Well Jow Forums
What’re these states like?
>Columbia, Columbus and Raleigh aren’t on the map but Macon, Georgetown, Hilton Head and Pinehurst are
And I grew up in the black belt. It’s not bad
Outer Banks has the best seafood, best fishing, and cleanest beaches on the East Coast. In June or July the beaches in Hatteras and surrounding towns are white af. Ocracoke is a legit island only accessed by ferry.
I was wondering about this. What a weird map.
I grew up back and forth between the Carolinas and visiting northern parts of Georgia occasionally. I've lived high in the mountains of NC and on the water in the low country in SC and a few places in between. There's something special about this part of the South. Hard to explain. If it weren't infested with niggers I'd plan on settling here, but I just don't see that happening, unfortunately. It's rich in history and agriculture and traditional southern culture. Even some of the cities aren't that bad.
How does it have the best seafood you dipshit; it’s no different than any other place on the coast. This is coming from someone who was born and raised there.
they used to be awesome but all the Northern niggers and liberal Boomers flooding into them is shitting them up pretty fast
Really green
They are complete shit and the worst place in the world to be.
And whatever you do fuck off don't come here we're full.
Exactly this. It’s a dystopian nightmare. Whatever you do, don’t come here. If you have the urge, just watch deliverance, it’s the same thing
This.This.This. Everything from the food, to the women, to the dirty ass beaches. Don't even bother.
The natives here will complain but I'll let you in on a secret... Nigs are confined to specific areas. There are amazing white communities where you can be self-reliant and experience most of what life used to be like in America.
I live in NC
Youd be better off living in SC though
Just forget about NC, we're pretty full
Black, blacker, blackest
those are OK states. but their sports teams suck, especially football.
Would be heaven if not for the niggers and yankee immigrants.
It’s flooded with Midwestern leftists. I am about to move back up to Ohio. Small towns are getting flooded with spics and niggers because they can’t afford to live in the big cities.
south carolina is cheap living / stealth retirement state
But overall it’s a pretty ok place. Blacks and spics aren’t as bad as SC.
literal shitholes. You don't want to move here. We have cousin fuckin in the streets. "get off me daddy you're crushin my cigarettes" type of fuckery.
south carolina is based as fuck
i was there when trump was there rallying before he got elected
Me too at the convention center, I sat up front with the black caucus and refused to move whencthey came in, lel
Georgia is great. North of canton is fairly white. very few blacks but unfortunately a lot of hispanics. if you love nature we have the start of the appalachian range and trail and in spring summer and fall its gorgeous. I moved to oregon to work and gain some experience in my field but I'll be moving back for personal and family reasons next year. the personal reasons all basically boil down to I miss home. But overall the big cities because simply put they have all the problems of big cities though if you ever get the chance the aquarium in atlanta is nice. I took a girl there on a date in high school and had my first kiss there so you cant beat that.
fuck off we're full
Fuck yeah we are.
Lots of beach shacks.