Remember anons

when someone you love burns to death and spends their last moments in fear and in the worst imaginable pain, you can thank leftist swine for that.

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Other urls found in this thread:

brb moving to an igloo

>Women and men from black, Asian and minority ethnic groups only have to score 60% on verbal and numerical tests – where as white men have to score 70%
>A spokesman for the West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service, said: ‘West Midlands Fire Service is committed to a having a workforce which reflects the diversity of the population of all our communities, and one that is welcoming to all.
>Our recruitment shows our determination to challenge outdated perceptions about who can – and can’t – be a firefighter

as long as more niggers and their spawn burn alive from space heater accidents due to female and nigger incompetence, I support this decision

great now the unga-bungas and 0 upper body strength empowered wammin going to to be causing a rise in fatalities

>welcoming to all
>literally discriminating against evil white men
These people should be publicly hung

The UK is the USA's canary in the coal mine and...
*looks over at cage*
Yup, that canary is dead.

Pretty much nobody dies of fires itself in fire accidents, smoke and heat are pretty much instant knockouts and kill the unconscious victims before they are lit.
But nevertheless, shitty policy. Rescue professions should be always about efficient work, not ever diversity.

Uhh. Racist and sexist much?

We are doomed

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Why would you want a female fireman?

ho lee fuk
wee tu lo

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>Any one can be firefighter if we lower the requirements.
Guess I'm fighting my own fires and paying taxes to do so.

Because it's hot

so she can carry you over her shoulders, I'm no letting any gay fireman touch my balls trying to get me out of a fire, no sir.

>welcoming to all
>but we really prefer the inadequate as long as they're a progressive race and gender.

>women and niggers can’t qualify without test gibs
How is this not racist and sexist?

>implying there's anything hotter than being carried out of a burning building by an amazon goddess then slowly regaining consciousness as she gives you mouth to mouth and holds you in her arms to make you feel safe

If I was a black or Asian, etc, who wanted to be a firefighter, I would be insulted to burning degree by notion that I'm less capable than white guys and need such handicap. This is literal racism. Moreover, any white guys who passed the test will have every right to look down on blacks, etc. I think such thing would be a real crime in my country, for creating racial tensions or whatever that law called.

Maybe you enjoy the smell of burned human hair?

If blacks and females are failing the tests more often, that just proves that the tests are inherently racist.
Requiring a higher score from white males just corrects for the racism built into the system. It actually makes the overall system more fair.
No one is going to die because of this.
In fact, with diverse fire crews, there will be a broader range of knowledge and experience available to handle each unique situation that comes up fighting fires in the various neighborhoods of a city.

The war is not over.

Just force them to hire more black women abortion doctors. All the libs will die bleeding out after botched abortions and they won't be able to say anything because it's diversity in action.

>literally admitting that niggers and women are not as smart as the white man

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This means that any time you see a white man in any job, he isn't just any white man, he's the cream of the crop of white men.

This is literally just a form of darwinian selection that is selecting for white men to be even more capable in every aspect than normal. You can be sure that every non-white you see is a diversity hire who is worthless at their job and the opposite is true for every white guy.

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>tests are racist
Do you actually take yourself seriously?

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That’s literally racism.

That literally reduces the effectiveness of your force.

All of this for virtue signal points.


>No one is going to die because of this
was the only thing that saved you from a 0.5, everybody gets a 0.5 for effort

Oh hay, their website has a complaint page.

you know what to do.

This. It's insulting if anything

And I can understand it for women as they're physically weaker, though it's still not justified because they're putting people's lives in danger for the sake of adversity, but it's not like ethnic males are weaker than white men so what the fuck?

>In fact, with diverse fire crews, there will be a broader range of knowledge and experience available to handle each unique situation that comes up fighting fires in the various neighborhoods of a city.

Like stealing the TV or other electronics from the victim's burning house.

Women shouldn't be police or firefighters.

I've known no less than 5 female cops who openly admit they don't respond to calls quickly, because they do not want to be first on the scene.... One of them even told me that she got a call, domestic dispute, where she should have gotten there in under 2 minutes, she took 10, and the woman was beaten to a pulp and was in a comma for 3 weeks.

Women aren't first responders, they should never have gotten the right to hold those positions.

I don't care about your color or religion, if you are good at your job, women just aren't good.

>lop off the bottom 95% of white males
>push up the top 35% of negroes and 60% of females to replace them
so darwinian bro
another day, another senseless leaf

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>my ancestors captained urban fireteams for decades for this

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>There might be a bunch of children locked in the back room of this crack house

It's always funny because people will catch on and start viewing white(and East-Asian) men automatically as more skilled and competent over the more favored minorities. Like do you want to be treated by a black or white doctor/ nurse when you already know that the white doctor had to be more competent to reach his position while the black doctor cud be prone to making mistakes but is given a pass because they need the diversity.

Basically race quotas just make a organization look tolerant and diverse but will actually make people more racist in a more broad and long-term way.

10/10 b8

Can somebody please post the actually link to this article so I can share it with my firefighter friends


>Be non-white male
>Still get passed over for jobs in favour of women

Now if I see a "Women in [industry]" page on a company site (which is ridiculously common) I don't even bother applying. They're going to throw out every male application. At least I have the hope of some diversity points but I can't imagine how tough it is if you're white.


OMG lol

>not photoshopping fireman hats on white chicks getting blacked for the annual community fire house donation drive calendar
Jow Forums is fucking shit now look at all you whingers

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have you ever tried this new service called "google"? It's pretty cool, you can just type shit in and it finds it for you, pretty wacky!

>shillman fellow
ok you almost had me

How? Are they asking about lotions and applying for welfare?

Your post reminded me of this:

He's right though, making an OP without a link is fucking cancer. Honestly fuck you.

So they are admitting that women and minorities can't compete?

How is that not a direct violation of civil rights?

That leaves 5% superior white super men. Better than everyone else.

It is insulting. I remember when I was in high school I received an award for my SAT scores, which were slightly above average.
I was award some National HIspanic Scholar award for having slightly above average scores. Ever since then I just checked white on all my applications. I knew it made my life harder, but I have pride.

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Enough is enough ! Endangering life with their BS crusade. Ffs

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Armed men must flood inside every institution of power and execute every traitor inside. We must reestablish civilization from the greasy ashes of the present.

sure, it shoyuld've been posted by op, but it wasn't, now what?
>cry about it on a website for finding malaysian aircraft
>google and post it, all while calling op a faggot



Their world really is idiocracy. Truly terrifying

Super rare.

Bless the Faroese. Wonderful based people.

They should have the women drive the trucks since they tend to be smaller and might have trouble carrying people.

You made your point nigger now kys


>see vid
>comments disabled

what's with all that shit blocking the screen, you can't even see what's going on at the end of the video

>now kys
jokes on you I'm already dead inside

I thought they did that when they openly admitted women had to carry a lower weight and the pass time that was considered a failure for a man was unironically considered a #1 time for a woman.
It's almost like the anti-semites are right and it's actually Jews who are the problem.


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Why the fuck are people like this

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That's a real thing actually.

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When I read shit like this I just want to die. I’m in college right now and everywhere I look I see free shit for women and minorities. Constant diversity is our strength mantra and I just want to die. There’s no point even working anyway. Even if I get the job I want I’ll be fucked over every step through promotions and shit. People keep going on about how privileged I am and I just want to shoot up the college honestly. I’m gonna try and start my own business and if it fails I’ll kill myself.

it is. sue them

>black people don't visit parks due to slavery

You know that this is satire, but then there are things like pic related, where white people just walking outside is considered racist by leftists.

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Sickening. Part of an ongoing crime against humanity.

Holy fuck burgermutts never stop amazing me with how fucking retarded they are.

Me too. Only hatred keeps me breathing.

fucking useless piece of fat fuck

I'm so fucking blackpilled.

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This is essentially my stance on abortion.

And this is why i'm leaving the military and joining a PMC.
Not going to fight in the name of a bunch of stupid millennials.

a few years from now they're going to bitch and cry about how they're having a hard time recruiting firemen while hundreds retire to cash in on their sweet pension gibs.

>How is that not a direct violation of civil rights?
We don't have civil rights.

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There are several silver linings here.

1) firefighters dont make shit. white men should be in jobs where they make at least $100k.

2) when the brown hoards start fighting fires theyll suck at it because theyre stupid and the homes they cant save will put more people on the streets. This one is good for a laugh

3) when the fire inspector is brown you will be able to deliberately set fire to your unwanted home for insurance fraud and no one will ever know

well yeah that's what affirmative action is, and it goes on everywhere

How do you specifically make it harder for WHITE men? Is there a minimum amount of looting required now?


Kek wtf

Fucking Crowder man

wtf was that?

Same, except I’m a fag. One fag from my school used his faggotry sob story to get into a better university than he should have. I never bring it up, because i don’t want to succeed based on my oppression points but on my actual merit

>white men should be in jobs where they make at least $100k.

Yeah all the 98 IQ white men who are firefighters will magically get educated and smart to get $100k jobs

"That's nigger bullshit"


breddy gudd 8/10

Reduce the requirements so everyone can pass, then filter out white men for being white men.