Imagine if Jow Forums lived in a neighborhood together what would it be like?

Imagine if Jow Forums lived in a neighborhood together what would it be like?

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It'd prove that anarchy is a retarded ideology

We'll gas all the JIDF kikes
Then kick out all the non-whites

National Socialism with white characteristics

My arbitration company will send man to a private jail for being a faggot.

I'll service everyones' wives since I am the most equipped to do so.

Probably the most diverse neighborhood the world has ever seen

Well of course it would be
Shiggy diggy

Literally this

Honestly, I think it would be all right. Most of us would probably agree on basic rules and give each other some space.

I would be calling the code enforcement on a lot of you trashy people that park your car on the lawn you haven't cut in months.

It'd be very diverse. Probably just like any other neighborhood. Quiet, hardworking family men here, noisy collage kids sitting out front drinking and listening to music over there. And everyone would harbor some sort of resentment against each other for being degenerate or stupid or brown or whatever.

Except there wouldn't be any Jews or really fucked up druggies or hobos or anything, cause the real public nuisances would probably be culled. Probably not a lot of open Democrats either. Also, lots of guns. Like more than a normal American neighborhood lots of guns.


I want this to be real. I just want to live in a small community of like-minded individual. Living in a liberal cuck metropolis makes me think about dying.


it would be nonstop ancap memes playing out in real life

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I just demand that it's free of modernism

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It would be the most high functioning autistic place on earth.

>high functioning

this with Teddy K is mayor/chief/wise man

Also no blacks/Muslims/immigrants. It would be the perfect neighborhood small but quiet.

Everyone mowing their lawn at 8 in the morning together. Like beautiful music to my ears.

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Ok fine, don't need to push, I know where the exit is.

Unironically this

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we could have our own museum

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Majority non white

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> a whole Indonesia in here
Jow Forums encapsulated lmao

Meet the neighborhood twinks

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Are non-red roofs illegal in europe or something?

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Does Jow Forums like it densely populated ?

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most old towns in the rhein area have gray roofs
it's different in each region

All I see are two wind chimes.

>I just want to live in a small community of like-minded individual

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We will probably live in peace for 1 year, then we will blame each other and conspiracy. First the Jews, then X race, then Y believer, then Z politics.

Its cool to be paranoid and passive agressive in the internet, but in a closed community? Holy shit. Salem 2.0

It would be a hoot
The streets would be empty and quiet
It would be classified as a Russian troll farm
Every house would be armed with a rake
The main import would be tissues
the main export would be dead people

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imagine the smell

No one would shower and everyone would die from the oder

Unironically. 100% white. Minimal crime. Mostly blue collar, everyone knows their neighbor yet respects one another's own business. Barely any obese hamplanets. Men go to work during the day, women raise the kids and tend the home... Anytown USA in the 50's.

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Those Jow Forums pics proving that this is the most diverse group of white supremacists the world has ever seen are hilarious on so many god damn levels.

A bunch of autists working together can yield great results. The only thing needed is leadership.


A literal Hoppean convenient community.

everyone would be brown, larping as 1950's whites.
paranoid of their nigger neighbors.

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unironically the most diverse cultural neighborhood in the country
But everyone would hate the same stuff at least

I'd be gassed.

A bunch of socially awkward people that are helped by some chads to better their life AND the community.

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A literal Hoppean convenient community.

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actually Jow Forumscraft was the best gaming experience i ever had in minecraft, so i can only guess that it would be a very excellent neighbourhood.


Literally 0% crime all year long.

blacks in our neighbourhood would be saver than in liberal nigger-slums, let that sink in

So... we'd gas the JIDF and then evacuate the neighbourhood en masse?

I c chang took the milkpill to prove he was lactose tolerant and indeed huwhite.

Everything would be covered in semen & feces

>Imagine if Jow Forums lived in a neighborhood together what would it be like?

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Haha me too

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defiantly this. probably the closest thing you will ever find to ancapistan.

good luck finding one of those.

local fire department

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Can central Europeans bring the tradition of Sinterklaas?

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we'd have a Jow Forumsul-de-sac
European inspired architecture
highest of highspeed internet
gardens everywhere
faint sound of fashwave coming from somewhere
shills would be shouting nonsensical gibberish from their houses flying meme-flags
weekly cockfights

like dis.

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one thing is for sure, you'd hear crazy laughter all day, since it would be fun to be allowed being politcally incorrect this much in real life
you could go on the street and do crazy shit and nobody would make fun of you or be scared, people would just come over and join you to have some lulz.
it's sad being aware what we are missing out in real life.

our neighborhood parades would be funny as hell

Would we have a public macaco plantation to make some sopa? The Jow Forums neighborhood official food.

Jow Forums is such a great neighbor


just imagine going to work, all of your co-workers dressed in nazi uniforms and your boss dressed as hitler, just for the lulz

There’d be lots of jews, that’s for sure

There'd be a huge imbalance in the male-female ratio, so we'd need artificial wombs and donated eggs (or artificial eggs, if the technology exists and we have the means to make them).

>God dammit that nigger tyrone is out there again, best to get my gats incase he starts chimpin'
>Look at that stupid ass spic in our perfect white neighborhood, stinkin' it up with his smelly tacos
>That damn pajeet is always lookin' outside from the window, he's probably trying to choose where to shit
At the end of the day, they leave their houses in so they can burn a cross on each others lawns, only to start fighting once they see each other.
>A huwhite user looks out to see three shitskins fighting each other
>These Damn non-whites in our neighborhood, this is the reason why our property value is so low
>He takes out his guns, kisses is half-black, half-asian Waifu, and goes out to deal with the non-whites
>Only for the non-whites to start bowing down to him, praising him for is white features (even though he's a mutt)
This is how a Jow Forums neighborhood would be like, please feel free to add anything to this.

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everyone would stay inside and shitpost all day.
and everyone just keeps thinking what neighbor is the one logposting.

Nazi fridays! bet your ass someone will come in dressed as a communist for lulz

So we do an ancestry test on everyone, and kick out everyone who's too Jewish.

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It would be 99% hispanic

>lots of happenings
>world is shit, no hope
>a message on Jow Forums pops up
>"the last hope for humanity, kekistani, join us at location x"
>a bunch autists gather
>create epic society
>spread their borders and become a great nation

>it all started from shitposting like this right now

This is the entrance.

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All working together too, lol

and bulldoze it

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libertarian utopia

little corrupt technology that releases hormones, but high-tech gene-modification and general advancement

Jow Forums is a minority white board. Jews are all meme flags or proxies and the majority of US flag posters are hispanic including the mods. Try to create a spic hate thread and see if you dont get a 3 day ban

The gay orgies would be great, finally I would have a boyfriend whos also into cartoon horse porn
And dont say it aint so, you all remember mlpol

middle school days we would say any and everything but when I went into HS everything changed shits sad. PC culture is the worst thing ever

only if its the town bakery


This means we all have to follow some ancient frog god too

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Constant invasions

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>There'd be a huge imbalance in the male-female ratio
This can be fixed by targeted advertisement campaigns.

Why would you spics have a problem with using genetic tests to identify and kick out the subversive Jewish infiltrators?

probably military parades and a really high GDP


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+burning false cult buildings now and then

there'd be a lot of mutts like myself living there.
Jow Forums appears to be at least 75% mutt posters
Why must the US lead the world in literally everything?