What is Jow Forums's opinion on seemingly redpilled bands like Muse...

What is Jow Forums's opinion on seemingly redpilled bands like Muse? Are they controlled opposition or no one cares because their lyrics are vague enough to fly under the radar?


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I think you should stop listening to shit music

You take that back right now.

she should be browner tho

They're just a shit 90s art rock band with sci fi themed lyrics, just like Floyd and Radiohead and every other shit pretentious rock band Normie's like.

they made one race-mixing video, of course, the eternal anglos they are, its genetic at this point, like judaism

Muse has connections and access to high level, hidden information, behind the scenes, about the public, certain people specifically, and the true overall state of affairs. They are more predictive programming than controlled opposition.

Can't believe you saved the thumbnail. Here's a full pic.

Attached: 1476888303510.jpg (900x900, 280K)

>singer married to Hollywood jewess

what do you call these cute girls?

And in the video when the black girl kisses the white guy, he knocks over a can of "propaganda". Hmmmmm

Song is "pressure" for anyone bi-curious

Attached: muse.png (1920x1080, 805K)

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Personally, I like almost every single album they've put out.

Really? Didn't know about that. That's a shame. I'll look it up.

>Muse has connections and access to high level, hidden information, behind the scenes, about the public, certain people specifically, and the true overall state of affairs.
What? Care to explain?

Oh, I fucked up. Thanks, lad.

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is there like a full set of these somewhere or smt?


>what do you guys think?
>is X redpilled?
Read the rules. Do not reply to shills.

Damn, that's pretty neat. maybe they're fighting from the inside?

It's mostly what I already said. Basically, certain musicians get special privileges and access to occult, which just means hidden, information. It's been this way for decades. Muse is one of them. Those musicians and bands are then used for social engineering. Sometimes those groups/artists are pushing an agenda, other times they are used for predictive programming, or to "hide information in plain sight". Some work for the "good guys" others for the "bad guys". Some do it knowingly, others as unwitting pawns.

Also, their kiss accidentally brings to life la creatura. lmao
It all makes sense now.

Attached: oh man.png (650x581, 284K)

Could just be a reference to their song titled "Propaganda" on the same CD. But I don't believe in coincidences, it's too fitting.

Either way. Muse is based and phenomenal performers. They go all out for their concerts.

In all seriousness if you want some good rock/metal/jazz bands with a similar theme I'd recommend
>blotted science
And if you like hip hop
>del the funky homosapien
>kool keith

Controlled op. The fact that Muse made an album about (((simulation theory))) shows that's a big part of the next agenda for programming

Do you have some kinda of source you can share? I'd like to look a bit more into it.

Think about it: the kiss represents the union of two people of different races, something encourage via propaganda (the soda can). Then, their union causes la creatura to emerge, representing their offspring, who proceeds to destroy society as a whole, represented by the kids in that party.

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I'll check it out, although I could never tell the difference between rap and hip-hop. I do like stuff like Rakim and Immortal Technique.

>(((simulation theory)))
Speaking of which, I wonder if Quantum Physics are in fact (((Quantum Physics).

The urge to colonize intensifies

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Sorry, there's no "official source" on that one, if anything, I'm the source. However, I can give you a lead, some crumbs to follow if you will.
Start watching all music videos with the intent to find the hidden information. Think in terms of symbols, colors, and hidden messages. Besides Muse, or any of the generic female pop singers like Katy Pery, whose material is loaded with symbolism, I'd recommend starting with Panic at the Disco, Imagine Dragons, Fall out Boy, and Macklemore for some more interesting finds.

>take shrooms before hitting stage
>singer married a jew
>weird af space music


Fuck you, OP

Funny that you mentioned Panic at the Disco, because this video just came to mind recently:

From the name of the song, down to everything else, that's some pretty satanic shit.

Hip hop is the subculture, rap is the singing specifically. Beatboxing, breakdancing, turntabling and graffiti are also part of "hip hop".

That's the second half to youtu.be/tGE381tbQa8
You have to understand them as a whole.
Surprisingly, the Demon in that video is one of the "good guys". Listen to his story.
Fully, that series is kicked off by this one youtu.be/jVXauWq9Hwg.

I'm listening to Koo Keith's Lost in Space right now. Good shit so far.

Cool, didn't know about that. I'll check it out in a sec.

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Don't kid yourself, it's all nigger music.

Muse is better than the flavor of the week nigger songs that assault my ears everywhere I go.

Until you actually live on a reservation sure. Indians are absolutely the most entitled race of people I've ever met.

By coonize I mean place my bepis into the uteral doorstep of the brown heu-monkey board idol

Interesting. The part where he is submerged and emerges stronger than before is an allusion to baptism, right?

Sure, np. Just remember it's not all songs, in fact the majority of all songs aren't. But some bands have many songs with the hidden info and messages, others none. This one here is loaded with it, if you can put all the pieces together. Hint, it has to do with US history, and current events, and the Anthem.