The future democrat nominee for president has recently said...

The future democrat nominee for president has recently said, "People that want to own guns should be put in a locked room with baby autopsy photos."

If this is the future of the background check, would you pass Jow Forums? Or would you give up your guns before such a gruesome experience?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>President Kamala


Eh. I've seen worse on /b/.

>Having to look at carved up flesh
I'm not vegetarian, so not particularly a problem. Unless it's some reverse psychology shit where you have to fail to pass, who knows?

I'm a med student. I've already autopsies of adolescents.

Is that so we know what the ATF will do to our kids if we don't have one to defend ourselves?

It really depends on whether or not getting an erection is a fail

A lot worse.

Hows about before you have an abortion as well.

Dead children? Oh no, my emotions, here! Take all my rights, just take them!

People that want an abortion should be put in a locked room with baby autopsy photos

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look at MVA photos before buying a car

The pro-life movement showed kids of aborted babies and Moloch's Minions complained about it. Now they wanna try this shit?
Also, it's a Catch 22
>you're freaked out by gore, so either you're too unstable to own a gun or this will scare you out of it
>you aren't freaked out by gore, so you're a sociopath and can't be trusted with guns
Archive this post, you saw it here first.

This but unironically

Okay but they have to be photos of the kids from Waco.

>implying I don't have a terabyte folder of baby autopsy photos already

Seems tame. Are full giggles included on that test?

Criminals don't get to chose laws :^)
Oopsie looks like Mr Shekelberg decided it's _____ to ______ so you're going to jail for public safety :^)

>wants people to be put in a locked room with pictures of dead babies for guns

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Well, at least she's more MILFy than Hitlery Clitoris. People who want to bring Muslims into this country should be put in a locked room with the Chechen beheading film.

Not the Moroccan one?

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>"People that want to own guns should be put in a locked room with baby autopsy photos... join me in voting for publicly-funded third trimester abortions".

She's not going to win.

God damnit user I just forgot about that shit too

Why not?
>progressive non-white wamyn who will stand up to Drumpf

I wonder how the world would react if she said that about abortions, where it actually makes sense.
"People that want to get an abortion should be put in a locked room with baby autopsy photos."


This ugly bitch is soooo fucking dirty she will drop out of the race during the primaries. She literally slept her way to the top in California state assembly.


>all these retarded christfags and their 'muh unborn chilluns' whining

Kamala is a fucking cop so it's super concerning that she wants to take away guns.

People who want to ban guns should be locked in a room with photos of genocide victims who were barred from owning guns

What if the father leaves and the mother doesn’t want to raise a child with no father and a neglectful mother due to having to work?

Pretty gruesome, but a minor inconvenience in the long run.

t. Karl

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She's not progressive though, she is Hillary 2.0.


But she's black

>he genuinely believes that Satan is real and constantly worries about Satanists.

Evangelical Christianity is socially acceptable schizophrenia.

>I know what kind of room she needs to be locked in...

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>Edgy contrarians don't deserve to be laughed at

And then you get another child in a broken system going foster house to foster house growing up broken to become a statistic

It won't matter the same way it didn't matter that Hillary was a woman. She's not progressive enough for Democrats and there's no real reason for them to pull a punch in this election either.

Party unity in the Democratic primary next election is going to be weaker than the Republican party unity in 2016. Kamala is basically going to be a write-in for Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton. The old white ladies picked a young face with some skin color because they think that the only reason they lost is because they're old. In reality Kamala is practically identical to the DNC's positions, which is increasingly out-of-touch with their voterbase. You'll see some serious challenges from newer, more "progressive" candidates like Beto. It's highly likely someone like Beto wins the primary instead of Kamala.
Even if Kamala won, the Democrats would have to be fucking insane to run a candidate on gun control as a platform. I think it's not irrational to state every person who considers banning assault weapons as a key issue is already going to vote straight ticket democrat anyways. Swing voters, on the other hands, couldn't give less of a shit about gun control.

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I'm agnostic, I just don't feel the need to screech like you.

>modern America
>a women being forced to actually work and provide for themselves

Chose one

Would one, theoretically, be allowed to fap in that room?

She doesn't have a chance of winning so I hope they pick her in the primary. The media has already made her their choice even. Problem is she has a lot of baggage, has an incredibly annoying voice, the temper of a five year old, and comes across as a condescending ball-busting bitch with policies that would only ever fly in California. She's the GOP's dream come true.

I see you have a problem with it why not volunteer at an orphanage and give the kids the love they need. Till they can find a forever home. You aren't doing anything to help the problem that you care so much about.

Because I have my own shit to deal with so I can get myself ready to have a family one day, as a recent HS graduate I've had several friends and several exes (large city) who where in the system your recommending, abuse, rape and just being treated like crap are very common from foster familys and orphanages, as well as suicide in teens, if you dont like abortion than dont get one it's your personal life and beliefs but dont force your own beliefs on others who dont share it

Then she shouldn't have been having unprotected sex to begin with.

>Even if Kamala won, the Democrats would have to be fucking insane to run a candidate on gun control as a platform.
Thing is, gun control takes second fiddle in the DNC platform. Yeah, they want it, but their priority is more gibs and refugees welcome.

Look at Kamala's history. Her main fucking issue is gun control.

I'm talking about the Dems as a whole. Yes, they do want to take your guns, but for them it's a bandwagon issue compared to taxing the rich and muh income inequality.

Beto is not viable.


At this point I would unironically support Hillary over any of the Democratic candidates. What a fucking mess this is turning into.

YOU are the guys advocating to give unborn kids a chance, you deal with it.

So we ought to decide who will have a life worth living and preclude them from ever defying our expectations? How very eugenicist of you.

I'm currently taking EMT classes. I'm well aware of what guns do to people. But I'm also well aware of what hammers, knives, fists, beer bottles, and cars do to people.

So, I guess I wouldn't be all that bothered.
That's essentially the entirety of Driver's Ed classes in the USA.
"Here are the basic parts of the car, and here's what happens when you fuck up."

Ask your friends/ex if they wish they had been aborted.


I'd rather not deal with more druggies, degenerates, sluts and fucked up people in the world

You say this like she is the frontrunner though.

>if you dont like abortion than dont get one it's your personal life and beliefs but dont force your own beliefs on others who dont share it
If you don't want a kid, then don't force death upon someone who didn't ask for it.

Some have committed suicide so, yeah do with that what you will

>President Barack
Well, there's a precedent already...Idiocracy really was a prophecy.

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Kinda hard to kill something that doesn't even realize what existence is, a heart beat is a muscle being fired by electrical charges not a sign of conciousness

>The future democrat nominee for president
What makes you say that? Wouldn't Bernie Sanders or MILF Gillibrand be more likely?

Why does consciousness matter? If you're asleep, would it be OK for me to shoot you? How about if you're under anesthesia?

Well too fucking bad, snowflake. Get over it or get the fuck away from it. This world doesnt pander to your feelings.

Nor does it to yours

Bitch is a proven whore. I can’t for trump to gut her live on air

hahaha, I would pass 105% o the time

you're a faggot

Same could be said if the baby has already been born. You are still justifying the murder of a human being

>"People that want to own guns should be put in a locked room with baby autopsy photos."If this is the future of the background check, would you pass Jow Forums?
Is it weird that it wouldn't bother me if the babies weren't white? I would still do it no matter what because Muh Gunz, but if the babies were white, I'd be sad, if brown, I honestly don't care at all.

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I'm speaking of sentient consciousness you know the ability to actually realize your alive? But nice goalpost shift

I thought you were concerned about the poor -- about those who, like your friends, were abused by the system? But of course you really just want to eliminate the undesirables you'd "rather not deal with" instead of working toward a better society.

I'm seeing a good about of anti Kamala backlash from the black corners of the internet, which is encouraging
I'm already getting strong Hillary 2.0 vibes from her candidacy. My sense is that she'll burn out in the primaries when faced with a dozen far left firebrands who will mercilessly attack her history as a prosecutor. Plus lord knows this husband of hers isn't going to help her case.

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Doesnt research support the notion that lax abortion laws lower the number of children born into poverty and lower the crime rate?
I also wouldn't really give two shits if some dumb bitch kills her kid before its born.

Even non-human animals are sentient. Do you really think that human babies in the womb are not sentient? The fact that they can't very well critically analyze the world around them is not relevant to their sentience.

>if we ban guns there will be no more gun crime
>if we ban abortions there will be no more abortions

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>Boinie Sanehs
Too old and the DNC is still butthurt over their electorate backing him over Shillary. Plus there are several leftie reps and senators that are in the spotlight now so he doesn't appear as unique anymore
Not left enough for the typical urban coastal IT drone. Also not white.

The DNC did a fantastic job of compartmentalizing their voterbase after 2012 in their rapid deployment of identity politics. Unfortunately for them, they're now unable to satisfy any one part of their base without pissing off five others as a result and cannot settle on a unified message and platform that goes beyond
>Fuck Drumpf and fuck white bois

The DNC primary this year is going to make the GOP's in 2016 look like an eloquent teatime social.

>married to a Jew
>has no children
>super pro-choice
>super anti-gun
>super pro-immigration
>wants to socialize healthcare
Good luck with your presidential race bitch.


Dems are gonna get perma cucked by Howard Schultz running as an independent. It will be like when Perot sunk George Bush

On a different note because i dont feel like brining up counter-links but you do realize that niggers and minorities are the main ones to use something like abortion? The democratic voting majority would be killing its future off for us

To be honest, that one wasn't as gruesome as everyone made it out to be. Maybe I'm just desensitized. I guess if normies find it disturbing, they should be made to watch it too; especially since it's two roasties getting their heads removed.

>legalize murder

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I dont like my cities full of niggers and minorities raised without proper parents causing crime and mucking up the system and voting democratic

Nice trips of Moloch proving you pro-abortion fucks worship satan.

I'm aware. My point is that human babies in the womb are sentient. You also it's not 'killing' if it's not sentient, but even things that clearly aren't sentient, like plants or cells in your body, are considered to be killed when the die. Why do you not also think this for children? You're making a logical leap based on emotion. You know it's wrong and you don't want to admit it to yourself.

The greatest gun grabbing of our time is coming soon.

Begone, Satan.

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I guess we should ban guns then

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>I'm pregnant, but I can't afford a new iPhone and this baby at the same time, so I'd better kill this living human growing inside me lolz

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She's actually a hindu dindu pretending to be black.

Actually I'm a libertarian atheist but sure

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>unlimited funs and a complementary fap...
sign my fat ass up.

>Abortion and Gun Rights are ethically equal due to similar consequences.

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