Why do millennials hate themselves so much that they deny belonging to their generation?

Why do millennials hate themselves so much that they deny belonging to their generation?

The early ones - aka the ones who "trusted the Daily Show more than the news", voted for Obama in 2008, started the hipster movement, and got job opportunities before the recession - deny that they are millennials. Instead, they are "Xennials", or "Gen Y", or "Gen 80", or "The Oregon Trail Generation" etc etc. They're different. They're special, unlike those whiny crybabies that came "after them".

The younger edge call themselves Gen Z to distance themselves from the crybabies that came "before them".

Has any other generation attacked itself as much? I suppose it can't be helped. We have a terrible reputation. No one seems to have our backs. We don't even have our own backs. The media makes more money bashing us than courting us. Many of us were written off as lost causes. It is rare to find millennials that stand up for people their age.

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it's posts like these that meke me happy that i'm a zoomer.

also they probably think it's either cool or funny.

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I was born right in the middle of that time which is both millennial and zoomer. I don't identify with either.

>posting skating game
>not posting THPS3

Absolutely Haram, sage

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i like being a millennial. fuck the haters.

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>i dont identify with the thing I objectively am, therefore I am special snowflake individual

Yes you're definitely a millennialfag

are you gatekeeping not being a millenial?

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Whats u sayin nigga

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all the best to you lads. i have high hopes in your brighter half. you guys are following in our footsteps of starving the old media to death. keep up the good work. i think that's the reason they grew to hate us so much. now there's a flood of headlines saying "move over, millennials". gen z has only just started to be under constant scrutiny for the idiots in their bunch, expect it to get worse. they cant say that teenagers are millennials forever.
what year? im a 93 Negro™
3 was the peak but 2 is absolutely solid and it wouldn't have gotten there without it

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>when you make a normie shitpost
>when you have to have to have another person tell you your shit

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This, thats my nigga right there, cuz being a middle class white kid acting like a wigger listening to hood rap was also the thing to do. No this gay faggot ass mumble rap nonsense

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it's basiclly going to be treatment equivillant of the stockmarket crash and some of us are just standing back to watch the carnage.

>when you're such an esoteric irony fag its not even funny

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I'm a millennial ('93) and I don't give a flying fuck.
I remember my childhood fondly and no one can change that.
Gen Z is growing up in a world that is a million times worse. Between 9/11, the 2008 recession and the continuing political instability in Europe this is the shittiest time to be alive in a long while desu.

Also I'm a 25 year old boomer so the lazy millennial memes just roll off me.

All that time doing To Catch a Predator and busting into kids houses and Chris Hansen still couldn't find a pogo stick good enough to bounce off all those checks.
I was ok with some of the wiggers, but I was solidly in the rock camp - at least until emo took over. DMX was some quality shit t bh

make sure you faggots save this rare generation chart

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yeah but who is the gruggest generation?

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I graduated high school in 2010 and was grandfathered in every single non-supervised "school privilege" my senior year of high school. We got out knowing that the people just the year after would be forced to eat there and no longer have the ability to exit campus at all throughout the day. We had no school spirit, very little self or group pride and what was rewarded of us was sucking up and being a kiss ass. I remember my path here began when I stopped kissing ass. I remember leaving high school, and then college, knowing that it was already on its way to ruin. All we could think was "well, at least it's not me." I can't imagine how shitty the generation growing up through this new hellhole must have it, considering it was already shitty when going and only getting worse on the way out.

I'm glad there are some others out there. Even worse-off than Gen Z is the one following them who have their entire lives chronicled from birth on Facebook. Fuck that whole scene.
I don't care how old I get, I refuse to look down on the generations that come up in the future.

my nigga

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Early Gen Z here

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its in our nature to destroy ourselves
its in our nature.. to kill ourselves
its in our nature.. to kill each other
its in our nature to kill
i guess that explains why millennials are the way they are.
who cares, blood brothers keep it REAL to the end

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I graduated in 2009 and I feel much the same way. Graduating high school at the rock bottom of the recession was a pretty serious reality check, even as someone that grew up poor it was clear early on that it was not going to be easy to establish myself. I ended up joining the military after two years of college, but had it not been for that I probably would have killed myself tbqh.


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87 core gen Y. Got out of high school in 06 and the economy went to shit by 2007. Local college filled up with Mexicans so I stuck it out working in a grocery store for seven years.


Me too. I put myself on track to skip a grade before the economy crashed and got out of HS in 2010. I thought about the military, but they were really selective at the time between Obama scaling it down and the shit economy making people sign up way more than they were when Bush was in.
Hey man, are you doing any better now? It took 100+ applications to get my first part-time teenager job and when I started, I trained alongside a senior software engineer who got laid off. I've only been able to "scratch the surface" towards jobs that aren't shit/pay shit recently.

The word millennial is a kikeopathic diss.

nine fine.

And look where it got us...

Maybe it has something to do with rapid changes in media and communication, we couldn't adapt to a specific ecological niche in our youth like other generations before and after us because we went from Teletext to Internet, from VHS to Streaming in a pretty short time. Everything is kinda stagnant now for Gen Z, nothing really changed in the last 10 years, and Gen X are just cynical goth boomers.

I work in a warehouse and lived in my car as the working homeless for a year. The Central Valley sucks.

Fuck, man. Any way you can leave for greener pastures with work you can do with a much lower CoL? There are still places where you can get by pretty decent working in a warehouse
Interesting angle. The 00s had some drastic switch-ups from start to end

Agree, 2000s was my favourite period. Best Consoles, best music, best gadgets and comfiest Saturday morning TV

>it got us Mr Bond

The best damn rapper is a Nazi nowadays

Because frankly I hate half the faggots in my age group. I fucking hate you commiefornian shit bags.

It's a fascinating thing, really. I'm not sure any prior generation has actually had people try to change the generational dating to not include themselves in it.

Strange self-hatred.

We only remember it that way because we were kids then user, if we go back and relive those things as an adult it just isnt the same. You know you can't go back, piss earth or fourth reich is the onky way forward

Eh, reminder. If Isreal didn't exist the world would be happier and less degenerate regardless.

based and redpilled

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Oregon trail generation here, and we can't help it if were better than the people who came before us and after us. Deal with it

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Gen X'er here, just want the world to end, AMA or don't.

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Another Kremlin propaganda thread, just like that boomer hate thread. Back and forth, sowing discord and demoralizing the West.

you guys are pretty cool

Is he out of prison yet?

1995- 20?? is gen Z it isn't that hard

After years of stigmatization by pretty much every source of media, you start to believe the lies they tell you.
Also because when it started, the generations before us needed their ego pushed up because they were the most active workforce.
It's like being a pimp and telling an old prostitute how beautiful she is because you know you can still get some more money out of her even though you yourself wouldn't touch her with a stick while blindfolded.

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That's retarded you either are or aren't a millenial depending on when you were born. I've never heard of a millenial denying that they are one, is this a kike slide thread?

I don't relate well with people that don't remember what it was like before the internet.

There was a splintering even before that. The ones who started working before 2007 hate the ones after 2007 because those ones never got jobs and bitch and moan and vote for socialists. Fuck socialism.

Thanks, user.



1) Did boomers always tell you "Highschool was the best years of your life" with a look of disdain on their face?
2) Did you also want to kill them for that?
3) Did you feel like you were surrounded by crazy people?
4) How did you survive the Y2K virus and acid rain?

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>I don't care how old I get, I refuse to look down on the generations that come up in the future.
This. It's such a cliche. Too mainstream to hate people younger than you. No thanks, I'm too unique to do that

well done

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>survive Y2K

This is bait of a unique flavor and quality, I tip my fisherman's cap to (you) sir.

>1) Did boomers always tell you "Highschool was the best years of your life" with a look of disdain on their face?
>2) Did you also want to kill them for that?

To put this in Breakfast Club terms, high school was shit for most Gen X that wound up here because we were Brian, not Andrew or John. We were not ending up with the preppy virgin on the cusp of turning into cock gargling teen pregnancy or proto goth funny knee sweater girl on the cusp of becoming exotic dancer after dropping out. No, we did everyone else's term papers, got a corporate job for 30 years and had a house we wish we could have afforded the white picket fence for after cleaning up proto-goth stripper into something resembling a human being.

>3) Did you feel like you were surrounded by crazy people?

Yeah, boomers gonna boom (and cuck for Jeebus)

>The generation that brought us:
>Trigger warnings
>white male "privilege"
>cheering on h1bs and illegal immigration as you all lost your jobs
>rainbowfluid genderqueer tranny storytime in our libraries

And several other atrocities against culture, history, good taste and common sense, not to mention the family and any hope of a future.

You leveraged the cultural and political attractiveness of youth and did as much damage with it as possible, mostly to yourselves.

It's really not suprising no one wants to be associated with millenials.

Papa roach is the shit, negro

>Breakfast Club
All this talk about Gen X is really bringing me down tonight. Fucking Tears for Fears.

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kek, nice b8
the first time i was told of my white male privilege was by a gen xer with a doctorate in sociology
the same professor tried to explain to me how "racism = prejudice + power" for the first time

>the first time i was told of my white male privilege was by a gen xer with a doctorate in sociology

I mean yeah, but that's not typical for your typical genX on the street, that was some advance wave shit out of our institutions as they converted to cultural Marxism. Like that same professor is probably now a black womyn or tranny just getting her/xer tenure and openly calling for genocidein in millennial generational expression terms.

as far as im concerned, gen x is an ally. but im just old enough to remember when everyone bashed you as a bunch of unmotivated apathetic slackers that sat around whining all day and doing fuck all. i cant take it seriously when i see you guys talk down to millennials.
>marxist bitch
she ran an anti-racism group that basically jumped on the bandwagon of every michael brown-esque story they could find
as for gays, gen x culture made it breakout into the mainstream. you could casually call someone a fag until 2010 or so. the brainwashing was sudden, but intense. side note-i briefly worked with one woman who talked about going to "drag bingo" all the time. its the only time ive heard of such a thing. surprise, she was a gen-xer

Lol. I had a professor tell us
>Monogamy is a mental disease
>There should be no hierarchy in a family, parents should care about themselves just as much as their children(fuck the kids)
>Blacks get pulled over more than whites because of "The color of their skin"
>American culture is the most violent culture in the world
>Women are paid less than men for the same job
>Females will surpass you males in the class and you should just let it happen
>Cowboys were nearly all black and mexican
>Communism doesn't exist
>Is literally a fag that chases brown/black dick
>Waited until the last day of class to talk about the "civil rights movement", showed us a bunch of pictures
This was all in 2018
It was all I could do not to lol. The pics were all Jews leading a pack of nogs to destroy society. I didn't study for the class. On the tests, I literally gave every answer that I knew was a lie and scored an A.

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>On the tests, I literally gave every answer that I knew was a lie and scored an A.
Based user learned the true meaning of school.

>MFW I took a Native American issues course in which the professor told us the Bering Land Bridge theory was a lie
>MFW I had that class after genetics

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>I'm born in 2000
>I'm gen Z
fuck off, I'm not a millenial.

When I first went to college, I had to go to this mandatory 3-day induction event and stay at the dorms even though I was a commuter and my house was a couple miles down the road. It fucking blew. We were chaperoned by two seniors who acted as "group leaders" for the entire day from morning to night. One of the worst parts was having to go into this cafeteria where they were waving rainbow flags around and dancing on tables to "Baby I was Born This Way" by Lady Gaga, followed by a speech and some play about tolerance. I never wanted to get high more than when I was stuck there against my will, and I managed thanks to some hippie kid that I met who also thought it sucked and wanted to get high. We snuck off and it was worth it. It was the best part of the whole experience
2000 is definitely Gen Z

88, IKTF bro.

>mandatory 3-day induction event
Recently I got hired full time at work. I group of us had an "Orientation" meeting. They made us all watch a demoralization video about diversity, multiculturalism, sexual harassment, discrimination, etc. In the video, a white boomer literally yelled at us and told us that "It's Your duty! To report anyone! That You feel! is Discriminating against anyone! For any Reason!". Even the nogs were confused and upset by the video, knowing that being black didn't make them safe. I didn't bother trying to explain it to them. I only went as far as an associates degree because I hate academia and I don't want to live on a cubical farm. One semester at university was enough to realize how lame it is.