/og/ - Orthodox General

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to Orthodox General!

Orthodox Church on immigration
>Such an important aspect of modern life like mass migration is not left unattended. Unlike the Catholic approach that unduly favors migrants, particularly in Europe, the Orthodox notices the negative nature of the process, as well as the fact that it leads to confrontation of different identities and value systems. In addition, the Orthodox Church propose to look at the roots of this phenomenon. The reason for the migration is the liberal, hedonistic ideology bleeding the peoples of Europe and the interests of the capitalist elite, who need a cheap and disenfranchised workforce:

>Attempts by indigenous people of the rich countries to stop the migration flow are futile, because they come in conflict with the greed of their own elites who are interested in the low-wage workforce


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Other urls found in this thread:


>The New York-based Anti-Defamation League on Thursday urged the world's Orthodox Christian leaders to support a Christian proposal to excise ancient anti-Semitic passages from their liturgy.

>Unlike the Catholic and Protestant Churches, the Orthodox Church has never removed anti-Semitic passages from its liturgy, which still refers to Jews as Christ killers, said Dr. Dmitry Radyshevsky, director of the Jerusalem Summit, a conservative Israeli think tank. He noted that the anti-Semitic passages were most conspicuous during Easter services, and included such statements as "the Jewish tribe which condemned you to crucifixion, repay them Oh Lord," - which is repeated half a dozen times during the liturgy - "Christ has risen but the Jewish seed has perished" as well as references to Jews as "God-killers."


This is Hilarion's (the bishop in charge of Orthodox-Catholic dialogue) response to that

>Russian Orthodox theologian and bishop Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Vienna's lecture on "Theological Education in the 21st Century"

>Even more inadmissible, from my point of view, is the correction of liturgical texts in line with contemporary norms. Relatively recently the Roman Catholic Church decided to remove the so-called 'antisemitic' texts from the service of Holy Friday.

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>burger flag
>im an orthodox christian
Do all american "ordodox" look like this?

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>Deciding to finally address the “elephant in the room” in his closing remarks, the head of the Jewish delegation, Rabbi David Rosen, called for the Orthodox Christian leaders to issue a statement on the status of the Jewish people.

>“A doctrinal repudiation that the Jewish people had been rejected by God could have enormous consequences,” said Rosen, the international director of interreligious affairs at the American Jewish Committee.

>Rosen’s request was met with silence, raised eyebrows and the occasional shake of the head by the Christian delegates.


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>Jewish Radicals Disrupt Greek Orthodox Pentecost Prayer in Jerusalem, Calling Worshipers 'Evil'

>At the height of the ceremony, a small group from the Greek Orthodox, led by the bishop, came down the stairs and entered the Tomb of King David, escorted by the police. The Jewish protestors grew more frenzied. "The Jewish people lives forever!" King David lives forever!" one screamed. "May the name of your so-called God be blotted out forever," cursed another. "Nazi," someone screamed at the police.


Listen from 39 min for the Orthodox explain the truth about how Jews feel

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>a financial system based not on usury — charging interest for lending money — but on traditional social values should be introduced, he said.


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We look pretty normal


>tradcel white nationalist larpers look "normal"
I bet you get a lot of suspicious stares from parishioners. I bet you've heard them whisper "ξένος".

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My parish loves me much more than I deserve

Interesting id.

Antiochian I imagine? Even worse, OCA? Wonder how fast they would distance themselves if they learned about your far-right political views?

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My priest did give a sermon against racism, it was about how a "negro" repented of his hate for whites, heh.

I actually don't see what's wrong with my views, my parish is mostly rw, but at judgement day, God won't ask my party, he will ask if I fed a clothed the hungry

What kind of restrictions does Orthodoxy place on someone's life? Obviously no heroin. But can I be a good member even if my job would prevent me from attending every week, or from growing a beard?

You can become a fake ortho-christian like the rest are I guess.

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My godfather can only come every other week due to work

Beards are not mandatory except for monks and bishops, although very strongly encouraged for priests. No force on the laity

Here are some fun statistics for you fellas while you are here.

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This is ofcourse only for America but it will apply to the Greek orthodox and Russian orthodox in America as well.

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Every baby boomer Greek who celebrates Orthodox Easter calls himself Orthodox, this sort of census is useless unless it factors out people who only come to church once or twice a year

Why your sect is very divided and full of infighting ? Also why do you try to make orthodoxy an ethnic religion ? Religions are about spirit and after life.

The larperdox would like to make it an ethnic religion. They haven't been to successful after the Heimbach incident but they still shill for it on this board.

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Christianity has ALWAYS had infighting, Saint John Chrysostom was exiled by other bishops. Pope Sergius III has the Patriarch of Constantinople exiled for refusing to give the emperor a third divorce

Christianity is not about race, there have been saints from every race. But it's not about globohomo either

Christianity is a catholic religion, it's for all of humanity, we started a mission in Pakistan in 2012 and now have several hundred converts

Maybe you should correct your "orthobros". They seem to be claiming that orthodoxy is exclusively for whites!!! You must have noticed by now, Heimbach.

orthodogsy is for dumb faggots and brown subhumans. nothing good can be found in desert cults

Wait!! I thought Orthodoxy was based?!?!? You are Russian and you don't like Ordodox???? Explain yourself!

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Haimbach is an absolute best who has never lost a fight in his life. 30-0 win streak, then he will have sex with your wife afterwards. One look strikes fear into hearts of leftists and married men everywhere.


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Wasn't he excommunicated?

Everyone who has been through the catechumen process knows that Orthodoxy is for all races. That of course doesn't mean you have to support race mixing, multiculturalism, open borders, and so forth. Every race is holy, that doesn't mean race doesn't exist

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>Every race is holy
The. Absolute. State.

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>Every race is holy, that doesn't mean race doesn't exist
saving that, funny how when you get actual push back on the "ordodogs for whites" meme you deradicalize yourself. this happens with every larpodox poster

>Wasn't he excommunicated?
No. Some hipster American liberal converts cried about him but then he talked to real Russian priests who told him nationalism is good and that it's basically required by the church.

>all races are holy = deracination
>all races are holy = deracination

It is absolutely heretical to say only whites are made in the image of God. All humans have an immortal soul and are the image of God, and I do not hate any one for his race

Oh, wow, good to know!

Are you retarded my man? It’s not like any of us burgers are Eastern European diaspora or anything

>ordodogs for based WHITES save european civilization with based Butin :D
>orthodoxy is for everyone we are so inclusive everyone welcome :-D
you are mentally ill

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If Jesus called jews devils and jews are better than every race except for Whites and Asians what does that make all the other races?
>protip: not something good
>inb4 you're saying jews are good
I'm not. they're filthy vermin and so is every race below them.

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Ethno Nationalist Christians (Catholics, Orthodox, Protestant, other) are allies.
Anyone that is anti Ethno Nationalist is our enemies. Stop being confused. It's simple.

By holy, I mean made in the image of God, and able to partake of sacraments. But that doesn't mean ever race lives up to their purpose here, many deviate and degenerate. Only through obedience to Christ can a race realize itself

>"catholics are bad and race mix and let immigrants into their country"
>"orthodox is for BASED huwhites!"
>gets the slightest amount of derision
>"Every race is holy"
these burgerdox, everytime

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>Only through obedience to Christ can a race realize itself
Oh, niggers are "realizing" themselves alright

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Maronite here. Can you roum please explain the nature of your communities? From what I've seen, a lot of roum churches are more like ethnocultural communities rather than operating as vessels of the messages of God. I care about culture a lot obviously, and I'd be a hypocrite if I said maronite churches didn't do the same with our summer feasts and holiday celebrations. However, we maronites are still very concerned with Biblical scripture and the mass is first and foremost.
A lot of my family are roum, so I've been to plenty of roum cathedrals. The communities just seem so ethnocentric, and focused more on culture and language than the actual religion. You can have both, but the religion needs to be first.

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Greeks and commie Yugoslavs are responsible for the stats, if orthodox weren’t based we’d have helped the Muslims destroy western Europe; much like how the Jews are doing today. Nice D&C bait now publish your home address so an orthodox conversion squad can pay you a visit

Not an orthobeard, but as a fellow beviever in Christ: Peace be unto you, brothers. May you walk in the footsteps of our Lord. Never forget that He alone is worthy of all worship, praise, honor and glory, now and forevermore!

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They think and act differently than whites, this is innate, but it only becomes harmful because they don't obey Christ and because we try to shoehorn them into things they are not suited for

Depends on the parish. Some are enclaves, some are full of converts

Some Catholics support racemixing, others don't. It's not complicated to understand who the enemy is and who the allie is. Ethno Nationalist Catholics are good.

>if orthodox weren’t based we’d have helped the Muslims destroy western Europe
Oh, like you are doing right fucking now? Once again Krill gets a pass.

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Just passing through, but thought I'd weigh in on these comments. Look at them and then read below:

If you're looking into Christianity and you're looking for a denomination which preaches strict racial purity (or something like it) you're NOT going to find it (outside of some very small, fringe groups disavowed by the larger Christian body). The New Testament is quite clear that one's race is not considered in the eyes of God. (And you should be thankful! God is Love and wants ALL to be joined to Him.)
People here LOVE to throw this fact in your face. You can see it all the time coming from Jews (pic related). What they do is take an "unalienable truth" like "preserve the white race at all costs," and force you to hate anything that doesn't appear to mesh with that idea. And they try to warp your views to fit that. Since they know that most people here agree that the white race must be preserved (it should!), they'll bend and manipulate anything they're trying to destroy (Christianity) to apparently contradict that belief, in hopes that you'll "have to admit" that you're wrong about the thing they hate (Christ).
It's not just Jews that do it, although they're the most rabidly against Christianity that I've noticed here. Also it seems that the neo-faux-pagans and liberal shills who are trying to fuck with any non-atheist mindset have picked up on this tactic. (Hell, it's probably in Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals.)
If there's any question that Christ's Church is actively being vilified by all possible means, and by a WIDE spread of players, just stick around: it will become more obvious with time. And if you need a sign that "there's something to all this Christian stuff," the hate that comes our way from all sides is a pretty good indicator.
God bless, anons!

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Biblical Symbolism, Allegory & Mystagogy - St. Maximos - Jay Dyer

Today we cover the lesser known work of St. Maximos the Confessor, the Mystagogy, which delves into the symbolism found in the churches, the liturgy and the Bible. It also sets St. Maximos' means and methods of interpretation off against natural theology and natural law. Revelation is necessary for interpreting the natural world.



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Hi broski, presenting arms.

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Christ is in our midst!

Too bad they will never get their ashkenazi pipe dreams

Oh there you are , ready with your 'posting template' ? Thread closed while I was typing your reply to crush your misconstrued lies and duplicitous replies in here , kiddie fiddler homosexual . You found safe refuge in the arms of the papacy and its gay lobby, did you not?

More jesuit gay lies, there are english speaking liturgies in America and there's nothing you can do about it :D

We know a priest who's in Golden Dawn in my close circle, I think Orthodox priests aren't cucked like your nigger kisser pope and actually based.

Of course mane, are you crazy? You go to church for YOU, not for the Church, and the priest has a beard himself.

>You can become a fake ortho-christian like the rest are I guess
Quoting the tranny jew muscovite again ? Tsk-tsk you Christless catholrascal.

Dont listen to this clown , everything he says is a calculated fallacy hiding the truth and HE KNOWS IT. Just ask him ( just don't expect an honest reply, kek)

The sword of truth is forged before it turns to steel.

It will become an American religion sooner than you expect.

Gots to be Orthodfox tho.

What hatred, I pity you.

Now tell us how you are a jewish donme tranny, don't be afraid . It won't make your arguments any weaker.

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Find new words, I'm getting quite tired of hearing the same Turkroach vocabulary you're tossing around!
>The Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis denied child sexual abuse by Greek Orthodox Church clergyman in Victoria. However, further reportage found the opposite and worse, the child sexual abuse was happening and Iakovos attempted to cover the child sexual abuse up.
It would appear is if your beloved church is not free from such crimes!

>American religion sooner than you expect
This is about as likely to happen as America becoming catholic. America is a nation of heretics, plain and simple. Imagine Mormonism happening anywhere else.


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Are you saying it's alright to be a fag like Marxist Francis said ?

The timevhas come for Orthodoxy to become the American mainstream and denormify the populace, not the other way around you faggoty fairydust.

You shouldnt lie about Orthodoxy while your own pope is a nigger footlicker in actual tongue and foot reality, catholcuck cum eater.

Orthodoxy is for based Aryans, does these words crush your soul? It will habben!

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He gets a pass as an Orthodox, you wouldn't understand since you're a catholic bender.

That is because America is a nation of seekers. They seek so much because they want the truth. Orthodoxy is the truth

>Orthodoxy is for based Aryans
>Every race is holy
>is a literal turkroach
Post swarthy feet. I want to see how brown you are.
It's fine if you like your faith, just don't hold it to a double standard.

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>They seek so much because they want the truth. Orthodoxy is the truth
this is the incel version of a roastie trying to "find" herself

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Can anyone recommend a good orthodox church near SeaTac? I'm a noob who's curious.

We killed them all broski .

>muh don't repeat words !!!11!1
Repetition is the mother of learning we say over here and as long as your ears are deaf they will be pounded on autopilot.

1 child sexual abuse versu s 100.000 catholics
The odds stack favorably on our side, would you not say so you poz catholcuck?

It will happen , Americans WILL become Orthodox because the times are ripe for its spirit in their midst. They're practically at the door.

How much I love Christodoulos, what a brilliant soul. Reminder in 2006 the refugees we real refugees, not 'refugees'. .

>post feet

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You sound more jewish than you'd hope not to you imbecile shill.

Go to the Ethiopian one and meet the nigger cattle.

I want to hear a new word, please.

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Oh look how cute they are!! Subverting Europe and all!!! I'm glad you are giving them equal treatment.

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Orthodox: 0 crusades
Roman Catholic: 9 crusades
It is like you guys aren't even trying.

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Why is all the good art catholic?

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slavs are the niggers of white people

also notice the lack of jewish protcucks shills so far, they only attack the regular Christian threads, probably because they know orthodogs are losers

Is that all ? How about listening in general to truth instead of duplicitously misconstruing whatever the Orthodox do out of sheer jealousy the jesuit church and its jesuit pope are a bunch of corroded catholfaggots ?


Yet now JP II kissed the Koran and Francis praises a Muslim being mayor of London.

Catholicism today and Catholicism a thousand years ago are completely different

A theologioan is not our bishop, meanwhile your pope footlicker actually came to Lesbos kiss arab feet there too !

Byzantines fought more wars than anyone in the middle ages. They didn't need to go on crusade because they lived it for hundreds of years.

francis is also a jewish shill

>t. Kike

Oh look it's the cum eating pagan shill


Benedict also praised islam

We share the same Orthodox Church with Ethiopians, Syrians and Egyptians our churches aren’t some kind of racist organization we’re just not allowed to unite the churches because we believe in the sovereignty of each group

I just want the same standard to be upheld. I'm not jealous of your faggotry church, just think it's interesting how you guys a pass for no reason. You deserve to be made fun of just like everyone else for allowing this to happen.

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He is right. Most of Russian's "Christians" are fake. At best it's a mix of some christian appearance plus some parts of communist ideology. The main rule people live by is that you can do anything and God will still forgive you in the end. Just go to church sometimes to light a candle.

By the way lots of things posted about Russia here feels like gov propaganda.

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I have no qualms with Greece, yet you have to admit you and slavs are indisputably the losers of Europe
And I don't mean losers in terms of 'lost the race' or anything, losers in terms that you're disgraceful to even be included with Western Civilization and you and your slavic brethren would be better off in gas chambers than members of our new world

Kiril is a heretic and a catholic ass kisser and Armenians are hardly the sand niggers I’m talking about

>aren’t some kind of racist organization
>Orthodoxy is for based Aryans
Why is there so much confusion amongst you guys? It's like you have been told different stories!

I have no idea why the west likes Slavic nations so much.

The Byzantines fucked up by constantly murdering their Emperors. The Komnenos were their last best chance.

Plus it's good we made them all Christian instead of having them bomb us like the rest of them.

You don't gret standards applied to you because you essentially hate the truth. Like let's say you have a gay lobby in the vaticuck, fuck bois for centuries and call the Orthodox Church "faggot". How wouldn't be a weak fucking shill would you? We demand good oponents here so their crushing yields some satisfaction at least.

You have more starets than anyone else apart from us, you can shove dildoes up your liberated bunghole as far as you like but the Cgurch is strong in Russia and it's EVERYWHERE there.

I don't take you seriously because you didn't have the same education or upbringing with me, and can't discuss what the West is and being Western is. There's so much to say that will make you sad but from a historyless nation like yours no historical perspectives are expect, yet.

No, it is for Aryans (Europeans) because we can't have the first wolrd, buit by Aryans become a jewish latomy.

They did fine for 1000 years but it stands that regicide is a maximum crime in the eyes of the Lord.

I actually know the komnenos dynasties descendants, they STILL have money up the ass, they own a lot of property on certain greek islands that you prob already know of if you know greek history

pay debts

Fuck off jew boy your divide and conquer shillery doesn’t work on us; sure we don’t agree on everything or hardly anything as like all religions we’re splintered into sects however we are Orthodox brothers who have ultimate respect for one another based on our faith. Greeks and Ukrainians came to help us remove kebab in Serbia, Serbs helped Ukrainians remove US backed Jew forces in Donbas, and Russia swooped in to save the Orthodox Syrians from CIA-backed ISIS. Now if only we could get the Catholics to side with us for a change and stop trying to genocide us every chance they get (Poles excluded)

Turkroaches aren't Aryans. South African niggers are more Aryan than you guys.

Debts? What debts. You pay historic debts to the Greek civilization for shaping you into a human being, or at least trying to.

We arent turkroach tho, so it just falls on the ground,we actually killed all turks in Greece, all of them in 1822, they were only missed by Germans desu, they wrote a sad efigy for the roaches, and them only.

May a revival of Christian Faith sweep the world. May Orthodox and Christian be as one.

You sure are serbian, ukrainian, african, metzo, russian, turkroach and syrian alright. Maybe it's a good thing you don't try to steal western European history.

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So you're citing immaterial abstract debts now to distract that you retards destroyed your own economy despite living on easy mode for 60 fucking years straight?
Hence why you're fucking embarrassing to even be included with, and I genuinely like your country, there are anons with much harsher words for you