what does Jow Forums think of social security?
What does Jow Forums think of social security?
Muh social contract!
Pyramid scheme reliant on infinite growth in order to function. One of the many cancers killing America.
Boomers can't take the cold truth.
A boomer plan that allows them to ignore saving money and is funded by their children.
Based negro.
Requires more people to pay into it each generation or it will collapse.
Not including how people take money from the SS funds for other shit like giving the jews zero taxes as holocaust reparations.
What other animals eat their young?
I don't think about it because it's going to be used up and defunct by the time I'm old enough to qualify for it.
Octopi, cats, niggers.
I think it'd be beneficial if the jews were expelled and prices for medications then fell.
Its a ponzi scheme. Cheat on your taxes. I saved $20k last year.
Lmao what an idiot
how the fuck do you cheat on your taxes if your income is all w2
tell the government you donated schlomo's art that was worth 20million dollars.
Claim 10 on your W4. This reduces the amount of money that is taken from your check each pay day. Then when tax time comes get dyslexic with the numbers on your 1040ez. Try to fuck with the numbers so you get a small return. The average return is like $3000 so stay under that cause itll red flag and get looked at closer.
This has worked for me for over 10 years. I did get a letter one year and ended up paying but thats all they do is send a letter. No scary guys showing up at your house etc. Plausible deniability in dyslexia ;)
Nope. But speaking of donations, the American Heart Association finds it impossible to track and very all of their donations so you can call them and tell them you donated cash at a fund raising event and you need a receipt. Tell them whatever number you want. They have to give you a receipt.
T software dev at American Heart Assc headquarters in Dallas
>MFW I just filed my taxes and saw how much I paid into SS and thought about how I will never see that money again
Only retards let the gubment take their money
pick one
I'll never see it because boomers won't die