitution even more to make it harmonised for globohomo rule. I can see this as a sneaky way to neutralise some of the protest vote that normally shows up to these by maybe getting the people who only came out for abortion and gay marriage who will vote for the same pack of gobshites. It could also be used to distract from the elections too, don't know how well it will distract from that.

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shoulder to shoulder lads

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It'll end up like Saudi Arabia where you have to text them first

I can’t imagine them changing anything, the party is far to large, and you need a sucidal hatred of this land to become a higher up member, and I just don’t think anyone on here could even pretend to do that, joining NP is probably for the best, and building up a solid base is the priority.

Who cares? Even Barrett got a divorce

>and you need a sucidal hatred of this land to become a higher up member,
That or your willing to climb up the arse of anyone and cover yourself in shite to get to the top.
Also unlike say England or Burgerland there isn't FPTP which leads to a 2 party system, you can realistically join another party without risking splitting the vote.

Worst case scenario we push for Independent Mayo and immigration policies that would make Israel blush

2 years is too short

It's not an issue I even care about much but it's another referendum on a relative non issue like blasphemy that FG use to push "progressiveness" while ignoring referenda that would make a difference or would actually cause a proper debate, such as public ownership of natural resources. And it's another case of FG just removing a piece of the constitution rather than amend it, that'll be the third time in a row now.

Why are you fags writing in english and not irish?

I don’t like the idea of lowering oneself to get some political power, personally I prefer a party specifically made in the best interests of Ireland, and her people, FG, and FF don’t give a shit about this place, and infiltrating is a kike tactic, this is why putting ones entire effort to the one party might be better.

Any tips on how to redpill friends?

Wanna touch it up a little?

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Captain Euro putting up a border along the 6.

Best case scenario, yanks smuggle in some firepower, and we turn the Dail into utoya 2.0

Not a single good looking woman anywhere in that pic, why did the Vikings have to take all the good ones lads.

i'll fuckin fight you anytime any place
livestream it here


Maiḋm for h-Uiḃ n-Dunċaḋa, & for h-Uiḃ Foilġe, & for Cloinn Cellaiġ, ag Fioḋ Ċuilinn .i. for Doṁnall, mac Lorcáin, & for Doṁnall mac Maoil Morḋa, ria n-Uiḃ Faoláin .i. ria Murċaḋ, mac Finn, in ro marḃaḋ Cernaċ, mac Lorcáin, flaith Cloinne Ceallaiġ, & Naoiḋenán ua Doṁnaill, & soċaiḋe oile do shaor-ċlannaiḃ cenmothat-siḋe.

Old Irish?

>tattoo of a harp on my forehead
good optics or bad optics lads?

Neil O Mahoney is such a dumb boomer

Do it faggot

I wonder if they treated them well

starting a publication biz and just wanted to see what it looks like on here for lulz

what about this?

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Mustn’t have otherwise they wouldn’t be fucking up scandinavia so badly.

Sure they had some fruity fucking thing on RTÉ for the centenary and Cú Chulainn was played by a nig nog.


Who is the 30 year old boomer of Irish politics?
>Renua didn't even pick him for the EU elections in his constituency.

I was only joking but if you’re retarded enough to get a tattoo on your forehead go for it

>comments are disabled for this video
like clockwork

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Yeah it's not a life or death situation so I think we should concentrate on the elections

ah I was only joking myself lad

Renua and Irexit should just disband all their going to do is get in the way of the National Party

>Anyone watching Yahnited?

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Everyone involved with theatre and the arts is an ethnomasocistic 'progressive' freak.

Dia a phionósú in Éirinn.

I agree for I don't think people would be all to Keen for an irexit at the moment. If the Np gets some traction in the coming months/years there might be a hope of becoming a majority. Unfortunately I think that the polls would end up as 80% against irexit if it would to take place now

Eire/pol/ officially endorses Nazbol Connolly

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It's probably more like 65% against
But the NP are aiming for a nation strong enough to be able to leave.

"We" should gather Jow Forumsapproved quotes of all Leaders of 16 for reference.
Connolly was very against importing workers anyway.

captcha not working for a while i miss here

indentity ireland are messing around in italy again

So is grand torino

you can also join if you aren't prolife and support murdering babies

that party is a joke

basically sinn fein lite

atleast he uploads shit

>"We" should gather Jow Forumsapproved quotes of all Leaders of 16 for reference.
Ireland Diverse Shall Never Be At Peace

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Stop trying to convince everyone Connelly was based
Fucker was a feminist for crying out loud
We're allowed to have one dud amongst our "founding fathers"

Honestly, anyone who puts the bol over the naz is a fake Irishman. As long as the character of the nation is preserved, the economic system is irrelevant.
People need to stop counter signalling others.
I would rather live in a nation with a smaller gdp, where we all still have fat backed panasonic tellies, that is homogeneous, than one where different groups are courted by the varying parties in the government, and everyone has three flatscreens.

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Spaghetti :DDD

>Peadar Toibin

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is this peter


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'Ireland is in the throes of a new invasion..It is a new plantation, this time with the blessing and connivance of the Parliamentary leaders of the Irish race'.
- James Connolly

I like to own shit

Lads I'm from Galway just popped over to Verona with my gf
Who the fuck is Peter?

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im co galway too

Peter "beaten up by antifa on the Luas" McLoughlin.

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No but if I see him on public transport in Italy I'll whisper "followed ya facist" just to spook him

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That's a nice fleg, got a high res version?

nah but it's been posted here before, maybe one of the regulars does

ah this copypasta again?
show your flag

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Anybody listen to the Pat Kenny clip on Orlared?

such the cuck

Any video in particular? The one I can think of off the top of my head is the one where he goes one day we'll all be a single shade of brown or something like that. Fucking bastard tells us immigration is great while he lives in an effective ethnic Irish/west brit enclave of Dalkey.


He just brings his neighbours to court the cunt
there's one just upabout "why women join the right wing"

says 40% of right wing voters are women.
still can't understand why women voted for trump though

Irexit shill reporting in. Website doesnt look like complete shite anymore.


It takes a while to load, but that's possibly because it's still being set up, it's an improvement though.