
At what point can we realistically demand proof of life? How long can she be absent before Trump gets another pick for a justice? Is it really possible to pretend someone is alive? Isn't that a crime? Isn't that like fraud?

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If you don't show up to school for this long you get a visit from the state to see if your parents chained you to a radiator
seems weird we can't hold the most powerful judges in our country to similar standards

she is alive guys chill out. She has another good 10 years left in her.

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she is dead
they are just keeping her on life support so the headlines of her death will hijack important news coverage

Goyim, we have more power over you filthy gentiles


>they are just keeping her on life support so the headlines of her death will hijack important news coverage
I fucking hate these treasonous media kikes. Even the people at Fox. This shit is so disgusting.

I remember when the media and people who were demanding to see Melania after her surgery because they thought Trump had beaten her, or killed her.
>But they were just concerned.

People ask to see proof of life from RBG because she's been missing for months, is extremely old, had 3 broken ribs, cancer, and pneumonia. The chances of her being alive are slim.
>People are conspiracy theorists.

If she's dead and they've been lying, they need all of their security passes revoked, removed from their position and thrown in prison.

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How long can they keep doing that though? People would eventually start asking questions, right?