ITS HAPPENING: Colombia Sending Tanks to Venezuela

It's going down right fucking now. Looks like Bolton had his shit in a row, because it looks like Colombia is about to lay some smoke down...big time.

When do I get to go fight in the streets of Caracas, guys?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at 11.00.41 PM.png (600x911, 259K)

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Based Colombia. I knew I liked them for more than just their prostitutes.

Columbia's military junta is narco CIA federales. Proxy war American Style. Bolsonero will be a war presidente.

Attached: 1543715906939.jpg (720x960, 69K)

Colombia and Venezuela should be one single country.

I really hope that, war foments nationalism, that foments everything else

Venezuela is one of China's footholds in the Americas. Drive the Chinks out of our dominion. Fuck Maduro.

what qualifies as tanks these days?

Bolsonero should just annex the rest of south america and call the whole fucking thing empire of brazil or something. then invade central ameria from the south and the usa can invade from the north.

>implying our government is even legitimate at this point

Can I get an ETA on those tanks?