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Bravo /tv/

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I'm pretty racist but that's fucked up desu


>iit, op attempts to fit not one, but TWO dicks into his anus

Holy shit. For a group that whines about MUH WHITE GENOCIDE as much as the alt-right, they legit do everything they can to make sure the rest of the human race wants to exterminate them.

>poured bleach on him
this guy is ruined

Is the race war finally starting lads?

yeah, south side of chicago is real redneck maga country.

>in Chicago

I condemn this horrific act. Those men should be ashamed of themselves for putting that gay nigger in a noose and not finishing the job!

No, because there's a 95% change this story is bullshit.

>seems legit

If you're white you'd be statistically fucked. After the beaners helped you exterminate the blacks, they'll realise that you were never really allies and go for you next.

It’s most likely fake.

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What is up with the quotation marks in that headline?

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so there's just white dudes hanging around chicago with bleach and ready made nooses looking specifically for gay black people to mock lynch?

shut the fuck up you pathetic niggerloving leftist faggot

>this is MAGA country!
Yeah, this is bullshit.

You better watch it buddy. You keep up that talk and somebody might put a rope around your neck and not hang you.

Why do they call it a Trump-related hate crime? She didn’t accuse trump of being there right? You don’t call terrorist attacks Muhammad-related hate crimes

Anything against the narrative of WHITE MEN being the best is a LIE.

The JEWS must have FAKED this to make TRUMP look bad. MAGA! MAGA!

Quotes are used to indicate titles.

Is this going to turn out like that shooting where the mother lied about her daughter being shot by a white man. Which then caused talcum x to put a bounty out on the dude and it turned out he was just a white guy who drove off sharpish because some nogs where shooting the place up?

By the way, i was being sarcastic.

>two masked men

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>alt-right racists
>watching Empire
If that's true I want to kill them too now.

I genuinely hope this story is true, it's time faggots learned to be afraid again. Sadly it's not as no one unironically says MAGA out loud.

You don't say.

TRUMP 2020

What the fuck are you talking about, most beaners have European heritage

I'm sure that happened.

You are a fucking retard.


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>oh it was homies yeah thats cool popped a nigga myself last week

This is as real as all the women in hijabs being attacked by "white men in trucks" after the election. This makes the Duke Lacrosse and University of Virginia rape stories look believable. Thank god there are cameras everywhere now

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this is fake guys, white can't do this

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Shit's fake as fuck

He's gay, meaning he's no threat to white men and "their" white women

Now if he had a white wife, that would make sense.........

Lets' get our bleach bottles and nooses and wander Chicago looking for a prominent Gay and Black man and then we'll hate crime him! Sounds plausible. This is TRUMP COUNTRY, BOY


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anybody in chicago want to walk around town carrying a bottle of bleach and a rope to see what happens?


Who cares

This was most likely a false-flag like literally ever other "hate crime". The alt-right only ever "attacks" people in self-defense.

They probably have a special case for their nooses so you can't see them, that's what me and my fellow Trump voters do. We hide the bleach in normal drink containers like a Sprite bottle just in case we see a black person

>south side
>walking out of a gay bar
Yeeeah, if this story isn't made up entirely then it's more likely he was targeted by homophobic blacks and then made up the MAGAshit for whatever reason, politics, more attention, etc.
Or it was black dudes falseflagging, but I highly, highly doubt it was white dudes.
I'd believe it if it was in bumfuck nowhere, but not there.

he was targeted specifically, he was getting threats to him sent to the FOX studio where they film Empire

The things are always fake. Real racists are much more basic than this. You can spot the fake stories by how overly elaborate and stereotypical they are. A real racist would just yell racial slurs and punch him. They wouldn't plan out having a noose, bleach, and masks.

They work for the orange man, the dotard.

yes, because redneck racists that recognize obscure black actors from a black tv show are all over Chicago

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God Bless (YOU), MAGA!

Isn’t Chicago in the sub-zero temperature range right now? I can’t see why anyone would be walking at night in that.

Fake and gay, white people would never do anything that mean

It was blacks.

Please stop. None of this happened and anyone with an IQ above 80 knows this. It will be reported as a fact for a day or two and then go away when people ask for the exact location and what cameras are in the area

Black trump supporters exist.

lmao yeah why would racist white people exist in Chicago of all people? Who could believe that...

>anyone thinking Chicongo is Trump country
But I am obligated to believe this because it supports my political beliefs.

this didn't happen but it should have

Black Chicagoans have a 99999999.9999999% chance of being Democrat

All south Americans and north Africans tell you that they are pale if they leave the sun. They insist they are white.
They wouldn't start a war where they exterminate themselves. Even though they really are not white. Lel.

A self hating white moron

Are you saying this poor victimized black body wasn't sucked into a pocket dimension where racist klansmen wearing maga hats over their Klan hoods were free to perform an elaborate racist humiliation ritual on him at their leisure on the streets of South side Chicago outside of a Subway?

Here is one of my favorites from after the election

Attached: Real Hate Crime - Copy.png (1558x799, 980K)

>White men are bad
>Orange man is bad
>The news is not fake

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This is exactly what I'm saying. I know it sounds plausible that noose tottin, bleach sprayin, white rednecks were waltzing around Chicago's black enclaves and using their gaydar to find a black homosexual but it could be false.

Why would the guy lie if there's cameras everywhere, if he's exposed his career is over dummy. why would actor injure himself and cost himself the ability to work, he's probably loses 25-100k everytime he's not able to shoot empire.

it's more likely the white guys are just crazy or gay stalkers who fixated on someone they saw on tv saying something they didn't like or knew the dude from the gay clubs or somewhere

This is TOO perfect of a crime.

oh youre not racist at all then

I think its fake and I also question how effective this will be in turning the tide against Trump
>you know, I was gonna vote for Trump before some of his supporters attacked a black guy. Now, I think I won't vote for Trump

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Holy shit. TMZ comment section is based
>Let's review:

>1) Went to Subway in Chicago at 2AM after getting off a flight from NY, because he was hungry. Really? Subway is your go to meal at 2AM after a flight?

>2) Encountered two white, MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters who recognized him because the presumably watch Empire--enough so, that they would recognize him...!

>3) Letters delivered to the set of Empire a week ago--the article seems to imply that these are related to the assault, like, the attackers knew he was going to be at a Subway. In Chicago. At 2AM.

>4) Lucky enough, the attackers had ski masks, bleach AND a noose on them.

>5) Badly beaten, strangled with a noose, bleached poured on him, cracked rib--and he got out of the hospital before noon the same day?

>What will the media do when this is revealed as fake?

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the fuck is a hate crime? is there such a thing as a love crime?

>Why would the guy lie

Attention whoring? He's an actor. That's all they do. And lying, shit they lie for their job. He knows a stunt like this would get him serious sympathy and attention in his sub-community (liberals and SJWs). They aren't going to be critical of him no matter what, a video could emerge of him walking harmlessly to the hospital tomorrow and they still wouldn't castigate him for the lie because he made the big bad conservatives look bad anyway.

i mean they left him alive
atleast finish the job , fuckers these days cant even fucking kill a nigger right.

Haven’t seen a bigger lie since Kavanaugh was accused.

If this was real and not a desperate ploy for attention, I'll convert to Islam and register Democrat.

wanting to have fun with your frens

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>he got out of the hospital before noon the same day
it gets better and faker everytime

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>No link
>Doesn't have an author
>Even has the fucking red underlines you get with unrecognized words, ones that only exist during the writing period and don't exist after being uploaded or printed off

How many brain dead zoomers are itt? Is this just a big meme that I'm not a part of or are you all this fucking retarded? Fuck me, the "piece" isn't even in line with pic.
I know (((HuffPo))) headlines literally look like something from a popup or what someone has made in paint as a meme, but they're real. But this is just taking the piss.


There are no whites in Chicago. Nice try jews.

as a white guy, this makes me fucking ashamed of my gender and race

you guys should be as well, but you never learn

Why would love cause people to commit crimes?

First day on /tv/? It's literally filled with MAGAtards obsessing over black actors.

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It's a shame he didn't top it off with a speech in the hospital lobby where he talked about violence not being the answer, how love trumps hate, and all of this followed with everyone clapping as he left.

>The Empire
Should've broke his legs

deja vu?

I'm a white guy living in Pilsen
>check mate, faggot

If any of you dipshits that actually voted in the last election want to help your country, kill yourselves. I'm serious, if all of you were dead, it would help this country immensely. I know voting for Trump, you don't actually care about this country, but maybe now you could do some good. You will be celebrated as heroes, I promise. So what are you waiting for? Just do it!

I was born and raised in Chicago. There is about a 1 in 10000000 chance this is true. Even the racist bikers I knew just didn’t want nogs around them and didn’t give a shit about finding nogs. This guys a liar.

What a load of bullshit.

This sounds too good to be true desu

I'll take shit that didn't happen for $800, Alex.

you are a two party system you ugly dumb mutt. like any of it different. your entire country may as well be the superbowl for who rules you low iq mutts.

>This is MAGA country!
Yeah, this sounds real.

hey rabbi what ya doin

You need to get your faggot onions, self-loathing ass back to reddi+ now and then kill yourself you fucking globalist cuck.

You've convinced me. I'm definitely voting Trump in 2020.

>Doesn't stop to ask why the lynching party would perform their passion play crime in the middle of the street when there are cameras everywhere.
Let me guess, it's because evil racists are stupid unlike brave people of color who would never do something short sighted and dumb.

Interesting how the dramatic footage of this hate-crime hasn't been released though isn't it? Almost as if it doesn't exist.

he had it coming
ever since the mighty ducks hes been a whole different person