Why do W*ite men like to betray our own race? Why do they marry Koreans (G*oks) and ruin our noble bloodline?

Why do W*ite men like to betray our own race? Why do they marry Koreans (G*oks) and ruin our noble bloodline?

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at this point, i don't blame them

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it's just safer

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The only Asian worth considering breeding is a Japanese girl

W*ite Women are race saviors.

Because it is better than boning a western slut?

Why do faggots like OP care about where another mans dick goes?

You have your own dick. Carve your own destiny with it.

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You fell into the trickery of Jews.

Why are you incapable of typing white? Memeflag aside you sound like a huge coward.


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t. faggot
you lost your way to plebbit? Sóyboy faggots like you push for even more degeneracy, that's why we care

Your nose glows like one.

>We care

Shouldn't you be wiping the cum off your mothers stomach that her "client" left on her?

Your whole country is a glass house built on whores and poverty. Don't talk to me about degeneracy when you don't even have kids to take to church or a reasonable partner to raise kids.

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Be with the W*ite woman, keep the purity of our race. It is the duty of Ar*ans.

>doesn't want high IQ, beautiful daughters to carry on his genes

meme flag you are retarded

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not really. You're just ignorant. But I didn't expect any better. New Zealanders are notoriously some of the most stupid posters on Jow Forums. I don't know the reason why. You try to bant like straya, but you lack intelligence to do so.
Check statistics for prostitution in Poland and compare it to other countries

After a while I realised that all of the white girls I dated were cheats, liars, mentally ill. This I concluded was due to their social programming/conditioning. I am not sure if ALL white girls are like this, but from my experience, the white girls are not to be trusted. Which I was quite unhappy about.

Therefore I think white males look for the next best thing, which is a feminine, loyal, asian wife.

>be mongol
>conquer eastern europe
>mix with whites to ensure they have a better future or become white
>in the future everyone devolves back to mongoloids

>he believes the turkic meme
>doesn't want a smart and beautiful daughter he can be proud of

kek, average IQ 92. not surprised at all.

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Most of us are already 10 different shades of wh*te with a little jew, nig, or feather mixed in the abominable pot, what are gook genes going to hurt at this point?

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How many "whites" (Europeans) actually have noble bloodlines? Statistically most don't know anything past their grand-grandparents. Everything beyond that is "oh I have an X sounding surname, I must have X roots!" guessing.

You can still meet pure maidens of Belarus and Ukraine, Poland and Russia. Do not get caught up in a dirty Jewish plot.

Average 2 points higher IQ in exchange for medical donor compatibility & in-group belonging. Worth it?

Internet memes=/= reality. The fact that such "pure maidens" would go for a foreigner speaks volumes already.

That would be where I would look too, the Eastern European girls are beautiful, the Ukrainian girls, they seem to be more healthy/feminine and in need of a good strong husband.

Russian girls too, wow. I would steer clear from UK/USA girls to be honest, as much as it saddens me to say that. I hope that I am wrong.

So based. Maybe for one generation after each they rebound harder than any white woman

>white maidens in east europe meme
>top kek

meme flag.. complete suicide alrdy

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