Be tumblr feminist

>Be tumblr feminist
>Graduate from college
>Gender studies major
>$80,000 in student loan debt
>Can only get job at burger king
>Blame men and capitalism
>Wake up in morning
>Reapply blue hair dye
>Put on black and white goth shirt
>Put on horn rimmed glasses
>Go to work
>Male customer holds door open for you
>Call him a rapist and misogynist
>Customer complains to manager
>Get fired
>Blame men and capitalism
>Go home
>Log onto tumblr
>20 paragraph rant
>Cannot find job because word has spread
>Become unemployable
>Still $80,000 in debt
>Commit suicide

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i actually agree with that tumblr post. i want all my tax money to go for a wall rather than abortion

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Most Woman are a net loss on the US economy and don’t pay into as much as they take. A leech on the country so to sleek. She doesn’t deserve representation.

>me and 5 other siblings/cousins all lived in grandparent's property, rent-free for 11 years
>we were all OTR truckers
>savings and investments (created by our parents, before we were born) are fucking substantial
>we are all retiring in our early 30s, to live off passive income and little, passionate gigs (sculpting, carpentry, DJ/party sound system provider, BBQ pit cook, etc) for the rest of our lives
Fuck college (for frivolous degrees).

I’m glad I don’t pay any taxes at all

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Isn't that site dead?

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Not yet, it's still just as much of a feminist breeding hive as it was before

Border security goes against every value you hold? Do you even think, ever?

I was a women’s studies major and am in my 2nd year of med school

Gender/ women’s studies is the same as every other liberal arts major

You guys are just bitter

They need as many third world shitskins in our country as possible to tickle their own virtue complexes.

>useless, racist wall

They know the wall will work, thats why theyre so scared of it.

Your story has an awesome ending...hope it starts happening in real life...

My house has at least four of those bigoted sumbitches, last week one of them told me his name was Nate Higgers.

Bitch, you've already paid for this wall.

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My dad was a penny pincher, my mom was a credit spender. Me and my siblings are fucked. At least Ive already started investing but Im 26 and I probably won't retire for a long time.

Don't tell me what my values are you faggot arab pimp lover.

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I'm all for opting out of paying for services that I dont believe in and paying for the ones that I do believe in.

Why should have have to pay for public schools and education when I don't have children of my own. My city just hiked up property values by almost 20% so they can get more taxes to pay for shit I don't even need or use. I'd most definitely would like to reallocate my tax money for border wall security though.

What (((they))) did to our generation will not be forgiven.

kek cat lady and pussy hat, if that wasn't bad enough.

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So you will find my "free ar 15s for every madman" bill right?
No ... you believe it leads to murder...... and that's how its different

why can’t we abort her?
the brain is clearly not developed yet

looks like stepdance shoes to me, it must be a real artist

>my dad works for nintendo

I have to agree with this informative-feminist.
>no more SS tax
>no more free gibs tax
>no medicare tax
>redirect taxes to military, firefighters, police and border security only.

It's not the same though.
The wall is like a road. Actively or passively you're gonna benefit from it. Even if you don't drive the delivery truck that goes to your home will, the public transportation that will take you to work will use it too... The wall will be a service for everybody as it's meant to keep criminals away.
Abortion is something of one use for one person of a specific sex so not all taxpayers should put money for it, specially if it's so controversial as to be seen as murder.

So, independently of wether or not you're for or against taxes the comparision makes no sense. I honestly think that the less money we give to Goverments, overall, the better.

If you don't want your tax dollars used for things you don't agree with, vote for candidates that have the same beliefs and agenda. A private organization does not have to pay for your birth control because it is a private operation. The argument is for private organization to have the right to make these choices. One of the stupidest twitter posts I have ever seen.

She's right. The border protects us from being swamped with blacks and browns. Abortion protects us from being swamped with blacks and browns.

I took women’s studies one semester because it’s so embarrassingly easy you can sneeze and earn a humanities credit, and I think you sound like a fat bitter tumblrina who is lying about being in med school so you feel less pathetic about your gender studies degree so there you go.

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Except we do fund the things she mentioned. So you need to fund what we want now, cunt

She's right though. If we don't have to fund the welfares of illegals, we don't even need the wall.

We should support women who argue for paying each's own bills.

OP is just searching out for a scapegoat to blame for his permavirginity and has decided to direct screeching at feminism and sexually liberated women.

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She does not look happy

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Fucking sucks ass, son. We are both rich/frugal, cosmopolitan/rural and working class/investor class. My mom loves nice shoes and a bit of upscale jewlery, but can kill and skin an Elk.

I detest parents who didn't save up/created investments for children's future. It's not that expensive (especially if our rural, hick ass did it).

Of course it’s easy, all liberal arts degrees are easy- congratulations on missing the point.

Medical schools love liberal arts majors- one because we’re supposed to “think diversely” secondly, due to the fact they like to have more then chem&bio majors represented in the undergrad snapshot to encourage more applications

Lastly, since we all have to take the same pre med courses, why be bogged down by other hard classes that will waste time and potentially drag the gpa down? Better to just take dance/ English/ psychology/ family studies/ women’s studies/ math classes.

Bitter- I know that word triggers you- men like yourself just direct all of your hatred towards women’s studies because you hate women. If you actually resented people doing the easiest majors possible- you’d just refer to the liberal arts in general.

Lastly, women’s studies classes can be difficult when you’re forced by junior year to write papers on how there’s actually 98 genders.

Now go jerk that unemployed, under 50k earning, 4inch dick and think about how much you hate women. It hurts us so much when we’re saving your life and earning 330k
