Shaved Harambe to give State of the Union rebuttal

LOL look at this fucking thing. Who thinks this creature resembles a human being in any way?

Do democrats not realize that most White Americans have never encountered a nigger outside of the hand picked ones they see on TV? Do they not understand that White normies are going to recoil when they see this gap tooth mammie sheboon from the watermelon fields of Georgia? lol they're fucking up.

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>from the watermelon fields of Georgia

Please this bitch is a carpet bagger, she was born in WI.

$10 days she mispronounces at least 4 words

Massive Voter Fraud
The Absolute FACE of the Pedocrats

How many Gillette blades does she require every morning?


She’s actually pretty articulate, and not nearly as grating to listen to, as Kamalah Harris. Only problem is that she shares her more radical views at the drop of a hat, but they’ll probably prevent her from doing so.

looks like a goblin slayer animu creatura stepped out of a cave

God I hope she goes full wakanda-nationalist when the pretentious applause builds and her confidence overtakes her intelligence.

i asked earlier but hot no answer, is a rebuttal or a counter to a state of the union a thing? ive never hear of something like this before

Wants to raise your taxes, doesn't bother to pay her own. Also in deep in personal debt which she blames on her parents. She's the perfect candidate for Millenials.

Can you imagine listening and taking advice from this nigger beast? Niggers have destroyed america with the jews as their masters.

Dicks out?

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It's not a thing at all. Orange man bad though.



oh so, this is something a kin to the speach pelosy and schumer did after trump made a televised statement?
it didnt work then, why do they think its going to work now? its only showing their hate towards the president, only far leftist like that

>Shaved Harambe

Because they're desperate, I guess.

ok, so is this going to become a thing, are republicans going to give a speach after a democrat president and so on? i mean seems like the demos are doing things they are going to regret later when its done to them, another thing, why would you choose a loosing democrat candidate? at least choose someone whos doing a good job

Generally speaking, leftists throw tantrums and act out in loud and potentially violent ways, and the opposition don't because they believe in being the "bigger" or "better" person. This basically has fostered the belief among the left that they're untouchable, and morally superior, because their opponents hold themselves to actual standards. They've never actually been told no. I imagine this is why they've just reached new levels of audaciousness with Trump's presidency.

Guaranteed if the table got flipped around on them they'd screech to high heaven about it and just go even more all in than they already have. With luck everything accelerates and the system crashes and burns.

>With luck everything accelerates and the system crashes and burns.
i really would love to see that, specially knowing the left is going to crash and burn first


>im amazed they dont just have Hillary do it

They will play the woman and race card when trump responds to their attacks

It's so stupid because the only reason they let this nigger do the US Dem SOTU eventhough she's note even elected. Is because the US dems are trying to be the 'non white/american party). This is the same retard who said she wouldn't completely say no to illegals voting in US elections. Which is essentially foreign people voting.
She almost became the first black governor but lost to a republican.
This thing that
this and that. really needs to fucking die. It's not necessarily a good thing to have all these kinds of dumb firsts. Look at hillary they wanted her because she would have been the 'first potus'. Look there are plenty of female presidents. It's not like this is fantastic in any way.

She's not even currently elected to any type of office. She lost the gubernatorial race, who cares what she has to say.

People really need to stop trying to make everything a 'first' of stupid things. USA or any other european ancestry country does not need any diversity whatsoever. It does not need to be black or brown or whatever. The world is drowning in non european peoples. And the last thing USA needs is more blacks in everything either for that matter. There's 1.2 billion niggers in africa. Stop fucking pretending as if black skin is some kind of a rare thing.

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>She's not even currently elected to any type of office. She lost the gubernatorial race, who cares what she has to say.
They put her up because they try to brand themselves as the non american/non white party. It couldn't be more obvious. This is why the more black and brown people they have speaking the better. Doesn't matter if they even are elected apparently! It's simply amazing to see what the democrats are doing.

She looks jewish

Yes, it's a thing since 1966. Opposition party typically has one of their "rising stars" give the speech. Since 2011 a second person gives the same rebuttal in Spanish for obligatory spic pandering.
You may remember pic related giving it a few years ago

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Yes. It usually sucks regardless of who is president because the rebuttal comes off as whining. It also doesn't help that the rebuttal is typically given in a rather unimpressive office with no audience after the president has just spoken before the House chamber to an overflow crowd in the capitol.

I like happy Aunt Jemima better.

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I was going to say we need a flood of gorilla memes but I don't even think that's necessary. Just putting this thing on national TV will probably do the trick.

I had two black guys in front of me today in ASDA, Jamaican I think they were, very polite and chatty, not every black person is a nigger.

niggerlover here, addicted to the BBC . How to quit the BBC Jow Forums? is it safe to go cold turkey?

I thought she lost her election? Who cares about what she has to say? Shes a loser. Hopefully it goes as well for the after speech as it did last time.

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Nope, I'm happy to inform you that it's terminal

A rock could give a rebuttal to Trump and still win.

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A noose will end your addiction pretty quickly, Sven. Godspeed my friend.

>i met a nigger i liked and so they are not all like that.
So what? Does that mean niggers should be 25% of british population in the future because they didn't go full savage in ALDA when you encountered one?
Niggers belong in africa or wherever else they come from like jamaica. The the majority of them obviously are. And even if they weren't. They still don't belong in europe. And shouldn't be here. It is for me completely irellevant how they behave. They should not be here regardless when they have their own countries with so many people and so high majority population there.
Just kys then all your problems will be solved.

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Stacey Abrams is very well-spoken. I was pleasantly surprised with her grasp of the facts and reasonable tone.

Why would they pick a loser to give the SotU?

I see you trotted out your overrated comedian for your 'facts' hipster? It's so amazing that you think you are some kind of benevolent resistance to the evil orange man. When you can't even be pragmatic honest and rational about anything.

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Lad, it's time to let go. Let him rest.

It's probably going to be something about orange man is 'le racist commie word' and mean and so on.

Rubio did one for obama. Remember the water bottle incident? Theres a supposed curse, that if an up and coming politician does the rebuttal, they are politically doomed.

Jamaica is one of my favorite holiday destination. Cheap everything, relaxing and everybody seems like they're in a good mood.

Didn't they try to rig her electorate and failed de to not being able to rig enough votes?


>Wants to raise your taxes, doesn't bother to pay her own. Also in deep in personal debt which she blames on her parents
Only matters to white voters. Can someone draw up a flow chart of how blacks vote? It's basically is candidate brown? Is candidate Dem or Republicans?

Can you imagine Tyrone having to vote for Trump because the Democrat candidate didn't pay their taxes?

The more i listen to that dumb nigger maxine talk. The more it becomes abundantly clear that it is a crime against humanity to force needlessly europeans to live in the same country as niggers.
And the more i realize what a nightmare it is if these people take over USA and european nations demographically. Losing your own country is bad enough. Since these retards obviously have their own countries with 90% majority they come from. And your peoples ethnicity being undermined and all that. Which is ofcourse complete heresy. But on top of that, it's a bunch of morons too who don't have a fucking clue about anything and who will destroy society for the few that are left.
Yes have you seen that circus in south africa. These people don't know what fucking planet they are on. They don't understand these type of systems. Have you seen when they vote and they do a fucking little nigger tribal dance! My goodness..
Oh yeah and that indian kamala harris they are running aswell. Fucking joke level. These people should go back to their countries and run for politics instead! What was it kamala harris she fucked some ugly nigger for some career position, and then afterwards she started a political career.

>Wants to raise your taxes, doesn't bother to pay her own. Also in deep in personal debt which she blames on her parents. She's the perfect candidate for Millenials.
AHAHAH classic.

a talking rock would be amazing and could win several primaries, if it avoids insensitive remarks

>Didn't they try to rig her electorate and failed de to not being able to rig enough votes?
I saw this nigger bitch on a video saying she wouldn't categorically say no to illegals voting. This is the peak of foreign influence. Forget the DNC emails. This is foreigners just coming in on visa, overstaying it and go voting in your elections on the ballot.
I can't find the short interview where she says she wouldn't completely rule out illegals voting. But it's obvious from these where she stands on this issue.
Why is it btw. that US democrats hypocritically want to treat foreigners, aka illegal aliens as citizens, and would like them to vote, and even let them lobby for various things. And then they sit and talk about weither or not russia had anything to do with the DNC email hack. Which barely is even foreign influence. Since it's not like they went and voted on your machines.

>a talking rock would be amazing and could win several primaries, if it avoids insensitive remarks
Sure it's easy to be popular by being nice to everybody. But that's not how you get things done. And is ofourse very fake aswell Didn't you also have one where there was a dog that ran for mayor or something? hehe

Having Abrams represent the democrat party is a gift for us.

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if only madmax could be memed to do the
re butt al
le epic response inpeach fohartyfie
doesn't meet the residency requirement for her district, doan madda

why is she giving anything? She lost her election. She is not a public official. She should shut her fucking mouth and keep it shut.

cool worldview

no immigrant should be allowed to vote or get gibs period
look at how the swiss handle it, no vote 4 u, or u,or u, no one gets to vote except citizens who have paid taxes for at least 20 years
anyone who gets gibs can't vote, otherwise they would just vote more gibs, duhhhh
it is the only way that welfare can be maintained for genuine citizens

wtf happened to Oprah?

Damn he fell off the map fast. That moment ruined him. Has he been in the news since?

The absolute state of the Democrats, they have no winners so they have to virtue signal with their losers. This is the best they have to offer.

tfw even a violent shithole with travel warnings is better than Ireland

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damn, that's right, i forgot about pic related, i take everything back, thank you user.

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I'm suddenly craving syrup drizzled over fried chicken and waffles with 3 scoops of mashed potatoes and a gallon of gravy.

she's literally a commie

>Abrams, who lost a tight race in Georgia in November, would have been the first black woman elected governor.
>would have been
I live in Georgia and I legit forgot about this loudmouthed asshole. Why the fuck does anyone give a shit what she has to say still?
>whatever dat man say, I'm gon say nuh uh!
Real cute, honeychild.

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Your busted vagina is all the validation I need.

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Why would you have an unemployed person deliver your State of the Union response?

heh i look forward to it

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They unironically should have picked Beto

But they're retarded, so they didn't

"Ladies and Gentlemen of America. Xirs. Xees. and Xixers.

Ooooooga Booooga.

Thank you and Goodnight. God Bless Wakanda...I mean America."

It was only a tight race since they rigged the fuck out of it and still lost.

This is an insult to Harambe.

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She is a STRONG, PROUD black woman and it's not surprising to me that you little incel /pol weenies are afraid of you. She's going to destroy Trump in all of these areas:


She is a STRONG, PROUD black woman and it's not surprising to me that you little incel /pol weenies are afraid of her.

She's going to destroy Trump in all of these areas:


>when you hire a slave to do the talking for you and make the laughing stock because she's already a laughing stock
dems already know they're getting assblasted in the state of the union address

I read he's advising Beta O`Rook, nothing otherwise
You're welcome. Also checked

What I'm more amazed at, and how no ones talking about, is the fact there is actually going to be a rebuttal to the state of the union address, and how its just being accepted like its a normal thing or something.

>human being

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They must not because they keep doing dumb shit like this.
I'm not sure which idea is funnier: that they actually know, or that they actually don't know

Also checked

Except when she gets around all of her nigger friends. That's when the nigger comes out of her.

>Shaved Harambe
>That's raycis

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It's totally normal. Search "sotu rebuttal" for a wiki on its history

Trump is going to say something so profound at the end of the speech that they're going to have to announce free chicken at KFC

niiiiiice gif!!!

Because CNN would say so anyway?

He was great in "Scary Movie"

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How are they fucking up OP??? The Dems won the mid-terms and your average white normie is so bombarded with anti-Trump and anti-white rhetoric that they are actually buying into the propaganda, whilst any counter-narratuve is censored, de-platformed or ignored.


Leaked transcript!!!


>bringing out a gorilla to give the rebuttal
this thing isn't exactly some clean cut high yella magic negro

>shaved harambe

Fuckin kek

Based Trump is gonna wing it and this nigger will have to step down. haha