I have people (Always boomers 40+) almost walk into me because they're so engrossed in their phone. I clapped in front of one the other day and told him to wake up and watch where he was going. Being confronted by a real person startled him, he scurried away; anxious and mildly triggered but also slightly aroused that he now had something tangible to gossip about with his evil boomer friends.
Bloody Boomers
I bet your sheep thought this was funny.
rabbi, How's Project "Divide the Goy" going? Gonna do the divide by gender, then divide by nationality, and start asking if Spanish, Greeks and Persians are white?
yes the good old sheep gag, keep holding on yankie! :)
wtf are you even rambling about? Let me guess EVERYTHINGS the jews fault right? You know who hates jews? Muslims. Enjoy sharia.
Why do you hate freedom so much?
You jump to conclusions faster than a leftist movement against white men!
Triggered boomer confirmed ;P
go get a job, kid
Refer to this post ---I have one lol
The jew screams when he's called out!!
You dumb kike. That divide the goy by generation was invented by a fucking jew named Jack Weinberg in 1964.
You're either a jew or a shabos goy.
Its coming. Within the next 10-20 years the majority of boomers will be in nursing homes and being leeched of their money and ignored by society.
>tfw hear parents and their friends talking about how insanely expensive aged care is
Cant wait until this entire generation is drained of everything they have and left to die alone
I'm a kiwi posting a meme and my daily walks through the cess pit cities the boomers have created. You need help man. You are fucking deranged. maybe take a break from the internet for while. Seriously. Boomers >_>
You don't need to do anything if they're walking toward you except stop. Stop and stand there. When they run into or almost run into you, it's their fault.
JIDF is an actual thing, and they constantly attack Jow Forums using, among other tactics, d&c.
You're a Jew or a jews fool.
Aryans respect their elders.
Jews play fucking divide the goy games.
Dude, wtf?
Boomers are 60+ for one thing. And, for another, the worst offenders of lack of awareness of the world beyond the end of their Jew noses are the wretched Millennial cunts and the slightly less repulsive Zoomers.
Why the fuck should I respect my elders when they have no respect for young people, read the meme in OP. They have sold out multiple generations of young people and that's barely scratching the surface of the irreversible carnage they've left us. Housing market is fucked, immigration that has a whole host of negative effects (Because it's not realistically managed and controlled along with infrastructure), we're balls to floor headed into ww3 and I for one am not going to throw my life away in a horrific manner for western civilisation. The boomers/zoomers what the fuck ever; have passed the age of being draft-able and couldn't care less. "The young will fix everything"
Get fucked.
At least mother nature is at work setting things right. If you people are more concerned about 'Jews', Trumps fucking tweets and just people problems in general then at least when you're swept off the face of the earth by natures neutral wrath, you won't know what's hit you.
You are one corny bastard
Hey that's actually pretty nice to have when shtf and I'm pretty confident it will happen within 20 years too
Good thing you Americunts like your corn then a.
> Boomers
> Cell phones
> Weird S. Pacific nation full of chinks that nobody cares about
This guy is my kind of guy.
Anyway, what the fuck is a "New Zealand" anyway? Was there an Old Zealand? Actually, who cares anyway. Fuck this thread, OP, and his his wanna be Straya flag.
What a whiny pussy.
>everyone past the age of 40 is a Boomer
You're a fucking retard OP
No-one under 50 is a boomer you dumbass
>Inb4 t. boomer
Old Zealand is a set of islands off Holland.
That's Gen X, they're nearly as bad as boomers however.