California Gun Owners

How do I become a firearm owner in this God forsaken state? This place has gone to hell and I don't feel same at all anymore. I live in Los Angeles a liberal stronghold. I refuse to move because I know Californians are hated all over the USA so I'll stand my ground.

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You fucking useless faggots fuck you all liberal cocksuckers on here. I need help!

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"california gun license"
Don't go to Jow Forums they'll tell you the same thing and also call you a fucking retard. Which you are.

OP if you're white, move out of California.


This, a school board in Santa Barbara just banned the pledge of allegiance bc it's a throw back to White Supremacy/Nationalism, it's only a matter of time before the whole state does the same thing. California is no longer America.

Build or buy featureless. Atlantic will sell you pretty much everything in their catalog in featureless format. Is it not as comfortable? Yes, but it also takes less than a couple minutes to convert back.

*when legally prudent to do so of course

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Go to Home Depot. Buy two lengths of pipe, a nail and a end cap. Guess who just made a gun.

>Be friends with a police officer
>Have them buy you off roster guns
>Transfer to you

That is what I do

Get your Firearm Safety Certificate. You can take the test at damn near any place with a dealers license. It's going to cost $25 IIRC and you get two chances to take it, but it's piss easy if you just know the basics about firearms and you can even miss a few answers and still pass. Then you're going to need to provide photo ID and proof of residence and pass a background check. Then do your 10 day waiting period and you should be done.

Did this fuckin' song and dance less than a year ago to get a handgun.

Nevada is right next door.

Thank you user. I want a Glock but nothing massive. What would you recommend? Something easily concealable not trying to blow a hole throw my walls. I'd get a shotgun for that.

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Jow Forums hates anyone who doesn't know anything about guns. I'm not asking those autists for help.

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Build it

>that picture
>one of the world's biggest economies
On a per capita basis, they are terrible.

A Gen 3 Glock 26 or 27 would fit that bill, just make sure it's a CA legal version. Also if you're buying from out of state, expect out of state dealers to not want anything to do with you because you live in California.

I used to live in Californian. I decided to buy a rifle on a whim at a gun show, and then completely forgot about it by the time I was allowed to pick it up, which was months or something. Fuck that retarded state.

Buy 80 percent lower receiver (either ak or ar) buy rest of parts online , buy magazines and ammo in near by states.

Glock 19 and be done with it. It's compatible with 99% of the people of there, has a huge aftermarket if you get into it, parts will be readily available for decades, easy maintenance, and it's one of the most reliable firearms in existence.

Yes there's better pistols out there, but they won't tick all those boxes at the low price point of a glock.