Technology is making us WORSE

>porn and sexual content is more than half of the internet access, and is available for free with two clicks for minors
>producing said sexual content has become an actual financial option for women, PornHub itself paying 2000 dollars for couples to submit erotic content
>internet spread labour across the world without spreading people, thus increasing unemployment
>food has become cheap and rich in calories as it is an easy way to make addictive food that is also available for everyone
>number of people who know how to cook is steadily decreasing
>people are stimulated every ten seconds of the day, either voluntarily through accessing youtube or involuntarily through texting
>advancements in war made war a business of the peasants, thus reducing the importance of nobility and chivalry, turning war into an industrial meatgrinder of young men
>consumption is now done through the internet, which reduces incentives to actually going to mall where you could meet people
>advancements in medicine and nutrition are ending famine in the world, yet most of the populations that are actually growing are the ones uncapable of providing those advancements by themselves
>we now have more plastic in the oceans than we have green on Earth
>Tinder has eroded the level of flirting and depreciated courtship, giving an easy alternative to anyone who wants sex
>cars have conditioned us to accept living 8 miles away from work and burning a lot of fuel as well as time instead of living close to where we work
>you can find literally more than 100 thousand hours of videos of people discussing a single pop culture movie like Star Wars
>people will still say there is no problem with any of this

I could go on for ages.

Our society is sick, Jow Forums. Our disease is not only the government, but technology itself. We are just not becoming better people. We are becoming obese, neurotic, frivolous, overstimulated, miserable, thots and have no attention spam.

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Other urls found in this thread:

boomer here.. I agree tech did ruin a lot of things but I will say you kids have much easier access to porn than when I was a kid. We just playboy magazine with fat women and they didn't show much. Today you can see anything you want in hi-def.

>We are becoming obese, neurotic, frivolous, overstimulated, miserable, thots and have no attention spam.
I'm not becoming any of those. my enemies are though

I love nigger dick

I couldn't agree less. I like jew

I am posting just as I am thinking about all that porn I downloaded yesterday.

I feel like a slave

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It is ridiculous.

Playboy was better for the mind than the hardcore anal porn that is always on top in the industry today. Images can only suggest, and you must work the scene in your head. Same goes to prostitution, which actually taught something to denegerate young men about women and sex. Destroying your dick while watching some woman getting railed in the ass by fourty dudes is just a a time waste. Even the degeneracy was better.

The hilarious part is that the constant stimulation isn't even that rewarding. The pleasure that you get from the stimulation is constantly decreasing, after all.

Most people are, user.

It's time we actually look around and wonder if the world we built is actually working for us or making us sick.

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You can do it, user.

But in order to escape from porn, you must escape from the circumstance that allows porn.
That means you must abstain from the internet, as porn is stimulation that is always two clicks away.

Just try not using the internet and computers that have porn in it and you'll be fine.

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Turn to Jesus anons

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things are waaaaay worse than only this
humanity is under attack

>an easy alternative for anyone who wants sex
If that were the case, this website wouldn't exist anymore. Tinder is about demoralizing and corrupting women, once the women are corrupted the men will thirstily follow them into corruption willingly.


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Can someone source those cheek stripes? I see them fucking everywhere on ahaego bitches that get posted here all the time. I'm assuming its Naruto, overwatch or fortnite.

This man was right.

I'm not nearly as smart as he is, but even I can see that he saw everything coming way back in the day.

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We are not going to help you masturbate.

You are sick, user.

That image was chosen just because that thot is a perfect example of the problem that we are undergoing.

It's almost like the ideals and morals you based your worldview on aren't founded in reality.
Why fucking knew?

First time ever i stumble upon a comprehensive post that has a point.. multiple even

If I ever get to speak in front of people at the UN, which is what I'm studying for, may I cite you?

I'm sorry, I was too busy looking at the thot to read your post.

Seriously though, look how cute she is. Those little dimples in the corners of her mouth. Goddamn.

i cant wait
i cant fucking wait

until pedos are made legitimized
and all this sexual control over society boils over
and we just have massive massive gatherings
where we all masturbate in public to protest.

oh man
oh boy

Dude, I swear: you could bang someone way hotter than some young woman who takes nude pics of herself and earns thousands of dollars.

Prostitution 2.0 (Thot Culture) sucks. It is too easy, you don't even get to smash, the payouts are far too large and it's way too expensive.

Our degeneracy is not only abundant, but it's become a very easy financial option for young women and couples. You can basically be a prostitute without being one, and get absolutely no negative consequences because of it.

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Don't you get tired of making this thread HueHueHue? Yes porn is bad. But your relationship to technology can be managed. So do that.

Without technology, they could have suppressed the holohoax far better.

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We're two decades away from it, user.

We are nearing 1/5 of the 21th century, and the amount of degeneracy in our society is staggering.

We are so much worse than we were back in the 2000s.

Twitter did more damage in the past year than porn did for the entirety of the internet's availability.

The future is mechanical fleshcucks
Bow down to your synthetic overlords

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remember user, a monkey only masturbates in a zoo

>Playboy was better for the mind than the hardcore anal porn that is always on top in the industry today.

You know they just had those articles to wank off men's ego's about it being a classy gentlemanly thing to buy, right?

It took playboy, to make the way for hustler and hustler's court case for pornography to be protected under free speech law.

It was better only because it had to be, because it was sold to a people who knew who they were and they had some morals.

WTF are you on about?

Only people without any sort of power over the world think the holocaust didn't happen (mostly muslim retards and antissemite autists). The holohoax bullcrap failed hard and will always fail. People will always believe the holocaust.

The narrative that is obligatory to children is that the holocaust happened, and it killed 6 million and was the worst thing in history. They won.

Internet allows the spread of information, true. But this information isn't actually making any difference because we now understand that information just doesn't matter. What you and I know about immigration won't stop european governments from importing a gorillion foreigners from primitive countries. Even when our information actually elects someone (see Trump), it still won't stop the government from doing it. We live in a post-reason society where data and statistics are mere trivia for social rejects to show around in internet arguments.

The people who are behind all this know exactly what they're doing. They won't allow us to win. YouTube, which is used once an hour by every single teenager with access to the internet, is already stopping us from seeing related videos to content that they find offensive. Internet won't save the day. The Arab Spring was fully organized through the internet, but look how those countries are now. Syria is still in civil war, Egypt is a military dictatorship and Lybia cas become a non-country.

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Yeah, brace for impact.

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Face it if you're not a good looking Chad, women don't want anything to do with you, never had and never will. At least now you have porn and Vidya to distract you from going insane, let you have at least some enjoyment from life, instead of the powers that be just periodically culling the excess male population with giant wars like in the past

can you stop posting this roastie zoomer?

very few females have punchable faces, but she's one of them. thread hidden.

>But this information isn't actually making any difference because we now understand that information just doesn't matter. What you and I know about immigration won't stop european governments from importing a gorillion foreigners from primitive countries.

Depends on what people do with the information. Norway has far less immigration, because Breivik took the information and acted upon it. Fear is a powerful motivator. Are you willing to be as monstrous as a muslim or jew? Do you have enough unity that people want to make a sacrafice for each other?

That is what matters. Diplomacy grows out of the barrel of a gun. This is just a larp of course. Look in the kitty's eyes.

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Highly untrue

Quit feeding this whore's narcissism.
Stop feeding female narcissism.
Completely ignore this behavior. Don't talk about it. Don't post about it. Don't think about it.

Start with fapping to without porn and keeping it down to once a week or every few days. Just use your imagination. Its more boring, but much better for your brain and easier to do than no fap. If you can't do that, you're in a really fucked up place user.

If you ever need motivation, just grab your bible and open up to any chapter of Sirach. He'll make you feel like a piece of shit for being so degenerate while at the same time making you want to become stronger.

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Here's a hypothetical scenario user, would you legalize brothels in exchange for banning porn? Hint: There is a blue pilled answer and a red pilled answer.

prove it

I'd not hesitate to do it.

I'd rather have the mafia control porn and have it as an expensive commodity than having brothels around. At least brothels won't allow your 12 years old cousin to stay there watching anal sex all day.

Technology has certainly hobbled us, but only the most shallow would attribute it to queens like Belle Delpnine. She is merely the tip, as it were, and I defend her. She is doing what she can while she can, and I have no problem with that. On top of that, she is hella hot.
I do have a problem with cases like that of "Hannah Hayes", for example, who was straight-up raped by niggers at the behence of Jews. That sort of thing makes me pretty angry, not gonna lie. That retarded girl was straight-up raped, and yet not a whisper out of the judicial system.
This does not amuse me.

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Hefner was a Jew. And now here we are.

I've been reading your other posts in this bread user. You are doing God's work, and you are more woke than 80% of the shitposters left on this board. Channel your wisdom somewhere productive.

Technology should strictly serve mankind, and man should serve God. If technology impedes either of those two things, it should be destroyed.

Technology is destroying our ethical values.

No one goes to church.

Do whatever you need to do to fix this.

The people who form the American government doesn't seem to care as long as they have food on their plate, money in the bank and no blood on their suits and dresses.

It's just about time to take matters into our own hands.



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this word degeneracy.

i have always equated it with sexual promiscuity but actually thats not really the case here

in this contect degeneracy is really a person who fucks up society and it could be argued the world around it.

these are the litterbugs, the people not observing proper respect for world around them.

the only thing is , everyones complicit in this degeneracy.
the non degenerate is like on who passes thr gom jabbar in Dune
one who is degenerate is not mindful of his actions and just living on auto pilot

becuase if anything what technology has allowedc us to do is
explore more extreme places so that man may have complete reign of his dominion
making degenerate practises safe.

like im pretty sure sexual degeneracy has a direct corollation to adoption of modern plumbing and personal hygiene

Boomers belong in cages.

Hear hear

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You wouldn't do a thing, stop larping

Good thread OP

Stop thinking of porn as a valuable resource. Be willing to delete that shit to help tomorrow version of you.

Based Michael Jones.

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What do you mean by "aren't found in reality"? Those morals and ideals are derived from the terrible consequences we observe happening as a result of certain behaviors. Real world actions and real world consequences.

>PornHub itself paying 2000 dollars for couples to submit erotic content

>holocausto aconteceu

Tava indo bem até agora.

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Tfw kids these days will never have the experience of having to hide all your various fetish porn mags and videos/dvds from your parent(s), or how sometimes you had questionable quality stuff because that was all you managed to get a hold of, not because that's all your punished meat can get a rise to after all the overstimulation current year produces.

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It's false.

But the porn... So much amazing porn

Holocaust didn't happen, monkey.

Read the post.

It is the narrative that is taught to children, even costing them points at the tests if they say it didn't happen.

My whole point when I was discussing with netherlands user was that whatever happened and whatever didn't happen are irrelevant, as First World countries people live in a society that is post-facts, where government policy is mainly determined by the demography of the voting base. The fact that internet gives us this supressed information is irrelevant in the end, as the people in power will follow the official narrative in order to decide whatever they're going to do (implying it has not been decided from the very beginning). The fact that Trump can even get that wall built and that it's almost been 3 years and Brexit hasn't gone off the ground are proof that the promisse that the alt right independent media people of a new world is failing.

I'm willing to bet that Trump will be the last republican president.

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>hasn't had the ted talk

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Porn is an example of where technology now controls the user. We must reject the excesses of modern technology and strive for more simple lives with that same technology.

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>where government policy is mainly determined by the demography of the voting base

Not even this. Democracy is dead in europe. It's on life support in the US and the jewish doctor is deciding what to do with it.

god fucking damn I would save up for half a year just to have Belle Delphine drool on my cock

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I implore you anons to help another user out. How do I beat the porn jew and then the fap jew all together? Not only do I no longer wish to watch the jewish invention which is pornography, but I no longer want to fap as well. Please help me out here. I beg of you.

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Look you can't give in to demoralization. No matter how bad things get. And they'll get a whole bunch worse.

Because if we are already functionally powerless then it won't have mattered, but we'll at least die nobly trying.

And if we are not already powerless it's worth doing everything in our power to prevent our children being powerless.

You simply can't surrender. Never surrender.

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Not that democracy was ever really a good idea. We've replaced landed noblemen who held a baseline interest in the nation's welfare with foreign bought puppets. The abduction of the European aristocracy was happening as early as Napoleon. Look at the Churchhill family and the Rothschilds.

The enlightenment was a mistake, as was its derivative, the protestant movement.

Marry and make babies.

When you watch porn you’re literally getting off to another man fucking a woman you find attractive. It’s actually cyber cucking yourself and Pavlovian conditioning towards degeneracy.

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And yet you live in a society. Interesting!

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Nice post bro. Keep it up.

I cannot do that if I don’t stop watching porn and fapping.

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Varg faps so fast that he doesn't even realizes he masturbated.

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None of that is a problem once the sex robots go online and we can have genetically engineered children without a female partner.

>No bitching and whining
>10/10 robot gf who always does what you want
>happy family with no potential for betrayal, cheating, less chance of death thanks to modern medicine etc.

Its literally all good. Fuck living like some 1600s peasants marrying your oneitis, having a kid at 20 years old and living in the same hut for your miserable life. Theres so much more out there to do.

You sound like a fucking prohibitionist. Handle your porn like you handle your drink. Responsibly. Don't try to nanny everyone else just because YOU can't jerk off responsibly. I can, and so can most, freak.

You first have to free your mind from the porn, then from fapping. Start with no porn. Fap once a week or once every few days tops using your imagination. Its not as fun, but it satisfies the withdrawal. If you're about to crack open the incognito tab, beat your dick immediately before you can do so. Get past that stage asap.

Once you get used to no porn, you have to wean yourself off. Keep track with an app or a paper calendar.

While its noble to want to break off, you have to recognize the physical reality of fapping. Its gives you a physical addiction just like most drugs do. All it takes is patience, and dedication. Patience especially, given that the healing process is long depending on how far down the hole you've gone.

It also helps to read parts of the bible, mainly proverbs, sirach, book of wisdom etc. You need a constant reminder than the longer you remain enslaved to your vices, the more wretched and worthless you are to God. You need to convince yourself that you need to improve yourself for your own sake and God's sake.

No it doesn't. You're just unable to fap with moderation.

It's from Overwatch

>The fact that Trump can even get that wall built and that it's almost been 3 years
Sources are already reporting that Trump will likely declare a State of Emergency within the next two weeks should Dems not offer any deal.

>Brexit hasn't gone off the ground
No Deal Brexit inbound. For once, the incompetence of the British government has done some good.

>the alt right independent media people of a new world is failing
I mean sure, we're seeing people ratted out of the Internet, although funny enough its more of the civnats than the Alt-Right, but there will always be alternatives. Silicon Valley's stocks are imploding as of the past year. Their recklass attitude of viewing themselves as culture warriors than businesses will be their undoing. You don't believe me any further, look at vidya. EA, Activision-Blizzard, Ubisoft, even fucking Bethesda are embracing the notion of "wokeness", abandoning the drive for profit in order to influence the culture even further. I wouldn't be surprised if we see these giants crash in the 2020s.

>I'm willing to bet that Trump will be the last republican president
I'm pressing X to doubt. Should the Dems implode between their neoliberal and socialist factions, that would give us more than enough time for the Republican Party to recover. And besides, if anything, look out for the white vote becoming more collectivized. If anything, they might end up switching gears from 1776 to 1488 out of desperation.

Look huebro, I get it. The blackpill is strong in you. If anything you want to come from this, the least you can do is withdraw yourself from the Internet for a few days, or at the very least Jow Forums and the rest of social media. Work on bettering yourself. Read some philosophy, exercise an hour a day, meet new people. We're fighting a spiritual war if anything. You have to understand that much at least.

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You first, chump.

I sucked a black tranny cock after watching those sissy hypno videos.
My dick was bigger




It is easy. Stop putting yourselves in a circumstance where that sort of stimulation is available. if you turn on the PC, bang: it's literally two clicks away. Your brain will beg you to click it and get stimulated like crazy with porn. Not doing it is hard, just like asking the rat from Skinner's box to do not press the stimulation button.

Even this thread isn't really helping you. Turn off the PC for as long as you can, avoid internet altogether, delete porn you have downloaded.

You can do it, user. You just gotta make it harder for you to access porn.

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>comparing drinking to porn
It is far more natural for a man to spend an evening at the brothel than to be touching himself in the darkness of his room. Not to mention you ignore all of the social engineering behind porn. You're a retard for even making that comparison.

This. Twitter and Instagram were the nail in the coffin for Western women

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>just do cocaine in moderation bro

Must have been kid stuff, they can't be watched online, you have to download them.

Same, but it was Skyrim "mods".

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Is there a way for me to transfer money I've earned to pic related?

Thank you very much, user. Will do and see how well it works. God bless you.
Fuck you, kike.
I understand that and I’m already trying my best to do so but what do I do about my mobile phone? I have an iPhone and constant internet access which I’m using to post right now. I would get rid of it if I could and use a flip phone or something more primitive, but I can’t do that due to certain things being mandated at my work place such as needed a smart phone with internet access for certain work things. What should I do in your opinion user, along with anyone else who’d like to chime in?

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Checked and agreed.

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I was onboard until the car part. 8 miles is not much dude. I know people that commute 1 hour each way minimum. Also if you live in flyover states there isnt much for miles thankfully thus the drive. Fuck the city and fuck cityfags

That's a good quote
I'm just going to follow this argument on whether or whether not monkeys jerk off because they have an audience and the proof for it.

It's not technology it's society. Even if you removed technology there would still be some degeneracy plaguing the masses

This, I'd rather drive to work in a less populated area than walk to work from a cuck box apartment in a city.

Poor child, had you read cyber punk "fiction" in the 80s and 90s you would realize none of what is happening is a surprise, it is the natural progression.

>implying people can be trusted to do what is right for society over their own personal desires
Sounds like you have no idea how society works but ok

how can i just drop the internet

Porn > trying to find a bf
Porn >aids

We actually know less now than we did before we outsourced (((knowledge)))

>pornhub is paying couples 2k to submit video
No it's not. That's some meme from a twitter account. They pay based on ad revenue, just like youtube.
Source: pornhub