Is he /ourguy/

Is he /ourguy/

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>Our guy

Chose one

No wtf
DMX is the niggest rapper, every song is about being a dog and fighting other people

I unironically thought he was killed? He's not wrong though. Also, kind of a hypocrite since he made millions raping about drugs and beating people to death.

/our nigger/

Didn't he go bankrupt because of his cocaine addiction?

Didn't this nigger use to sell drugs?


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what a hypocrite typical nigger

DM "Went to jail for Coke" X?
But seriously he takes care of his kids but he needs to seriously stay out of jail for having drugs on him .

doubt it.
i found him more interesting than a lot of other rappers tho (although i admittedly didn't listen to many).
rapping about being tempted by demons and shit.
if nothing else he seems aware on some level of the spiritual warfare going on in the world.

>Complains about rappers promoting drug use
>Stage name is literally the name of a psychedelic

Why does that nig have his arm around the other nig like that?

Niggas on the right make millions of white girls wet tho

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>raping about drugs


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He's just getting older.

Millions of mutts

DMX was a literal crack dealer what the fuck he on about.

he has a whole song about how gay thugs get no love
pol anthem 2019, people don't appreiciate dmx anti gay message

He has always been our guy.

X has been based for a long time.
Oshea Jackson as well though he'll never admit it.

>every song is about being a dog and fighting other people

That's the best kind of rap.

yes guys a literal crack addict felon is /our/ guy. Meanwhile someone like Jay-z is a billionaire icon and is a true "rags to riches" story.

No. Xzibit is ourguy.

But that's based

Rap used to be fucking great.
Now it's all mumble shit talking about getting litty.

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he is a drug addict though

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Don't be a redditor, we both know he meant rapping

>i got blood on muh dick
cause i fucked a corpse

He isn't. Dealing drugs was the major source of income in the hood and also a huge source of power for the Nation of Islam, and was shut down by the CIA.
As thuggish as it sounds, the drug trade is a bigger path the niggers' self-reliance and economic freedom than living life under The Man.

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Red Pill Candidate. He could single handedly destroy black support for the Demoncrat party.

>Is he /ourguy/
If he's not shining my shoes or picking cotton then no.

>Literal crackhead says drugs are bad

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>drugs are bad
>said the crackhead nigger

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Did he ever find his dogs?

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Jay Z gay as fuck cuz

didn't this dumb nigger rap about drugs?

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A few of his latest albums are heavily religious and more about being real and taking care of his family.
Hes still a nigger but he kinda broke free from the record company nigger farm like kanye did.

Controversial opinon here but I think nigger culture is probably the only counter culture to the "Globo homo, everyone is 1" tier monopolization that america tries to do

They're literally the only ones that do their best to sort of curb that societal hegemony through crime and thug shit

Like I've never seen American white men stand up and go unga bunga and protest by looting stores anytime the stomp of the police state boot steps on their neck, whilst Nigga's do it like it's a hobby

I think the societal chaos that blacks bring is actually pretty based in a macro sense

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>Is he /ourguy/
Shill thread. No one is /ourguy/. He (and old 90s-2005) rap can be used as a tool to show newer generations how shitty and corrupt the modern music industry is becoming. I hate rap, but DMX is objectively better than any modern rap or hip-hop music that's being shitted out today.

DMX has killed more nogs than you ever will

No, he was in the muscle end of the business

actually thats DXM and a dissociative

bruh he can't even find the hood

dmx LITERALLY has 27 children(that the government knows about) and pays child support on none of them lmao.

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i can play the ruff ryders anthem on guitar.
i'm white.


Honestly american male niggers who are older and see through the jewish bullshit and talking points are somewhat based.

the most based nigger i've seen today.

Part of the psyop is to give people the false choice of either being a part of the emasculation agenda or be a "rebel" that's just a drug user and petty criminal who will end up a loser and/or in jail. They don't want you to be against the system and make good life decisions which is why conservatives (aka normal whites) are so demonized.

he literally makes a million+ a year in royalties still and doesn't pay a fucking dime for any of his children because hes got crack to buy.
hes the most anime rapper

he made some very good songs, at the start of his career, but looks like he couldnt handle success, my guess the drugs destroyed him.
by good songs i dont mean the ones everyone jokes about like "where da hood at"

Yeah but in the second verse he talks about wanting to assfuck fags and get blown by doods

Yes, he was* a crackhead


Chappelle has still got it

It's not misrepresented but at least he can somewhat recognize trash culture. Maybe one day he'll overcome the delusion that rap was ever something more than low iq hood niggas with jewish producers

>I got blood on my hands
and there's no remorse....I'm ah nasty nigga...when you pass me nigga look me in the eye's...tell me to my fuckin fave that you ready to die

Kek this mother fucker stole weed from my friends and I in high school. Fuck him

Other than his religious songs (which he contradicts in at least one song where he actively carries out hits for the devil), he raps about things like raping underage girls and forcing their daughters to watch, raping other guys in prison, robbing people AFTER making millions of dollars rapping, shooting ATF agents, shooting innocent joggers in central park for no reason, and dealing drugs.

Puerto Rico should be nuked.

Meant "dads"

This is the funniest thing I've read today.


Yea, but he never really glorified it or promoted it. He always said that was just his life. He comes from a time when rappers were still emcees and a time where the only rap that was allowed was telling your story. No fake shit. X got fucked by the kikes once he started going clean and made a Gospel album. I'm pretty ashamed of you faggots itt demonstrating a lack of objectivity and bringing up his old shit like you're a bunch of females digging up old dirt to use against him. Day time Jow Forums is always so disappointing.


I agree...Puerto Rico should be nuked...Thankfully I'm not Puerto Rican nor am I currently there

it's a faustian theme that is the best part of his work, it's about the struggle of good vs evil (or God vs Devil ie Damien) within him.

And I know only I can stop the rain with just the mention of my savior's name, in the name of Jesus
Devil, I rebuke you, for what I go through
Been trying to make me do what I used to

That's how the news reports it. The reality is that he found God and the people that run the music industry ruined him.

>likes gay z
what a faggot


Gay z is the cuckest nigger of them all, right on the top, sees it all, and tells nothing to the people, hes the epitome of a loyal satans little worker

A lot of classic hip hop was anti drugs

It's time

>The Snake, The Rat, The Cat, The Dog
>How you gonna see 'em if you living in the fog?

Cause its idiots and neets with no jobs. Fucking embarrassing until the men get off work to discuss.

T. Late lunch break

Rap is shit now. Their is more to life than drugs money and bitches


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Wasnt this guy bumfights tier hobo for a while? Last i saw he was freestyling on the streets in the middle of the night while one of his kids was holding his crack.

DMX is the niggest but i hope he recovered.

I doubt it's neets. Neets are usually more thorough about any research.

and the average white guy makes hundreds of millions of ethnics wet. we win no matter what

i admit i used to listen to rap in my 20s but now i see it as degenerate jew produced nigger filth.

DMX had some good shit back in the day though.

Kikes used his exwife and kid against him. His son is on some Beverly Hills shit and pushed him away, but the exwife is still draining him dry of all his money he made. They purposely broke him through this to cause him to relapse and prevent him from spreading the Gospel message through his music.

One more road to cross was his best song.
Slippin was good to and sort of foreshadowed his life..

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>fagonball z
Did millennials actually watch this weeb trash?

DMX is a Jow Forums icon. Nigga's literally been to jail for running a pitbull eugenics programme in his backyard. Fucking Google it I'm deadly setious. Search 'DMX 60 dead Pitbulls buried in backyard' and remember to heil our new black overlord.


>pitbull eugenics programme

in english we say "dog fights"

i believe this 100%. nice prospective. this is exactly the type of shit the jews do.

jews also do this to heavy metal. This is why rock artists say that they "sold their soul to the devil" The jewish record labels want the artists to sing about satan and degenerate shit because people who listen to rock music are right wing and the jews dont want the music to be about politics or christianity.

Thank you, DMX. Also, too many rappers promoting women as expendable fuck dolls

He lives like 10miles from us. The coppers have it our for him BIG TIME. It’s almost sad. But he does fuck up. The answer is no.


>i dont fuck with niggas who think they broads