>White people set to become a minority in Europe in 2100, says EU report
>New EU report states that mixed race people will reach majority status in Europe by 2125
>Jean-Claude Juncker: white people are to become the minority in Europe in 2100, there are thought to be peoplpe from nearly 200 countries living in Europe.
>Without a major shift in Immigration policy, the European commission president says that this demographic change is inevitable.
>France will become minority French in 2040
>Sweden is projected to be 30% Muslim in 2050
>Mixed race people are set to become a majority in Britain 2100
Don't fool yourself. Erna is best of buds with the ones who wrote the migration pact. That shit will pass into law without as much as a cough from parliament or a news headline.
That said, the statement OP posted is assuming nothing happens in 91 years and people just keep taking it up the ass. It doesn't account for a boiling point that will be reached long before 2100.
Leo Morris
We will nuke it easier by then
Hudson Nelson
>exiled There's a reason it was called the "Final Solution." Exiling them never worked.
Jacob Harris
Jack Howard
>Article literally a shop and doesn't exist. >made up shit >in green text A FUCKING MEMEFLAG
Ryan Cox
I look most like the anglo indian. Thankfully I don't have any indian genes. Women do love the handsome lightly tanned man look though.
I wonder if I marry a blonde my kids will turn out white?
Michael Moore
I am sad-trolling or something. You are right. I wait.
There's not much difference between an Eastern Euro and an Arab/Persian. Both corrupt, but both not as subhuman as Africans, Jews, Abos and other races.
It's the western europe type that needs saving
Hudson Johnson
You do understand that the moment white countries are on the brink of being lost we'll nuke you first, then scorch everything else?
Liam Taylor
How can they know and be blue pilled at the same time?
Future white generations will have so much hate for us by screwing them over like this. They will be fighting a uphill battle right out of the womb. Fucking european socialist traitors.
Elijah Cruz
>>France will become minority French in 2040 >>Sweden is projected to be 30% Muslim in 2050
get your investments out of those hell holes asap! no future there! only low iq destruction
Great. I guess most balkans are part Turk as well and they look white.
Eli Williams
Aren't white children already a minority in Belgian schools?
Isaiah Nelson
Did I say Europe? I said white countries. And don't fucking think just because kikes own banks they have any form of control over military.
If all is lost, Israel burns first. Do you really think politicians who have been blackmailed by them for generations don't have a bone to pick with them?
Jason Perry
Gavin Smith
They interpret it differently. They know we run everything and are personally tied to the elites in your countries through relatives, but they think it's because Jews are successful in business and the like. They don't know about race-related/communist influence.
Juan Long
Jackson Baker
>exiled If by that you mean "tortured and executed along with all of their immediate relatives".
Luke Nelson
En shallah fellow muslim
Aaron Ross
Link to this article please? Not coming up when I search for it.
Evan Howard
How long until people realise there is only one solution?
Blake Adams
Why should I give a shit? I don't live in EU and I'll be dead by then.
The white male millenials better in EU better grow a backbone and stand up to this crap or the muslims will breed them out of existence.
Carson Moore
What white countries exist outside Europe? USA Is even more POZZED than Europe.
Kikes instigated WW2 and the Middle Eastern wars. If you're funding politicians, you have control over what those politicians' policies are. War is started by politicians, not rogue military generals.
Gavin Martin
Do you believe there is a global Jewish conspiracy to subjugate and eventually eradicate the aryan population? If so, are you for it?
Kevin Garcia
Tall order, I'm looking.
but here's one in Antwerp putting the number at 40% for themselves, back in '09 (the good ol' days)
Parker Thomas
WW3 was truly a silent one
Daniel Ward
>Whites are set to become a minority in Europe in 2100
I find it odd that the majority don't see a problem with this. If Africans were to become a minority in Africa, the left would be razing hell but yet this is seen as a good thing.
This is the kind of shit that pushes people to the far-right in defense of protecting their heritage.
William Garcia
So whites will be even more of a world minority. Cool.
Assuming nothing changes. 81 years is a long time and Israel will be long gone by then. It will take less than a year for indigenous people to reclaim their land.
Luke Robinson
European economy will collapse long before then. We'll see how many of these "new Europeans" want to stick around once the welfare states turn into Venezuelas. If the current right wing sentiment is still going by then we might even see some kind of a civil war or mass deportations, and that's assuming German schools don't reject any aspiring artists.
Nathaniel Ward
Probably a majority now
Lucas Walker
Time to go to war. Our countries need a detox.
Jose Martinez
That's still quite a long time for anything to happen including cataclysmic events to genocide, plus it's beyond my lifespan lmao.
in the future the lore of our story will be >greatest generation becomes foolish generation >boomer generation becomes selfish generation >gen x/millenials and maybe zoomers becomes lost generation >zoomers or something after becomes the greatest generation as EVROPA is restored and the second renaissance begins while niggers, kikes, and arabs are pic related forever
Welp, i can't find the source i remembered reading so either it was exaggerated, my memory is exaggerated, they phrased it in a way my queries didn't find OR the writer of the article has since received EU mandated re-education.
So it looks like im a total faggot for now, sorry.
Nathan White
Fake article,Europeans are not stupid I don't they will allow themselves to become a minority in their own country.
eat shit kike. this is a war for survival.They'll fight.
Asher Gomez
sorry was meant for
Kevin Jones
Climate change will make sure a 90% reduction of humans by 2100 (probably 2050) and only natives living off the land have a chance.
Dylan Bennett
>He thinks a weak ass basedboi is going to shit.
user, I know it's good to dream sometimes, but don't let it get to your head.
Gabriel Nelson
In 10 years weakling British natives will be a minority in their schools. Pathetic.
Josiah Rivera
Glad I'll be dead and without kids
Leo Peterson
Dude, who literally gives a fuck by that point. If humans are still alive our AI and Genetic engineering technological will be so advanced it will seem as we wield the power of magic itself.
Joseph Jackson
You forget we're in this together, they are coming for all of us.
Ayden Jackson
Nah cops will just start shooting the mulattos instead of just the pure blacks.
Carter Brown
Parading this openly is a great way to radicalize whites. They should learn from our Census and obfuscate the numbers.
Eli Wright
>this is a war for survival. No. This is a war against your wars. You will die like the foolish shortshighted gentile you are.
youtube.com/watch?v=aJ6lZsChf10 Your police has already been subverted against you. In Sweden. In France. In UK. In Germany. The puzzles for your destruction is all in place.
All wars point to jews and Israel. Which is why you all need to be eradicated.
Jace Taylor
You're right. And you should be proud of your country for being the most based in Europe. An example we can all follow.
Lucas Rogers
Posting fake news should be a bannable offense. This isn't fucking /b/.
Ethan Nelson
Whelp, if nothing changes by the time I'm 35 I give up on having kids and I'll just become a domestic terrorist, fuck it. I don't want my kids to live in a nightmare fuel world created by kikes. Fuck, I know shitposting is fun and all, but sometimes you see something like this and you understand how FUCKING SERIOUS this shit actually is and how fucking evil the (((people))) behind this are. Friendly reminder, if you're at the terminal level of a blackpill, and are considering suicide, people who are doing this have names and addresses.
Jace Wright
ยป absolutely no source and unfindable on The Guardian and google everyone in this thread, please kill yourself so our future might possibly be able to tell false news (that distributed mostly on Jow Forums, Trump, gilet jaunes) and high-quality information approved by empirical methods (European Commission, science, peer-reviewed journals, European university historians, Russel Group university research networks)
Logan Evans
>All wars point to jews and Israel. No. Your children believe the wars originate from Pentagon.