Great STEM Purge 2019

Who else is in STEM?
Sub-90 IQ humanities food service technicians stay out.

STEM provides the facts that prove Jow Forums is right: there are race/sex differences, there's no wage gap when controlling for hours worked, jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

The STEM culture wars are already in a fairly late stage: women and minorities are underrepresented despite discrimination against white men, you can't study or publish unPC material, governing bodies are full of leftist scum.

STEM has decent inbuilt self-correcting mechanisms in peer review and being about facts, STEM can be purged of leftists just by activating them. Once STEM is purged there'll be no one pretending that race is only skin deep, sjws will lose most of their influence and Jow Forums will get 90% of what it wants.

What are the weak points in the STEM-cultural complex that can be memed wide open?

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i'm in stem. justa boi doing the phd meme

I am. STEM also says climate change is real tho...

STEM here. I try to stay focused on teaching my students on an individual level and teaching them STEM free from political bullshit. The way to purge stem is by teaching the next generation how to actually conduct science.

My friends who did B. Eng and even a masters are currently unemployed (although the guy with a masters has a good shot)

Best just doing something you care about that pays

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The administration in my school is a bad joke. We have to take so many unnecessary classes

Nursing/Biomedical major (101 IQ) reporting in.

The weak point in the STEM community is that we lack in deep human interaction due to the ostracism of intellectuals by the bleak majority. To achieve anything in STEM, we must distance ourselves from social lives and focus on our work, which leads to developments, which then leads to us being financially successful, which then causes us to be placed even further outside of the norm. You can try to associate with other STEM peoples but in reality they're just as antisocial/autistic as you. Face it, OP... Embrace the fact that you'll die alone and shit out something for humanity to exploit that you can feel good about.

Reminder that there are multiple tranny threads being spammed across this board that are not politically related, get 100’s of replies, and mods don’t delete them.

I made a thread pointing this out and the mods deleted it

What field?
It's the sun tho.


I'm in stem and it seems like the only reason why women/minorities get accepted into labs is to hit that diverse quota purely for grant funding.

I am STEM too and fuck on the regular. I am just an intelligent extrovert. Though honestly its worse as my STEM friends can never fulfill my social needs and my business friends can never fulfill my intellectual needs. I am always between two groups of friends. I have put my evaluation of women down to if they would be a good house wife and nothing else.

Some are good, most are shit.

Sadly the only programs in the United States for engineering internships/meet-ups are only for women and "disadvantaged minorities". You can still apply for them as a white male but yeah. Women and minorities are being pushed so hard over here while white males are being pushed back and stringently graded hardcore against especially with partial credit assignments. I just want to scrape out with my degree already with 1-2 internships and get a job already so tired of being at university around all of this degenerate bs.

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>Great STEM Purge 2019
Embedded systems programmer / electronics tech here.

Stem jobs are a lie - show this to every high school student and parents you know - it could save their futures..

Attached: so-many-degrees-so-little-demand.png (740x541, 37K)

Yeah and if it is something easy they'll flock to it, lots of thots and fuckboys in kinesiology but not many girls in electrical engineering

Of course climate change is real... The climate has been fucking changing since the creation of Earth. I don't know why people are so afraid of it... The ozone has been opening and closing for as long as it has existed. Humans, however, have little impact on it. The CO2 levels in the atmosphere during the Jurrasic period were 1000x worst than today, yet here we are.

Definitely have witnessed instructors completing women's labs when they struggle, and that's assuming some white knight doesn't do it for her first

I agree. We have had 7-8 people cycle through the lab over my 2 years getting my Master's and only 1-2 had any impact. Most did nothing except start shit, lie about their work, and cost the lab tons of money. You can tell they just don't give a fuck, and you can't have that attitude in STEM

That chart shows graduates and job openings. Is it possibly misrepresenting the graduates who already have jobs? There are a ton of engineering openings; at least there were three years ago.

>stem says climate change is real
Yes, and it also struggles to figure out how and why and on what timescale
What we're doing looking at global warming is like doing technical analysis with stocks, pure sorcery

Problem is for people who get into a niche, there are lots of more general positions

Funny enough Indians and Chinese are the worse. The best tech people I have ever met are Goy whites that have a passion for it. Jews are good, but in a weird way. They only give a shit if their profit in it for them.