Gen X.....WTF happened???

Everything is Boomers or Millennials....are we just sitting by watching the world burn? Gen Z, save us!

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Too many fires, not enough water. Let the motherfucker burn.


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Seriously....nobody ever talks about Gen's like we're completely forgotten. We fell through the cracks. I guess it's better than being the clusterfuck that it is to be a Millennial.


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Half of our generation was aborted

Dude, weed, bro.

Fuuuuuuck. Legalize it. Duuuuuude. Bro. Weeeeeed!

That's Gen X.

We got talked about plenty when we were their age.

Gen Xers are alright, they just got caught in a whirlwind of change

Our baby boomer parents beat the shit out of us. In turn, we let our kids turn into soft men and spoiled women.

I think we're the new silent generation. Also, there has been an incredibly high death rate among Gen X

>team playerz

>Open to change



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We are a speck on the demographics chart. GenX was never going to have much influence.

>MID 1960'S TO MID 1980'S
Wtf is the bullshit? Gen X has to end in 1980 because Millennials start at 1980.


I think the kids are just too fucking dumb to know that people in their 40s aren't "boomers."
I fucking hate kids.

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it's because millennials are the first to work more to make less
generation X is the most the media control while they grew up was complete est modeled their view of the worlds as it is and there's no way to make them change paths
they are the generation Disney they've been taught to think what you can't change must be accepted so they accepted their slaves life
it's more individualist generation of them all

I’m genX been like Yoda to every young fuck I come across. Millennial or gen z. You guys will unfuck the world with fire. You have what it takes.

As the boomers slip you will come to root out the commie/kike/secret society trash

It's a well deserved title, the amount of batistas, food service workers, and such that are just Gen X'ers floating from job to job, city to city, and just being non-contributing shit heads is pretty wild.

The women from that generation pretty much built the wall that whores are hitting now. A catacombs like wall built on skank after skank.

Look look its Benito Mussolini. Marching boots!

Gen X was a failure. They amounted to nothing. Every 40-55 year old out there is apart of Gen X.
>born too early to buy house for $40,000
>born too late to have enough skills to use computer technology
Have no real political fight or belief systems.
What a sad generation, by all accounts Obama is just shy of Gen X but he represents it.


getting a buch of defeatists to help

hope that works out for you.

Millenials start officially in November of 1982 because it referred to people of voting age in the year 2000.

I'm 39, born in 1980, and I don't fucking exist. No representation. Never will have.
> Why was I born

Checked. Sorry friend. It really is the modern silent generation.

Did you make white babies? Did you vote to keep the UK white?

Or did you just be an apolitical shithead like every other Gen X retard?

Nigger, we built the fucking internet and modern PC. You twats make aps in a a WYSIWYG and think you are coding. Fucking swipefag.

>millennials are the first to work more to make less

This is some cop out bullshit. If anything, Gen Xers got fucked hard. We had skin in the game when the Boomers pulled their last big heist in the housing market. WE were the ones who worked, established ourselves and then BOOM, hey, sorry, that house you paid an assload of money for is worth jack shit now....AND we're dealing with the same salaries you fuck whiny ass millennials are bitching about. We don't live in some special Gen X dimension where wages are different.

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X is a variable and they don't know what to expect from Gen X.
The truth comes out with Gen X and the house of cards will finally fall, or we sit on our thumbs and the NWO happens.

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Ay but I'm gen z and I loved that show as a kid. Parents made me watch it.
I think everyone just forgets about gen x because they're all middle aged and never really did anything substantial as youths. They're not old enough to be toxic like boomers and the internet didn't exist when they were growing up so they weren't as retarded as millennials.

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Boomers raised snowflake millenials
Gen X raised based Zoomers

No matter if your X, Millennial or Z, know the boomers burnt it down and are still burning it before we got a chance to start with the geriatrics that is our Government.

No it was people in adolescence around the year 2000. Millennials aren't fucking 37 right now. They're in their late 20s and early 30s not middle aged

We were the sleepers
We learned from the mess the boomers made
We taught the Zoomers
We're all going to be ok

"Nero fiddled too sincerely" is the Gen X motto. Standing by and watching as the world burns is out entire ethos. Anyone of us who didn't OD and die already is an over-achiever. We're a lost cause. Just keep naming the Jew, senpai. It's working.

Fuck that shit nigger
I did my part
I raised based Zoomers

this actually

This is 100% on the money.

Are you retarded? X was raised by boomer hippies, and some silent types.

I agree with that. I name the Jew on the regular everywhere.

Gen X are just honorary boomers

>AND we're dealing with the same salaries you fuck whiny ass millennials are bitching about.
ya thats kinda the problem you guys never said anything
you do like the boomers you feed the beast and refuse to step up
that should be you that is making the revolution but like the boomers you just pass the bill to the next generation
i sure do hope my generation will be the one to step up and stop being on their knee

Not a bad post, Chang, but your English needs some serious work. Keep at it.

GEN X here all i want to say is ALL KIKES MUST GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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sorry for my english at least i try

Boomers ruined the world, but Gen x is just pathetic. Beneath contempt. An utterly useless, inconsequential generation.

I respect the effort.

gen x are the ones that wasted the accumulated resources of their boomer parents and never had to grow up. millenials inabilities are the result of the bad parenthood and the mental illnesses they are dealing with prove it

the boomers had an easy time accumulating resources, but they weren’t the ones living like peter pan their entire lives

>An entire Generation whos music consists of 'Nothing but a Good Time', and 'Don't you forget about me' was thrown under the bus and forgotten.

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They're a disproportionately small generation sandwiched between the two largest (boomers and millenials). They never had a chance in hell to shape society.

X had a massive impact on society. But not a good one, really. Anyone not old enough to remember should probably just STFU, because the lens you view history through, is distorted by a media unlike any the world has seen.

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GenX in terms of numbers was tiny compared to Boomers and Millennials and only a small fraction of that number kept embodying the values in OP's pic into adulthood. The rest defaulted into either Boomerdom or Millennialdom. Sad!

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Your part of the XY cusp. The quiet ones that keeps things going off the rails.

Gen X still have to deal with the Boomers who won't leave.
We'll go straight from Boomers to Millenials. Gen X will never have a president of our own. We'll also be the last generation who will know how to fucking do anything. Millenials and Z are so fucked.


Gen X didn't have boomers for parents. They mostly had silent generation parents.

Unfortunately this.
>t. millennial

>born too late to have enough skills to use computer technology
Fuck you, Gen X made the Internet great. Boomers and wageslave Millenials fucked it up.

thats an excuse generation X always loved being victimized
Every movie made between 1980 and 1990
generation X was that too cool to be part of this world generation but they're all bitter old fuck who didn lift a finger to try to make it better

>X didn't do tech
>I'm an ap developer
Reminder that we were the first gen to have "computer rooms" full of Apple 2s, and the internet got massive when we were in our late teens.

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Digits don’t lie. Zoomers are based Gen X children. You’re welcome.

t. Zoomerdad

That sentiment is common everywhere on the internet. Gen Xer posts about how no one knows they exist are a dime a dozen.

Same for people who consider themselves 'Xennials' to distance themselves away from the millennial stereotypes by never shutting up about how they are different/better/more special than everyone else. They insert themselves into just about every conversation on generations and make it about them.

Gen X is cool though. I remember when you guys were the cool kids who would let us get away with stuff that Boomers would have banned. You're the most Fight Club generation of all. That said, I can't take it seriously when I hear snotty corporate Gen Xers sell out or talk about people my age the same way boomers used to talk about them. It's just like oh c'mon man, you used to be cool.

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this new wave of generational labeling is just a tactic of the highers up to provide you with another box to put you in until you die.

its easier to lump people into groups so you can have a good trend analysis.

not suprisingly most businesses do their market research modeled mostly off of age demographics.

you realize all these labels like white/aryan
black lives matter/latinx
are all labels so businesses and corporations can study and control consumer behavior,

t. 40s, pop is 90. All my friends had boomer hippie parents


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We were the last generation in history to grow up in an advanced, prosperous and socialist ethno-state.

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this. super divisive and designed to make young people scoff at any wisdom oldsters have.

Generation X put Bill Clinton in the White House. We brought about the end of rock & roll, and stood around while the Internet was transformed into a shopping mall and a police state. We've had our ups and downs and now we're on our break. You'll hear from us again soon, but not that soon.

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Millennials call us "Boomers", Boomers ignore us because we're the kids they had with their first spouse and got raised by our grandparents. Then our Boomer parents remarried and had their real families.

This is incorrect. Gen X went to school while it was increasing in price, but not while it was stupid expensive, and while it wasn't filled with precious snowflakes.
They set out to work, and rose only as high as the Boomers allowed. The ones who could struck out and made their own way.
Gen X remembers arcades.
Gen X built the Internet with 28.8K and 56K modems.
Gen X rode their bikes in the streets without cell phones.
Gen X remembers growing up when the US was white and free.

Well, we knew this from the beginning; all I ever heard was that we were the smallest generation, had no buying or political power so we didn't really count.

37 isn't middle aged, quit raging.
>Gen X'ers floating from job to job, city to city, and just being non-contributing shit heads is pretty wild.
I thought it was a meme because I busted my ass to get what I wanted. Then I got engaged to another Xer who flat out lied to me about her background and her real background was exactly this; being a late thirties couch surfing job hopping fag hag still trying to go out withher gay party friends to the bars every night and to coachella every year and the thought of sacrificing today for a better tomorrow was completely lost on her.

1984 reporting in.

OP's image describes me 100%. I'm don't identify with millennials at all. I'm not chained to my fucking phone. I have hobbies that aren't gaming or the MCU, though I have those too.

I honestly feel like I don't really "belong" to any group. It doesn't bother me, it's just that in my area, the population of people around my age is extremely low. Planning to move in a couple years so hopefully that'll be good.

>Generation X put Bill Clinton in the White House
Are you high? Boomers put the chief Boomer in the White House.
Also, Clinton never would have been elected without Ross Perot.

Gen X is the peak apolitical drone, the number one thing they like to say is I like [X] lets keep politics out of [X]

it was before the modern school (((reform))) too
do the Gen X remember not stepping up for humankind when it had the chance ? your boomer parents didn revolt when JFK was assassinated too busy consuming and being brainwashed by TV and you didn do any better
how can you complain ? you guys should be ashamed to have enabled the take over of america

>gen x
>gen z
fuck off with your jewish tricks, we're all brothers and sisters. some are more subverted than others, gen z is pure cancer though.

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Fuckin' A dude that is too accurate. I think this was like my 4th b-day party.

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>stood around while the Internet was transformed into a shopping mall and a police state
I'm bummed that the PC is now just an internet appliance for most people.
I blows my mind the things a modern PC can do(AR, VR, CNC, Vidya/music, AI, robotics...), but people just play vidya and surf.

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No, it was X that did it. Remember "rock the vote?" I do

>man against woman
>black against white
>gay against straight
>child against parent
>worker against worker

It's almost as if somebody up there would rather we didn't all sit down together and discuss class struggle.

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> Be you
Spam the thread to try and boost the sub-count on YouTube

I remember P. Diddy saying that shit on MTV. Fuck me that was literally a lifetime ago.

GenXer, never grew up and never bought into the system. Was an outsider from the get go. Told my school counselors to fug off, they asked me what I was going to do, I said be a criminal or a bum my whole life.
Joke was on me, I ended up working my ass off. Nothing to show, no retirement, will be living under a bridge soon.
Hindsight 20/20 and all that, not sure I'd do it any different with another chance. Had way too much fun along the way (easy to do when you have no fucks to give).
I carried my weight, paid my way, was never convicted of anything and have been a good goy. Still view normies as alien life forms. Humans are so fucking weird to me. Weddings and all that shit just creep me out. Cursed with an x-ray mind.

30 year old boomer is specifically in reference to millennials around/over 30. Gen Xers were the children of the silent generation, since in 1965 someone born in 1931 would only be 34 and men tended to marry women 3-5 years younger back then.

Boomers, the oldest boomers, put off having kids. This is why there was a baby bust that hit its bottom in the early 1970s when the oldest boomers- born in 1946- hit 25 years old but chose to put off kids until around 30.

The "echo boom" which occurred during the 1980s is the result of the boomers having kids then. In particular the "jones boomers" who were the peak of the boomer generation and more numerous than "core boomers" began having kids in the 1980s. Gen X is specifically the baby bust because Boomers put off having kids leaving late 20s/30-something Silent Generation people as the only ones still having kids after the GI generation got too old to have more kids.

Gen x basically consists of boomers and millennials (millennials are technically born as early as 1981) and are categorized as such.

Which is why it’s weird as fuck for someone like me being born in ‘95 to be grouped up with millennials in some instances (I consider myself gen z). I can’t culturally relate to the average mid 20s-late 30s millennial loser shithead

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You're absolutely right.

You don't have any wisdom you stupid fucks, your "wisdom" is "shake da boss's hand and take out major loans for houses you'll never pay off lol". And it exists not because of a jewish plot but because your entire pathetic existence consists of taking out massive debts to the FED and insisting your children pay those debts you incurred while you sit on a retirement cruise in the caribbean. Fuck you old man, you're not getting away with this shit.

I hear our generation's music playing in stores. But I've no doubt that everyone thinks it's boomers or older millennial music.

>Media controlled by Boomers
>Government controlled by Boomers
"Why didn't you storm the gates of power like good cannon fodder and pave the way for Millenials to take power as decreed by atheism? You're such losers."
Bite me.

sadly true

Wait, was he Puff Daddy at that time? Or Sean Combs? Biggie was already dead during Rock the Vote.

Almost half of gen x couldn't vote in 1992. Rock died once millennials were the target teenage demographic.

we got run over by the boomer then the millennial; we never had a chance... discarded the whole way... good to tell you though; the messiah is gen-x; and x means the crossing.. as in the crossing from one age to another...

You mean like Creed, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, etc?

Creed was the Nickleback of the 90s, by the way.

That's a nice story, but Gen X has never had the numbers.

You wanna smoke some weed out of a tinny? I'm down if you have some foil

No, we're too fucking busy trying to hold our shit together in these lame times to be alive, now please excuse me, I have to keep fighting to keep my small business afloat while Millennials all give their biz to Amazon like a bunch of fucking faggots.

its niggas like you that keep the retards happy... i'm gen-x, i graduated 92, been programming since, professionally... i wrote the internet... nigga... fucking retards... every generation afterwards... we had to deal with baby/childish parents, and retards below us... fucking sucks... but, hey, we're killing it... ummm you... we are the messianic generation... and you will all burn alive.