I have an idea

Jow Forums ethnocommunity
we buy a plot a land, a huge one. like a very well sized ranch or something along those lines.

we invite people from Jow Forums across the US and abroad to come to the ranch, and do their part.
we will have a community for predominately right leaning folks (no homosexuals), some Honorary Whites are allowed, depending on how redpilled they are.

>inb4 honeypot
i wouldn't doubt that their would be an agent or 2, all groups are infiltrated nowadays. of course, you'd weed them out to really make sure they're not an agent or such thing. for there is a 0 tolerance to that.

The Silver Legion did it, why cant we?

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Red dead redemption 2 autism DLC

And where are the silver legion now?

gone because the day after pearl harbor when we entered ww2 they were outlawed

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Wow, a Jow Forums ethnostate thread where we buy some land and start our own country, what an interesting and original concept, I've never heard about this one before!

i actually thought of this and never have seen a thread on it, though i'm sure their has been

i'm so samrt

Good job, the threads pop up from time to time allways different in some small way. I say go for it, the world needs more people like you.

Our dreams will become a reality one day, you know that. right leaf friend?

user, your best chance is trying to control the narrative in the US as it is the key to any prospect of a white ethnostate.

Here's how it will go:
>Media: Neo-Nazis try to start an ethnostate
>Failure likelihood: 6/10 - They will try to prevent you from buying the land by intimidating the landowner
IF that doesn't fail
>Media: Neo Nazi hate criminals from the dark net set up compound and arm themselves with AR-15s
>Failure likelihood: 9/10 - You will get Waco'd or be otherwise forcibly removed from your land by the ATF
IF that doesn't fail
>Media: Neo Nazi White Supremacists from the dark internet who are planning a genocide of all PoC and LBGT+ community members set up compound
>Failure likelihood 10/10 - Either the previous will apply or they will cut off any and all traffic in and out and starve you to death, if you become self sufficient and don't starve, they will send in the ATF. If you are too well armed, the spooks will send in the military.

If, however, you set up an ethnostate on an unclaimed Island or buy ownership of the island and declare it a state, it will take much longer to be NATO'd but it will still happen. See above but replace "Media" with "International media" and "ATF" with "NATO"

Take back the USA by controlling the narrative and redpilling normies, it is your only chance.

Better to build up hundreds of communities than a few big ones. Keep everything offline, don't interact with spooks, and don't get tricked by atf.

>unclaimed Island

Name one.

it could be called ruby ridge 2 sawed off boogaloo

This is a good idea user. I know the perfect place for it though. Search for sand key. We could construct a secret base on that island. Not a lot of people know of this.

theirs a few, but nobody wants to buy them. i saw some video that went along the lines of "top 10 unclaimed territories".

That's true. Man what a fucking bummer.
I still have my dreams, though. :')
i believe theirs a chance.

sand key is already a taken area, part of florida.
And a secret base, i'd want it to be public, open to others who want to come in. If it WAS secret, first off of course you must own the part of the island. Something like Liberland, without Croatia and Serbia fucking everything up.

Trump Island is for sale. Would be comfy. Sort of expensive though. Anyhow these threads have been going on for years and while entertaining will never result in meaningful action.

Trump Island does look comfy, i searched up photos. It's in Washington. I'd have to look at the gun laws though, i'm pretty sure gun laws in washington are shit but i may be wrong.

hey, i like this idea. but honorary whites cant be niggers, i dont care if its denis rodman in a weddding dress and a maga hat.

Why don't you nazis just pick a part of a state and all the gung-ho nazis start buying land there. Like the libertarians did with NH. In fact, do it in NH. Lots of land, all white, nice and cold for your snow-hominids, low-tax. Just please don't sperg out there too hard. It's a nice state, heroin notwithstanding.

I have a concealed carry permit, it a 'shall issue' state. Our gun laws are OK but the libtards are working on making us as cucked as California. If it wasn't for Seattle we'd be a Red State. Lots of innawoods here and we have a sheriff proposing a "gun sanctuary" city in Eastern Washington.

on sperging out. No skinheads would be allowed of course, only intelligent, hard working men and women. And i think NH has shit gun laws, i mean somewhat okay laws but not the best. I'd have to check it out.

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We wouldn’t last a generation without females.

Just do the Butler Plan/NWF thing. Buy homes within 20-30 minutes drive of each other.

I’ll agree if I can get a shy autist Christian waifu.

Innawoods is a must for a community, i've always loved nature as well. I wanna go somewhere to where theirs tons of nature and other things like that.

Other than that though, being very close to Alaska is interesting and sounds good, for their is alot of good land there as well, amazing gun laws because its Alaska and nobody really gives a shit.

Why not conquer Canada and take a large swath of Canada as an ethonstate? Would any Canada Anons support a movement? we could even puppet toronto and use them as grunt work.

We'd get all the shy autist Christian waifus you want, for a community without such thing is no such thing as a community. Men must have their well behaved women

I've never heard of the whole butler plan and or nwf thing, i'll definetly look into it

how would we get women in?

Canada is a lost cause, user

Canada is a lost cause, user... I'm sorry...

ignore my second message, my confirmation was sperging out kek

recruit women from Jow Forums, christian women who want real men, and well.. we'd figure out something. It's not impossible.

Alaska is pretty much intolerable for year-round living for normies. I'd like to live there but wife won't have it. Otherwise look into Skagit, Whatcom or Island counties, best place to live in the PNW, the rest sucks tbqh. We're in the rain shadow here, a lot less rain than say, (((Seattle))) etc. Don't even go there, very depressing and you might get a disease.

I got 5 on it

We could deport the Migrants and anyone who wouldn't want to join. we could take western Canada and Saskatchewan and make it ours. The Canadian military has only 68,000 active personnel. against Jow Forums and Jow Forums they wouldn't stand a chance

What about Midwest? I’m sure we could easily set up some nice comfy living spaces. Plus, shipping centrals.

its alright

Yeah permafrost areas work well too, cheap land.

Sure but it's landlocked and sort of flat and featureless, but the land and houses are cheaper. Then again you can't earn as much money. Here I work doing contracting and do it half-assed but still make a comfy living. In my area the libtards aren't as rabid and the nature is the best. I'll post a few phone pics if you want, related is Mt Baker from airplane.

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BYOW this is not horny toad island, this is a family oriented, wholesome place... you cant come if you are not in a stable marriage with children and a pet, not pitbulls, no weird shit like possums or tarantulas....must show you have at least $70,000 in savings, we dont need any broke-dick whites, the dress code is 1950s monday through friday, saturday is relax pool days, sunday church... attendance is mandatory. who am i?? the fucking mayor!


the gun laws there are HORRIBLE, unless you want an army armed to take it over, all armed with an SKS and or bolt action rifles, or illegally get extended mags (which i do not recommend, i'm not like that mr atf law man looking at our conversations) It's not really realistic, Canada is a lost cause.

The wife would love it if she went, you'd have to really convince her. perfect community to raise children and not be effected by jewish schemes.

I hate rain though, i mean i love and hate it. After a day or two of raining it gets absolutely depressing, i'd want a community that's as sunny as it gets, but i don't mind rainy areas.

2 words: Ruby ridge

hail mayor

Yeah, if i started such thing i'd be afraid of that. I don't want innocents dying.

We could have business owners from our group by land in the area “for their businesses” and then once the plots of land are contiguous, they petition for the area to be rezoned and then they form some kind of chartered set of landlording companies for the region,
Then they selectively make land deals with our group only. Then once significant people are in, we could all form neighborhood committees that have free reign on what is not allowed.

>perfect community to raise children
Everybody want to live in my town because the schools are essentially nigger free.

I know we INVADE and annex western canada. Little potato wouldn't be of much use. we could create Jow Forums heaven at Trudeau's expense. we could conquer them and make our new laws in our sphere of influence

I have a few of those actually. Rare species though. Worth some $$$

maybe invade from montana and defeat them through decisive victories

I'm broke, but I enjoy hard work.

>not conquering Vancouver Island

That's what I want. to invade via Montana, North Dakota and Wisconsin and conquer the country

If we invaded canada, nato would go full out against us, and we'd be fucked.
I say we let canada fall with refugees, let them take care of it, build an army, and then if worst comes to worst move in to save them.

68,000 active is fucking shit, that's pitiful

we have a black population in my town, it's VERY VERY VERY small. and i even know a black family. They're quite poor, the oldest son is becoming a hoodie, but we know one child which my family likes alot. He's a friend of my little brother, and very well behaved. in fact our family is taking him and a couple of my little brothers friends out to dinner. but over in mainland areas it gets real bad.

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It really isn’t that far fetched, I think it’s similar to the way a lot of towns used to be made.

problem would be britain... nah they couldn't last against weaponized autism

Hard labor will have to be done, and we need men for the job. I'd count you in.

invading currently isn't an option, for everything will fall first, and who knows if any invading will occur

Would work but like I said, nobody here is going to do anything in meatspace.

>implying women anons aren’t the ones posting tits or gtfo to attention seeking whores.
user I....

That sounds like a good idea. You should be on the team, friendo. If such team existed, which i'm sure one day it will.

I've unironically thought about doing something like this in a poor-as-shit third world country, like Belize, or Indonesia, or Puerto Rico, and just making an ethnic enclave, like the Amish in Mexico.

We'd team with the Amish, i'm sure some of them would be for this. The Amish is pretty based.

Keep grinding user, for this could be a reality.

agree only when they cease to function effectively will it work. we should base ourselves close to canada to make a chain of support bases to support such an endeavor. would it work? if the U.S. for some reason doesn't care or supports it. VERY likely

Alright, I guess.
Thanks, I’ll be here for when it happens. Maybe one day I’ll help with the land purchases, and the outdoors stuff too of course

not only when THEY cease to function effectively, but when WE do. Our country, because America is done for, the American dream i believe is over with.

I'm a Seperatist, i don't believe in America, but something much more glorious. Once enough land, supplies, and persons are there, we'd declare ourselves as a country.

It would work, but you'd be up against the Canadian Army and NATO, which both have air support, that guess what, we don't. You'd need manufactouers (i butchered that word horribly) on your side, producing weapons, vehicles, anti air and air crafts.

One day user.

well fucking sell them, or.. wait .... you have to turn them in to the zoo we are building... the aracno-exhibit area.....also... grooming standards of the 3rd reich for men, women, boys and girls, sunday after church is the village workout, potluck lunch, casual drinks after community dinner at the beer hall and evening theater entertainment (classic plays and new redpill approved plays only) participation will not be mandatory but highly encouraged.... trust me... you dont want your neighbors wondering why you, sally and the kids were not at community dinner.

NWF guy here. See you on the front lines comrade.

HAIL the community.

I'll look into the North Western Front, now that i found out what NWF stands for i've heard of them, but haven't looked into them much. I like the flag and the meaning of it though.

See you there, comrade

I used to have marine tropical fish but wife kept over feeding them. So I sold my aquariums and got into the tarantula hobby. They just live in their terrariums and stuff. I've only got a few, and a colony of Socotra Island Blue Baboons. They are a social species and all live together, quite unique. I have an interest in biology so the tarantulas stay. Otherwise I'm clean cut and dress like the 1950's kind of. See you at the BBQ.

this sounds fucking dreamy as fuck! also... from now on profanity is highly discouraged as we are the example to all the children.... every adult must teach a class once a month to the communities children, thinking archery, marksmanship and weapons maintenance, land navigation, celestial navigation, sailing, survival, home economics, cooking, sewing, carpentry, first aid, farming, agriculture, food canning, hunting, and sports.

im sure you can put together a nice spider lesson for all the kids... see you at the BBQ friend, im bringing pictionary!

I got that covered

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That as well, Mayor. I hate swearing, i really do. I shouldn't even be swearing just on here, for it's unprofessional

Doesn't have to be a ranch. Just buy up apartment complexes, land, neighborhoods and only allow whites.

>fathers, mothers and children
>1950s clothes
>all like minded individuals.

Too wholesome. Sounds like a dream, but can and will become a reality.

That's a good idea as well, but. You can really do whatever you want with lots of land.

Also speaking proper English, knowing simple things like there/their/they're. Incorrect language is a sign of a disorganized mind and lack of mental discipline.


there we go, we got our sailing instructor, we definitely need a plot of land that resembles a place where you would have a summer camp.


just move north-west allready, jesus christ.


we will manifest our dream.... it will be glorious.

Sailing involves more than just steering a boat. You need to know everything from knot tying to carpentry to diesel mechanics to navigation etc. It's about the whitest thing you can do. Just bought a sextant and am going to teach myself celestial navigation this season. Have GPS but what if it fails?
Also I got a BBQ grill on board. For if I ever catch a salmon.

lol after a few years we will be teaching our kids about the other races like we are teaching them about the different types of swallows and finches.

oh yeah, im a Merchant Marine officer by trade, so im following you here, its very important.

>Merchant Marine
That's pretty based tbqh. I should have done that instead of Army when I was younger. Have been an open water diver since age 15, I have a real love for everything marine related. If my circumstances were different I'd be cruising the South Pacific on my boat now, as is I'm limited to the San Juans. Wife is crippled by MS so longer trips are not possible. Sigh.

and i just want to say, it feels great knowing that there is a yearning to turn back the clock to more wholesome times my fellow neighbors, im 35 now, this is the future i want, to grow old with lifelong friends with a common purpose! not friends who came be acquainted by chance in a big city, but people who came together because of a common goal.

thank you for your service Army friend, im former USMC myself, i had a McGregor motorsailor (worse of both worlds) it was great for learning the ropes.... then i sold it... looking for another one... its like the sea calls out to you.

I hear you. I'm 50 now and I remember the last of the better times. I can't believe how things have become so terrible so fast.

Yikes! Good job selling it. I've got a 32' diesel ketch. Anyhow my city is a seaport, if you are boat shopping we have boats galore, I've even had them gifted to me which I repaired and sold at a bit of a profit. The owners get old and can't keep up with them anymore.

its accelerated out of control, we all know what the problem is, and this seems like a solution that may not be very far fetched. also im sorry to hear about your wife, i'm sure an anonymous prayer wont hurt.

oh yeah, i got rid of it, got lucky! i live in florida and there are plenty for sale, the wife is not thrilled about another one... i promise her this time it will be different hahahahahahaha

OP speaking

Looks as if i'm the youngest here. I've had thoughts of joining the military. This being the National Guard, Marines, Navy (i wouldn't wanna be on a ship, i don't think. As long as i get good weapons training and become disiplined. Maybe being on a ship would be my best interest for not dying in a war for Israel). My dream is to go into politics, but i want and need experience with many things.

I'm just afraid of a war breaking out. I'd only be in there for 5 years, i'm pretty sure thats the minimal amount of time.

yes! this is the way it can be done.

Thanks, it's appreciated. We used to go for walks innawoods together then one day we were out and her left leg stopped working, had to pretty much carry her about half a mile back to the car and after that was never the same. Has been a few years now. She can still make it onto the boat and be along for the ride though so it's not so bad. It just has to be warm weather for her.

I'm sorry to hear about the wife as well

This will never work. Reminds me of Reddit Island.

Reddit Island sounds fucking hilarious and complete shit

I was an Army tanker, M1tank gunner, 1k zone Germany. I joined because I wanted to go to war. My unit had highest suicide and divorce rate in all the armed forces as we were in the field 290 days per year average. I don't regret it and if shtf I know what to do. If you enlist go into the combat arms. Otherwise you'll be bored and won't get any real experience.