Everything on google shows the results of race mixing are positive. Stay mad cum skins.
enjoy your kids hating you shitskin
Yeah more intelligent than his black father.
race traitors will be the first to be gassed
>Everything on google
>conveniently leaves out the part where neither parents can donate bone marrow
>Everything on (((google)))
>He fell for the hybrid vigor meme
Good thing it found out that race mixing was a good thing, otherwise it would have been a hate crime and the researches would have been smeared as bigots. You also wouldn't have heard anything about the findings in the media.
google hybrid depression
) ) ) elgoog ( ( (
When a negroid mixes with a pure white the negroid child gets up-syndrome, in the streets they call them uppity niggers. Famous negroids with up-syndrome include figures such as Barack Obama, Derek Jeter, Patrick Mahomes, and Kamala Harris.
Its fucking ironic, jesus christ
Ever trusting the search results on this topic from (((Google))).
Leave Brittany alone!
>taller than the white parent
>smarter than the black parent
What a shocker
Shill thread sage
If race mixing is such a good idea, how come nobody ever tries to mix an elephant with a shark?
Those are different species user
This is why Brazil is full of the master race..... no wait, it's full of low IQ brown people.
user confirmed retard
So are humans and niggers.
Turdskins are triggered they were born sad! it's okay one day you will be able to become white