We're taking over this website you alt right incels are fucking done you can make fun of legit journalists all you want but actions have consequences Jow Forums will be shut down for good this time
We're taking over this website you alt right incels are fucking done you can make fun of legit journalists all you want...
Israel is getting shut down and you'll all be dead.
>legitimately unemployed
silly american the NAP doesn't allow that
You're going to war and you're going to die. Nothing you do stops this you fucking cowardly kikes. Imagine being the state of Israel and attacking an anime imageboard all day every day. This is how pathetic you Israelis have become. Weak petulant losers. This is why the world will celebrate as each IDF soldier bleeds out in the sand.
>says the schizo incel for the millionth time
Imagine simultaneously shilling on the board this hard and calling anyone else a schizo. You peopel are sick in the fucking heads and I'm sorry to say the world won't be better until you're all dead.
>alt right incels
Whatever, nerd.
Don't shoot up a school or nothing, liberal trash
> da evil joos!
Let me ask you something incel how does it feel knowing youll never make a womxn cum
Neck yourself faggot
Another angry incel, sad! We're all laughing at you guys
weak and predictable
Not an argument
you aint doin nuthin goy, nuthin but waiting on the man to come find you, and he will, and when he does he will squeeze the life out of you with his hands, you corpse will be chalked up to erotic ass fixation or some other niggerdry.
>supports journalists who want to ban guns and put an end to free speech
How can someone be this retarded?
it's the gang weed fucker. don't encourage him
Learn to code
easy there you little bitch, first off you're the incel here. If anything our losers are volcels. Second learn to code. Third fuck off back to plebbit.
where are the stories on spygate? the epstein scandal? on corruption in msm? fuck you OP
You just used a picture of Oswald Mosley to attack neo nazis and fascists? A British fascist who praised hitler and Mussolini wot