


Attached: 9114420-6642561-image-m-2_1548736452382.jpg (634x1000, 131K)

Share a pic of the fat fucks at least.

The couple. They booked the aisle and window seat.

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cant answer this wwyd because im not american

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>They booked the aisle and window seat.

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imagine the smell

Absolutely based

Her fat arm is hanging over into the middle passengers seat. Fuck that shit. The fatties should have to move together or buy the middle seat to accommodate their fat asses.

They should make fat people stand in a normal person mold and if they can't fit they have to buy two seats. I had shit like this happen to me and the fat fucking lady next to me kept touching me the whole flight.

i always book the emergency exit seats

imagine a world without one single shitskin or jew

100% they did it on purpose by getting aisle and window seat so no one would want to sit in between them and that way they would get all 3 seats. While that white woman is a cunt, both of these obese niggers should have been charged 2x and be forced to purchase two seats each.

She's totally justified.

Damn! they should have to buy 2 tickets each

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Without the Jews the muzzies would have conquered you or you'd be living in caves.

Well, they are to fat to sit next to each other.

fat people smell bad

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Nigs gonna nog. Sheboons love to chimp out.

So in other words, a world without Americans?

Pretty based, this should be common in society

Pretty easy to keep the muzzies down when the US is footing the bill and supplying the bullets

>Well I eat salad, OK
Based and redpilled
Also fuck all those cucks who's first reaction is to try to cry muh racism

>Implying the US would even be a nation without Jews


Sounds like hell on Earth. I’d be going out of my way to bother those people

And she was chewing something the entire time

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why are commercial airliners such capitalist pigs?