How do you take the blue pill after taking the red one? I don't like this reality

How do you take the blue pill after taking the red one? I don't like this reality

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You can’t go back

by finding back to your inner child

By realizing that the pills are exactly the same except with different food coloring. It’s all a matter of perspective.

Read 1984. O'Brien bluepilled Winston back to his comfy zone.

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Once you acknowledge reality and end the delusion there is no going back.

You can’t.

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There is only one pill that can be taken after the red pill...

The black one.

You can't.
You are here forever.

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Tell me more about the Black pill

No one can tell you about the black pill. It is just a place you reach on your own. When you have taken it, you know.

You would unironically need to subject yourself to brain damage. You can't unlearn things with a functional brain.

>You'll never enjoy a movie again
>You'll always know the (((white))) person that's behind every anti-white topic or public policy/law really is.
>You'll hate how your friends dont see any of it.
>You'll be cry knowing the odds are against us.

But guess what buddy, that's the world live in & it's better to know reality & live free than be a Goy puppet willingly destroying your race just to have a easy life.

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While it is fine to think how comfy things might have been without the red pill, if you ever *actually* want to go back then you are a cuck like pic related.

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One of us!
One of us!

I tried to renormalise when I hit 18 in college which was over a decade ago now, tried what would be now called "national civic" bullshit, but everyone else(Black, arab, ect...) was doing identity politics so all I was doing was betraying whites so I went full on pro white & have not looked back since.

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You can to a certain extent, but you'll never be the same. I spent about a week bluepilling myself again and even after all of that I would still be saying racist shit. Racist by today's standards at least, saying that cultures and races are different and people should respect those differences and boundaries where they exist. But yeah it's definitely possible. It all has to do with exposure and embracing modern culture around music and stuff, particularly anything that derived from hip hop and all that; and then the biggest part is going back into egalitarianism where all men are created equal, and that equality doesn't mean sameness and isn't referring to social value. It's referring to human value. That all human life is equal and valuable, regardless of contribution, race, culture, religion etc. A lot of right wing thought equates social value and human value, where as left wing thought does not and instead prioritizes human value.
That mentality isn't really sustainable for me though mainly because it's so boring and everywhere.

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That’s why it’s nice to find a purpose like red pilling other people. I talk to my normie friends about the federal reserve

The real redpill is the bluepill

1. Acknowledge The Matrix is a weak ass movie.

2. Acknowledge the only reason you bought into Jow Forums/internet nerd shit as illuminating knowledge is because you were fucking stupid and thought The Matrix was some kind of parable of enlightenment.

3. Develop your own belief system and learn to think for yourself instead of being a mindless idiot who lets media control your perception of reality.

HINT: Racism/racialism isn’t very smart, real or “red pilled”.

Better question is how do I lead people to the black pill?