He is a mess!

Trump had his Team of Vipers. We served. We fought. We brought our egos. We brought our personal agendas and vendettas. We were ruthless. And some of us, I assume, were good people…I was there. This is what I saw. And, unlike the many leakers in the White House, I have put my name on it.

Attached: DonaldandCliff.png (333x273, 196K)

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Fake and Gay. Kill yourself.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
A low level staffer that I hardly knew named Cliff Sims wrote yet another boring book based on made up stories and fiction. He pretended to be an insider when in fact he was nothing more than a gofer. He signed a non-disclosure agreement. He is a mess!
5:45 AM - 29 Jan 2019

Cool. Still voting for him in 2020.

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You're not him, lol. Fuck off, nigger.

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Have you ever considered suicide? Try it op.

Why do these fucking faggots constantly have to relate everything to child-aged fiction?

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MAGATARDS should ask themselves why Trump would require everyone to sigh NDAs in the first place. If he wasn’t such an ass clown and rolling perpetual disaster, they wouldn’t be required. The truth is they’re all useless because “we the people” pay their salaries and all those NDAs would be rendered invalid by a court. Trump is an ass blasted rētard. I like the part in the book where Kellyanne Crackwhore tells him she constantly feels like taking a shower because working for Trump makes her feel dirty. LOL! I luv it when insiders start spilling the dirt.

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"After standing at Donald Trump’s side on Election Night, Cliff Sims joined him in the West Wing [and] soon found himself pulled into the President’s inner circle as a confidante, an errand boy, an advisor, a punching bag, and a friend. Sometimes all in the same conversation."

Attached: not gonna sign a NDA Donald.jpg (634x706, 38K)

“Give me their names,” he said, his eyes narrowing. “I want these people out of here. I’m going to take care of this. We’re going to get rid of all the snakes, even the bottom-feeders.”

Only in retrospect did I see how remarkable this was. I was sitting there with the President of the United States basically compiling an enemies list — but these enemies were within his own administration. If it had been a horror movie, this would have been the moment when everyone suddenly realizes the call is coming from inside the house.

The President proceeded to name White House staffer after White House staffer. Almost no one was deemed beyond reproach—not his chief of staff, not senior aides, almost no one other than those with whom he shared a last name. He wanted me to help him judge their loyalty. How, I wondered, had it come to this?

Attached: signed a non-disclosure agreement.png (789x421, 558K)

Quick rundown?

Trump took out one of the black Sharpies that he usually carries in his coat pocket.

As Sims dished, Trump scrawled two lists on a stiff card with the White House seal at the top.
One list was people he could trust. The other was people he couldn’t, and wanted to let go.
The combined lists included about 15 people — 10 of them naughty, and five of them (all campaign alumni) nice.

The leakers formed Trump's unofficial Enemies List — all on his own staff. Most of the targets survived, at least for a while. But Trump seemed to revel in his new inside knowledge:

The card was later spotted in the president's breast pocket — a reminder of what he perceived as the enemies within.

Attached: He is a mess.png (788x335, 437K)

Trump's low-level staffers write books.
Trump's high-level staffers go to prison.
That's how you can tell the difference.

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"Team of Vipers: My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House" by Cliff Sims, who served as a special assistant to the 45th president.

Attached: A low level staffer.png (770x343, 164K)

bastards. hope Trump destroys them

Does it come in digital form?

hard-copy book set to release on January 29.

We are all witnessing the self destruction
of a con man with multiple mental disorders.
Every scandal was created by him.
Every wound was self inflicted.

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The nation's senior-most intel officials are making clear many of Trump's claims are not based on intelligence:
- ISIS is not defeated
- North Korea is not denuclearizing
- Russia still interfering in US elections
- Climate change is a real and present danger to US national security

how based can (You) get?

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All the foreign intelligence agencies have stopped sharing information directly, after Trump leaked Dutch and Isreali intel on Russia and Syria/ISIS.

They publicly stated that they are not sure if they can trust Trump.

FBI made counter intel investigation of Trump after Comey was fired. There really was reason to believe Trump was an active Russian agent, who was compromised or bought.

I suspect, and dearly hope, that the deep state has build an information wall around Trump. Let the adults be adults in charge, and let Trump get his intel briefs from Fox News, until impeachment or a trustable president gets democratically elected.


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>an errand boy,
AKA a gofer

>>an errand boy,
>AKA a gofer
pic related

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Why do you waste your time here?

Trying to show us that he is a liar?


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A story of a viper selling his soul for thirty pieces of silver.

>I hardly knew him
>here is a pic of you together in the same room so that means you are best friends


Am I supposed to be bothered that he and his staff are vipers in a great big pit where everyone is?

Yeah, what I really want in a delicate little mouse in the White House. That would go great. It maybe an imbecile weakling like Trudeau.