Are you a Nazi?
Other urls found in this thread:
No. Nazis are Zionists.
Im a National Socialist.
We prefer the term National Socialist you biggot.
I am just a struggling artist.
>Nazi slur.
Still no.
I'm not. I want the destruction of the western civilization.
why not
sounds fun
Fuck off jidf. Find a different well to poison.
no I’m a sexually frustrated wagecuck
nazis are fucking idiots
No, but I'm honestly getting tired of demoralization, antagonism and the constant outrage of the regressive left on behalf of minorities and people who don't deserve it.
They weren't racist, sexist and homophobic enough.
Funny...Because that is exactly what the word means. Which is why NATIONAL SOCIALIST is our preferred title...Racist
They are trying to catch Tyrone's dick.
Do you want to come here and become a politician?
Sure, why not.
No but I wish I were.
according to democrats
Based and red pilled
if you want to help kikes take over the world
No. Almost.
THAS RITE! We Black Israelite Hotep here, white devil!
Well, it is a party after all.
No, fuck nazis, and fuck commie bastards, they should all be hanged from the neck until dead.
Do you vote npd Germanon?
No, I'm the opposite. I'm a philosemite. But I do believe they had some good ideas besides the irrational Jew-hatred.
No, Nazis are larpers and hypocrites.
Not in the traditional sense, but it's fun to cosplay.
jesus christ i'm glad i'm not you
When will white people say enough is enough? Our elderly arent even safe around these mfs. The one group thats supposed to be off limits. Old vets who put their lives on the line are being robbed and killed by fatherless niggs.
>posting this on Jow Forums
>under a memeflag
Lol suck a penis Schlomo/discord tranny.
Good thing Jow Forums is Jow Forums as fuck, and Jow Forums is getting increasingly Jow Forums with every day.
That guy in the middle hahaha
A fake nazi thats that shit i dont like
No, as well intentioned and as fast growing as the Nazis were, they were still socialists that had secret roving gangs of thugs to get their way and turned the world against them by being brash.
The thing is, I like small government and to each their own as long as it's not harmful. But as my existence and livelihood are threatened more and more on a daily basis simply because I am unapologetic about the colour of my skin and the genitals I was born with, I find it harder and harder to resist the tribalism that seemingly every other group has adopted. The ultimate minority is the individual but if our race is under threat it's perfectly reasonable to defend it as much as necessary.
t. 131iq right libertarian
Nah, nazis are gay
of course not, I am a dirty longhaired, dope smoking hippie.
no. socialism and totalitarianism sucks.
>Lol suck a penis Schlomo/discord tranny.
>Good thing Jow Forums is Jow Forums as fuck, and Jow Forums is getting increasingly Jow Forums with every day.
Cool proxy, bro. "meme" flags were here first. KYS.
Nazis were badass.
I also like cowboys, ice and fast bikes.
I'm a National Socialist.
nah, i just hate shitskins. i'm more of a nazi-sympathiser
>that image
I would call you schizophrenic instead of a jew, but that feels too redundant.
I bet this thread would deny liking Japanese swords, just to be contrarian.
This place used to be cool , now its a
echo chamber
nutsucks really did ruin this place for any action or progress or decent discussion
No didn't.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Look up Leopold von Mildenstein and ‘Ein Nazi Fahrt Nach Palestina’. Also look up the creation of the BIS and why Nazi Germany didn’t attack (((Switzerland))). Also realise Hitler wanted to genocide other whites.
He didn’t, that’s a myth
That's just it dude. That's how I was. That's where I come from. I was a Ron Paul Republican or Libertarian or whatever you want to call it. Small government, States' Rights. But then you see it doesn't work, you see it just leaves you exposed to being infiltrated and destroyed. The rest of the world doesn't want to play by your nice little rules about "liberty" and "non-aggression principle". They are prepared to play by Natural Law and fucking destroy you because you allow it. Might Makes Right. That's the real truth.
And then, there is also the bummer of missing out on your collective identity. I've been a Nationalist my whole life. I didn't know people weren't because it makes so much sense to me. But it is a very easy thing to take for granted.
There are so many things that I want and are achieved through National Socialism. It has won with me politically, and it has won with me spiritually. I'm glad to have it.
>no didnt
You want progress into hell. "Progress" is a damn lie.
I am just waiting for my inheritance and will come over
Does anyone have the webm of the girl singing "oh well im not a nazi i just think all jews should die" in front of a nazi flag with like a yukalale?
Nope, just a plain ol' capitalist.
Glorious this will make the kikes enrage.
Gloriously saved.