Texas Republicans fear Trump could lose the state in 2020


This is what happens when your state population goes from 75% white to 35% white in 30 years. They did it to California and have almost completed the process in Texas, but dumbass GOP idiots don't seem to get what's about to happen.

Because Texas has so many electoral votes, single-party rule nationally starts in 2020 or 2024, at the very latest. They will take all guns and quintuple down on their efforts to carry out white genocide.

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what about florida? those idiots just added over a million nigger spic felons to the voting rosters. in a state that only goes red by 30,000 votes, a milllion new democrats has permanently cucked it

At first maybe but after a recount the dems will lose 1-2 million votes casted by illegals

I see no problem here

>they find 70,000 illegal Votes in Texas

Ok, keep me posted

Yes, Florida is pretty much gone for good in 2020


Republican business owners just want cheap slave workers from Mexico. That's all that matters to them.

Even if they lose control to Democrats, the Democrats would just provide them with even more Mexican slave workers.

That's what's going on user. You lost Texas many, many decades time ago.

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Stuff like this just proves that civic nationalism is doomed to fail. Sure the Dems are a bunch of childish, petty, and insidious people, but they understand the concept that "Demographics = destiny" far better than Republicans.

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what do

>dumbass GOP idiots don't seem to get what's about to happen.

They know exactly what's going on and want it to happen.

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All these corporations exploiting cheap labor should realize too, if america goes socialist they are fucked. They need to stop fucking around with illegal immigration, you're going to destroy your own income.

This might be thanks to the fact most of Texas are obese Israel-first Evangelicucks with COPD and disdain for state-led border control.


vox has this. So in reality it could be a gain for Trump come 2020.

>muh guns
>muh abortion
>muh taxes

Republicans will never serve the American people. It is just divide and conquer nonsense. Democrats do the same thing to their base.

Lol, no

Haven't you noticed that they always magically find MORE democrat votes?

The fact is that the demographic shift has already doomed the country. Don't blame the shitskins who want to come here, blame the whites that let this happen.

That is interesting and not what I expected

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And don't forget when the people flee the blue state they are so fucking stupid they turn the red state next door blue, too. RIP Nevada, it's now New California

They completely lack self-awareness and responsibility. Traits every liberal seems to have

Hilariously, they're so shortsighted and so obsessed with short-term profits that they will keep pushing for endless slave labor until the minute America literally turns communist under future President Ocasio-Cortez and her army of spic voters. A lot of companies will probably just cash out and flee somewhere else. They already keep their money offshore, anyway, so they don't have to worry about expropriation by the coming communist government.

But yes, at least there's a little bit of poetic justice in the fact that business in the US will ultimately end up under the jackboot of state control due to their infinite greed importing endless brown slaves.

Illegals are going to be automatically registered to vote too, since a handful of states passed initiates to register people when they get their driver's licence, and last few cycles states have added initiates to license,register and insure illegals

Like you said though, the rich fucks that made this happen will take their money and flee to another country. It will be us that pays the price.

Right, which is why 'blue dogs' in red states must be kicked out of the senate. The senate and the supreme court is the only thing that will hold them in check.


Yes, it's trump who's going to lose the state and not the Republican "civil nationalists" sitting around with their thumbs up their asses supporting more South American immigration because it helps the economy by creating a peasant class willing to work for peanuts but who will vote them out for gibs.

oh boy it's gonna be the end of the world because one red state ends up turning blue. don't sperg out too hard


Texas is the behemoth anyway--38 electoral votes--so that's pretty much it when it goes blue in 2020, or at the latest, 2024. Once Texas is gone, it's single party rule, even if somehow the GOP manages to mitigate both the felon voting issue and demographic change in Florida.

>Republican business owners
It's the Anglo elite based in London and Toronto, you idiot. They run the CIA and Mormon Church. They not only want Mexicans as cheap slaves, they also want ALL of America turned into a (((British slave colony))) Pretty cool huh? Good job taking their Richard Spencer shill bait for 2 years, faggot. They fucked everything up.

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too bad worthless gay retarded rino texas republicans sucked immigrant dick for 50 years otherwise this could have been prevented from happening


>Allow millions of illegal Mexicans to stay and don't throw them out
>state goes blue

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Texas has 38 electoral votes. If Texas turns blue, it will be single-party control permanently.

People don't get how Trump was our last shot at reversing this. Really, he should have come along 16 years earlier.

Conservative supreme court majority could try to protect the constitution but state laws are going to be fucked and if it gets there, dems could even push to amend the constitution. They've played the long game for sure

Theres so many Civnatcucks here in Texas that still believe that gay meme of “Mexicans are natural conservatives and super religious! They are based and can come here cause they vote Red”. These faggots don’t realize that Mexicans HATE white people and will do anything fuck over whites. If Trump doesn’t stop being a cuck a so something about immigration and the border, then Texas/USA is over with

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Their noses have a suspicious shape.

Makes you wonder just how the hell they became the elite in UK and Canada.

>These faggots don’t realize that Mexicans HATE white people and will do anything fuck over whites.

I'm also continuously amazed by how cuckservatives don't get this.

they'll be dead by then and their offspring will be living somewhere comfy with the money they managed to grab

With a ridiculous amount of inbreeding

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so where are white 'people' going to run too, antarctica, lol you can blend in with the snow

Cognitive dissonance from being brain washed into a world view that whites are bad while everyone else can do no harm. They just need to follow some basedbean on twitter and feel good about themselves

shit meant for

The wealthy live in the moment, it's why they frantically accrue money even when they reach a point where they can't feasibly spend it all in one lifetime. Why should they care about the deleterious effects of importing cheap labor, money rules everything in our country so they'll just sequester themselves into a rich gated community with a private military to protect them when the country goes tits up. This is why I'll never understand other right wingers who are perfectly fine with billionaires. They sure as fucking shit are not on our side, and they have the power to dictate what direction our nation goes pretty much single-handedly. We're just expendable labor to them, they don't give a shit about culture or race.

>Their noses have a suspicious shape.
You're not kidding.

Attached: Queen Victoria A Jew.jpg (576x432, 103K)

>Makes you wonder just how the hell they became the elite in UK and Canada.
Oliver Cromwell

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If they take the guns, it will be the start of a second civil war. If the federal goverment starts taking rifles away, it's 100% going to start a civil war thanks to the state of Alaska who has made a law which basically states that all federal gun laws are null and that if the feds come after you, you can call 911 and they come and defend you on your behalf. I would not be suprised if other states put in place similar protections in the coming years.

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Should all white people move to Alaska?

Damn, wonder ((who's)) idea it was to say if Jews converted there would be a second coming

Nobody falls for propaganda and head fakes more than Jow Forums.

You do this to work up your people. Same shit as when you get a political e-mail that says "Come on user, X has raised me money than us and we need you!"

Texas is not looking good in the long run, but niggers. Please. Get a grip.

I doubt they'll take the guns right away buy give it a decade or 2 of blue control and Texas will go the way of California(former red state) all on its own

I think more states should enact such a law. If any of the lower 48 enact such a law, I would be tempted to move there. Question is would it be Montana, Idaho, or Wyoming to first do it down here?

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>long run
Cruz almost lost to beta o'rourke

Also, pic related.. if you want to go back to 1066. Basically the jews hired norman mercenaries (some vikings) to attack whoever the jews needed attacked. Same shit happening today, 900 years later. This is why Sweden and England are so cucked... they're viking mercenaries employed by jews.

The "Norse" from Norway were the good guys. Not the swedes.

Attached: William the Conqueror and the Jews - Anglo-Norman Invasion.jpg (1240x1754, 849K)

Nah. Just form a tight knit community and you’ll be fine.

What an ugly bitch. Perfect representation of the bong lands.

It's just math you fucktard

Cruz is also almost certainly a disciple of Dagon and gets most of his support from whatever the Texas equivalent of Innsmouth is, so that's still not incredibly impressive. A Texas senator that isn't repulsive to look at would have beaten beta by 15 points.

worked great for boers

FUCK! It Texas goes Democrat then the nation will go Democrat.

Texas must remain Republican!

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El Rato is an uncharismatic blob, that even he could win over O'Rourke is promising.

Itradasting, my family line traces back to a Norman who was rewarded for combat and loyalty with land and a manor in England

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Ted Cruz the short pudgy Canadian Cuban beat some good looking Texan by 3 points.

Think about that for a second. Now think what it would have been like if Ted Cruz wasn't so fucking unlikable.

Californians need to stay the fuck in California. Spics need to stay the fuck in Spictopia.

Victoria literally saved the Ottoman Empire. The Russians were about to destroy it in the Crimean War, until that dumb British whore joined the conflict. (played by an actor, the real victoria was a straight up inbred jew)

Attached: Victory & Abdul - Anglo-Ottoman-Love - Crimean War.jpg (906x960, 331K)

>Texas Republicans fear Trump could lose the state in 2020
Voter fraud communist propaganda. I don't know a single liberal in real life. I'm in Waco off bosque by the fair.

unrelated, but your id literally says "Jow Forums"

I think all this jew bullshit is a front to keep the WASPS (British imperialists) Out of our eyes and out of the internet media... Most dont want to believe this because they think if theyre british or have british friends or familes that theyre also the problem.. But they arent the same, the WASPS dont see them the same.. They see them as fools the can control! So fuck the jews to me theyre just some big nose group people dont like which is more the reason to use them... Ofcourse this is only my theory

Oh yeah, that's right.. it's Trump that's going to turn Texas blue. Nothing to do with the spics flooding the border in caravans ten thousand strong.

Inb4 Democrat presidents for the next 4-40 terms.

Then start stomping for him in your State you spineless faggots. Ted can only do so much. Jesus why is Texas so fucking retarded?

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Florida is gone. With the demographic shift happening across the nation plus the influx of fucking Puerto Ricans, it will never go red again. Everything is going against us. Mexicans are moving in. Cuban kids and grand kids are regressing to the mean political ideals as the average Cuban shitskin, Haitians continue to flood in and now hundreds of thousands of subhumans from PR as flooding in post hurricane. If TX is even close to in play then AZ is also gone. The senate seat they just lost in 2016 wasn't even that close. By 2020 the continued demographic shift will ensure that the state never goes red again.

I'm from NV and I watched it happen here. In 2016 Republicans put resources into Nevada. Trump and his campaign came to Vegas and Reno multiple times and in the end he lost big here. The legislature also turned blue. In 2018 polls had Republicans holding the governorship, 1 senate seat and 1 house seat. We lost them all big. I live in the Whitest part of Las Vegas and i've voted at the same place for 18 years. in 2018 the demographics had completely shifted. It was way younger, Asian, Hispanic, mixed race couples (White/Hispanic, White/Asian and specifically nog men and White women). This change in NV happened so fast. A decade ago my polling place was almost entirely White. The demographic bomb that started hitting NV a decade ago is continuing to shift fast. I'd say less than 30% of the people in line where White. This same shift is starting to hit hard in AZ, TX, NC, GA, FL, UT, ID, MT, IA, NE, KS, OK, TN, IN.

I wouldn't be surprised if TX goes red but is closer than people think, AZ goes blue, Fl goes blue, IA goes blue and with the Dem focus back on the "blue wall" that MI, PA, WI all go blue. I think 2020 is going to be a blood bath for Republicans. Especially with the 2018 results in the Northeast/Midwest where progressive Whites came out big.

>I don't know a single liberal in real life. I'm in Waco off bosque by the fair.

The problem is the liberals are all moving from from the failed state of California into the bigger Texas cities, turning them Democrat

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Danm, look at all those French cucks who died for their beloved muslims.

Now I don't feel so bad when I see France in flames.

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right, the article is typical bullshit spin/misses the issues.

The very obvious issue (in fact, the sole cause) is the spic flood. Texas is just becoming the next California. Once you have Cali's 55 electoral votes with Texas's 38 and New York's 29 in the pocket for dems (and probably add Florida to that), that's really it forever. This is all due to spics and spics alone. Pretty amazing how the DNC played this over the long-term.

Lol please, come take my guns. I am so fucking bored and i need something to fight for.
Multiply tis attitude by like 100 million and you have an idea of what the midwest is like. Fuck your spic states. You will never take america. Balkanization will happen before you niggers subjugate us

Those numbers still aren't good though
>102,000 new Dem voters
>54,000 new Rep Voters
>40,000 who could go either way
Assuming that 40,000 splits evenly that would mean the Dems end up netting 122,000 voters while the Rep's get 74,000. It could be worse I guess but still, not good IMO.

Honestly if your a republican in TX and you didn't go out to vote because your gov is slightly "unlikable" and you'd rather your state fall to the blue side then you deserve the brown hoard and fun socialism it comes with.

Not to mention that 150k Californians fled to Texas in 2017, most of whom are left wing democrats. And I had thought Colorado got hit hard with 30k of them.

Party loyalism is just plain moronic.

read the article. you can see their hands rubbing between every line. it confirms very clearly that this has gifted florida to the democrats. This whole piece was about gaslighting Republican cucks into supporting their electoral death:
>There are many reasons to support restoring the right to vote to those citizens who have completed their sentence. But Democrats should not do so because of perceived partisan gain. Neither should Republicans fear a “blue wave” by supporting the initiative.
even with their totally skewed analysis:
>Had all ex-felons been eligible to vote in Florida in 2016, we estimate that this would have generated about 102,000 additional votes for Democrats and about 54,000 additional votes for Republicans, with about an additional 40,000 votes that could be cast on behalf of either party.
and of coursh, just to remind the goyim yet again:
>The question of restoring ex-felon voting rights is about democracy, not swinging the election

Delusional civcucks everybody.

>Danm, look at all those French cucks who died for their beloved muslims.
Yes, french involvement in the Crimean War is a little tricky to understand itself. The thing to know is France had been taken over by British freemasons and jews at that time. So France was basically like a British colony at the highest levels of french government. Even though it was still considered France... the country was run by London. This switch in power happened after the French Revolution, when the British helped kill off the French Royalty.

This is why many people say the French Revolution was an overall bad thing. Because it led to the jews taking over all Europe and the U.S. eventually.

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Cruz has a positive approval rating of 49-35, that's higher than John Cornyn who is at 42-27. He's the 24th most popular Senator out of 100, that's not bad. El Rato being hated is a myth pushed by civic nationalist cucks to explain him almost losing to Beto, the real problem is fucking spics and Asians.

Civ cucks will come up with literally any explanation they can other than their brown slaves have turned on them and will destroy them. That reality if too much to handle, apparently.

If you're fighting an enemy army who uses guns, but you're using swords for whatever "moral" reason, you're still going to lose even if you think you're doing the right thing.

So if Texas and Florida both go blue and cement Dem single party rule forever, for how much longer does the US make it before shit hits the fan?

I'm scared, bros. I don't want to die yet.

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Probably depends on how fast they move on guns. They may continue the slow boil method (if they're smart) and actually seize guns over time be all-powerful with no possibility of an uprising. If they try to seize guns in one fell swoop, then that might be big moment.

texas is just a repeat of what happened to california and will happen to arizona if nothing changes.

cucky republicans turn states blue. simple as that.

If we can redpill the military in time we might have a shot at an uprising.

They won't directly ban guns, the Dems will push through a ban on the sale of new semi-auto firearms and grandfather in existing ones + registration. The trick is that the law will also ban the transfer of semi-autos so that when white men die their 5 AR-15's will be collected by Officer Chang and Officer Martinez instead of going to their kids.

Or we can follow Trump's winning strategy and focus on winning over middle america. Stop with these idiotic fantasies of violence. I know most of you are 17 and full of hormones, but that's not productive and glow in the darks use it to justify attacks against us.

>Multiply tis attitude by like 100 million and you have an idea of what the midwest is like.

False bravado. There are towns in states like Iowa and Kansas that are majority-nonwhite due to all the meatpacking plant workers and their many, many kids. All those armed Midwesterners stood by and watched this happen, doing absolutely nothing about it.

This is what conservatives don't understand - nobody needs to "take your guns" - they just do what they want regardless, because they know those guns are useless.

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They seem to realize that is a terrible move, so what they do is slowly chip away at gun rights. Little regulation here, more there, they keep doing it little by little so people let it happen. They don't have to go gun grabbing cause eventually they just have the demographics where most of the people can't get guns and the only people that have them are old and dying.

>lives in waco

Nigger, go to any major city in Texas, they are everywhere. Many of them imported from california.

Yeah. Texas is lost. I'm gonna make all the money I can, buy some quality guns and GTFO. Inb4 stay and fight. Fight what? Texans don't care.

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How is a rapidly shrinking demographic going to help? Not only is "middle class" disappearing, but the current economic environment is making it so that it can't ever return.

This is based and redpilled, and I'm a leftist. That gleaming white 1950s MAGA style dream of so many Trump voters was in reality a continuation of New Deal policies under a decent Republican administration. The left and right realized they had tons of common ground except for the pinkos and the John Birch faggots. But conservicucks went all in on the muh guns muh abortion meme forty years ago and we've been paying for it ever since. All those temporarily embarrassed millionaires sold us out.

Unfortunately that isn't how it will happen. They won't let it lead to a civil war, they are smart enough to keep people just happy enough to not let that start. Between that and the constant monitoring, they have that under control. It is just a death of an empire, this country will fall soon and probably fast, just a question of who will fill the vacuum.