First red pill

ITT: your first red pill
I'll go first
My first big red pill was realising that black people in America are the product of slave breeding. We bred them to be stupid yet strong, we see this today in sports. But we primarily see it in their politics, where black people have very strong prides but don't know how to fight correctly for rights, instead they just riot and loot. They would honestly benefit from moving black to Africa and breeding with the motherland

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My first red pill was that I was genitally mutilated at birth and became demon possessed by age 13 from self mutilating my penis even more because it was already so mutilated the pain didn’t even bother me like it would a normal person because the sexual pain was all I had ever known. I was a hard core Christian conservative with serious demons I couldn’t get rid of, and despite attending a very godly church of several hundred Christians none of them could realize what was going on or offer any help. I became disenfranchised with the whole system at a very young age and realized everything I had been taught was shit.

I spend 5 hours masturbating before my prostate exams. I edge, and edge, and edge, until a butterfly sneezing on my taint could bring me to orgasm. I tactfully shuffle my way down to the doctor’s office and when he lubes up I nearly cum every time. But I’ve trained my keggle muscles enough to the point where I can hold in Mount Vesuvius’s wrath. then as soon as he puts the smallest bit of pressure on my prostate I unleash with the fury of a lion hunting it’s prey. As the room gets covered in my hot sticky juices the doctor looks on disgusted and leaves the room. I always go to a hospital far away from where I live to get it so that I don’t have to go in for surgery under the doctor that I busted to. Best thing is we have free healthcare, so the doctor gets me off and it’s covered by taxpayers. That’s my fetish.

unironically the wage gap. the movie Red Pill with Cassie Jay. 2016. the year everything changed. now I want an ethnostate. I picture myself deporting any nigger or chink I see on the street and breeding twelve white children on a homestead. I want my riding boots and to sing around a campfire with my kameradden after another day of hanging traitors and invaders on telephone poles.

I always knew deep down that the progressive narrative was wrong, but suppressed it and rationalized everything because the truth was too uncomfortable.
Anyone else in the same boat?


hearing Jordan Peterson talk

That the antiwar left is a myth

>(((the product of slave breeding)))
In 1860, the peak of slavery, the total free population of the United States and its territories was 27,489,561. A total of 393,975 people owned 3,953,760 slaves.

That's just 1.4% of the total population that owned slaves.

While 40% of jews in the US owned slaves. Pic and link related. This is a jew source. Other sources have it MUCH higher.

There were 200,000 jews in the US in 1860.

40% of 200,000 = 80,000

So 80,000 jews owned slaves.

393,975 - 80,000 = 313,975 non-jews owned slaves.

80,000 jew slave owners

313,975 non-jew slave owners

Thus, at a minimum, 26% of all slave owners were jews, despite being just a minuscule 0.7% of the population. The actual percentage was likely much higher.

Attached: jew slave owners.jpg (609x228, 56K)

OP is a faggot

Reminder: Despite what is portrayed via jew controlled media, Billy Bob le evil white male on his 10 acre dirt farm did not own slaves. Slaves were *extremely expensive* along with other factors (white Christians typically being opposed to slavery etc).

Who bought slaves and had them imported to the US? The mega plantations. Who owned and ran the mega plantations? Pic related.

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After the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the Holohoax, the biggest redpill jews desperately attempt to hide from the goyim is their role in the African slave trade.

90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.

The bible on the subject:

Attached: slave trade examples.jpg (602x432, 104K)

>Despite what is portrayed via jew controlled media

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yeah... especially the history class, i liked going to the sources so i started listening to hitler speeches and something in my mind would go 'this is not the bad guy but he is, right?'

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Coricidin hbp was the first one I took

First real redpill was dealing with women in my high school years. That shit fucked me up.

Learning about Jews and all that shit never bothered me, if anything it gave me an excuse to be edgy.

Flat earth and global warming

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Pic related is when I realized Jow Forums was the good guys.

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We didn't go to the moon.

My first redpill was some conspiracies, weird stuff. (New world order) (Illuminati) Small dumb things. But then I moved onto the JQ, and race mixing.

We’re fucked, it’s the one and only redpill you need.

what the fuck were those two first posts

anyway I like to think of my myself as always having been a redpilled person. But I guess by your standards it would be watching The Greatest Story Never Told. I knew beforehand it would be a point of no return and that I would probably waste a lot of time with this jew shit. And I did.

Bill Still's classic documentary the Money Masters, a great introduction to how kikes took over the world with money manipulation. You aren't redpilled until you've seen this one. Bill is a strict christian so he doesn't call out the kikes as kikes, he calls them moneychangers.

Before that I red william Engddahl's 'a Century of War' a decent readable purple pill book on how anglo-american elite ( kikes ) controlled the world, but he falls well short of calling out kikes, or Israel, and his understanding of money could have done with an upgrade b4 he wrote the book.

Was a left-leaning centrist following Wikileaks since the original Collateral Murder video back in the Bush era. Kept following. Watched the left throw Wikileaks in the gutter when the Podesta emails came out. Kept reading. Was there when talk of pizza and walnut sauce came to light. Saw posts disappearing, logos changing, the entire deal in real time with my own eyes. Realized the rabbit hole goes deep.

You can never go back.

My first redpill

Migrant crisis in europe 2013/2014

>We bred them to be stupid yet strong, we see this today in sports
>because before the selective breeding, we were all (((equal)))
Nice bluepill wrapped in a faux-redpill you got there, Shlomo.

33yo boomer here. Alex Jones early work is what set me on the path. I remember when he infiltrated bohemian grove. That's all my friends and i talked about for weeks. Then I found out who the (((elite))) really are.

Came for /b/ from the hype in 2009. Bought land in Jow Forums bc I hated /b/ and the nigger posting "you mad whiteboi" bullshit which i later found out was a Jow Forums psyop all along. Cicada 3301, glowniggers, jews, deep state, and other various conspiracies sent me down the rabbit hole. I hate that I am here forever but... I am here forever

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Brings a tear to the eye.

what was the murder video?

Ryan Dawson.

I swallowed my first red pill while living in Savannah Georgia. Nothing but niggers. Dumb. Loud. Theiving niggers. I was 9 when a group of them beat the shit out of me for not helping pick up trash around the school. Of course my fucking bag was filled while they hadn’t actually picked up shit. I guess they hated that I acataully was doing the work. Then my mother had a some nog deliver her coke one day. I was playing in the living room and spilt some orange juice on the coffee table accidentally tainting the few lines the dealer had laid out for her to try. He pistol whipped me. Still have a scar on my eyebrow. Moved to Texas shortly after. Went to a predominantly white school. Every fucking time there was some big crazy event, fights, shit getting stolen, broken windows, drugs, it was always the niggers chimping out. Realized then at 13 I would always hate niggers. I’ve met a few since then who are pretty cool. But they’re really pretty white as far as culture goes.

Holy shit they don't even care about getting a job they relish in the fact that they live for free

hurricane katrina, and watching Anderson cooper actively distract from incoming scenes of black criminality. media treated nigger behavior as normal after such devastation, but I was raised in the Carolinas and remember clearly my white town pulling together after the devastation of hugo. concluded that niggers are ever ready to chomp and began to question why (((we))) cover for them.

Same here, Desu. 2016 was a wild ride. I was a Bernie cuck that saw the light.

This happening and the way we were told it occurred.

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I went through Katrina. I was way fucking worse than the media portrayed.

When I realized we were fucked with Obamacare.

Nothing but fagotry.

Niggers controlled the slave trade then as they do now.

Seeing illiterate niggers in high school get passing grades and slaps on the wrist after getting caught with drugs because they played varsity sports.

Niggers need to die.

Got robbed as a teen by a pack of niggers and the smallest one of them punched my gf. After that I stopped associating with any blacks whatsoever.

Trade that one for: hair causes them to be unfit to serve as infantry; this is true of the standard head equipment other infantry use but it is also true of other equipment...and their hair causes them to have the nastiest homeless hair and it causes them to have social problems with people who do not want bugs in their food and so they do not want to sit next to the negroes.

Also, the negroes with the curliest hair are science freak experiments. Made in test tubes. They never naturally evolved.

My red pill...Stem cells are easy to make from semen sperm cum but application technology to put the stem cells deep has been barbaric time and time again. People are still using swords and test tube blasters to apply stem cells deep at old organs. We need the ones that shoot stems cells between the tiny animal cells by accelerating the stem cells to great speed.


We had a exchange student from the US of A, he was a black man.
When we had a shower after gym class i saw it, and i realized a could never please a female like he could....

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Sandyhook. I owned guns, so I figured I better support the 2A people. Eventually found Ron Paul and figured out that just about nothing the US Government does is in the Constitution, and that foreign military adventurism isn't very conservative at all. Kinda ended up approaching extremism from the McVeigh/Waco/Ruby Ridge angle

>that post
>that flag
checks the fuck out m8.

Milton Friedman started me on this journey.

I thought free college was a great idea until my boy Milton explained that of the majority of people who utilize the college are middle to upper class kids whose parents would have been capable of paying the tuition anyways.

So you tax poor people for a utility that they cannot access and give those benefits to middle and upper class kids.

Or how the majority of affirmative action students are from upper class families, which defeats the purpose of trying to help those who are most disaffected.

Basically my most powerful redpill was that most people are content to be perceived as being progressive without doing or achieving anything of note towards that goal.

Just like the electric car fags who think they're saving the world with a car that pollutes more than a regular internal combustion engine does. Or maybe how the majority of electricity produced by wind is produced at night and is effectively useless. Or how green energy is unreliable and actually tends to cause instability in power grids.

>I thought free college was a great idea until my boy Milton explained that of the majority of people who utilize the college are middle to upper class kids whose parents would have been capable of paying the tuition anyways.
"people who can pay for college use it"

My first was Nikola Tesla suppression.

Media lying about the Muslims put me on a very long and lonely road. Also seeing my country go from mostly Anglo-Celtic white to a hodge podge of everything in a short span of years.

''''Volunteering'''' to help the ''''Underprivileged''''

Those fuckers have MY tax dollars thrown at them left and right, all the while having the shittiest attitudes possible. They are too stupid and lazy to work, do nothing but eat, drink, drugs, create blight, and shit out useless spawn. They are the true scum of the earth; oxygen thieves. They are nothing but an albatross around the neck of society and should all be sterilized.

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I should add that I got redpilled on how fun it is to make fun of black people via Sinead McCarthy music parodies.
Overall my 2015 shift to race realism felt pretty minor in comparison to my 2012 shift away from normie conservative statism.

Watching this live on CNN in 1992

>But we primarily see it in their politics, where black people have very strong prides but

>You: spic
As a Californian, my first redpill was seeing other spics call out to my younger sister "puta, puta" as she walked home from her second job as a waitress. She was tired as fuck. It took everything in my power not to kill these fucking beaners humiliating her trying to get her into their car so they could rape and murder her. My second redpill was seeing what your race did to Los Angeles, far worse than the niggers who were already here. My third was observing your breeding habits. My fourth was being stolen from by you. A gift from my and my sis parents got torn a hole into, spics cut a hole in the box and stole out our Christmas gifts then repacked the box and the hole with Mexican newspaper written in Spanish. The next redpill was watching at my job as a security guard in LA as beaners tried four times to steal my absolute beaner car. There they were right on camera in black and white. Greasy hair. Shit colored skin. Acne. Cholo clothing. Crawling like brown chimps all over my fucking car to steal it and drive away with it after I worked and saved for it.

Driving through any smaller town in Los Angeles is an instant redpill for everybody but then your race has done it to the entire country. Enjoy your brief marxist stay. Eventually we will annihilate every last one of you motherfuckers so take your salsa colored fake latin redpill and shove it up your horchata and braap stinking mexican ass, cholo. You're not one of us and no number of anti nigger threads or posts posted by you is going to change that

Tomorrow is ours

>But we primarily see it in their politics, where black people have very strong prides but
>Very strong prides but
>Very strong prides
>Strong prides

"Not a spic"

Ain't no spic, californcunt

goddamn son, I wasnt old enough to have an opinion when this happened, but how did this not redpill everyone? Did the media spin the narrative?

(((9/11))) I started looking into it the day after. It took me 8 years to figure out that it was Israel and cast of elite international Jews that ran the operation. After I looked into the JQ on everything.

i try to remind myself it's a culture thing, not a race thing. unfortunately any black person who displays traits indicative of a contributing member of society, i.e. not a nigger, gets dragged down back into the barrel of crabs

I realized that horrible feeling I had all the time was called "cognitive dissonance"