Alright nerds listen up,

We all know women prefer men who are tall, attractive, hung etc. There's no point arguing this because we know from shitty catfish dating experiments that incels have done that this is the case and anyone arguing otherwise is just in denial because they're short, ugly with a little dick. But that's not the point of this, the point is that sexual selection from women will kill us all.

You see there's something called fisherian runaway. Which is where a physical trait is constantly selected for to the point where it becomes absurd even physically disabling. The best example is the peacock, peacocks have these huge tails that do nothing but attract a mate. The problem is they take a huge amount of energy to grow and sustain and they attract predators, reducing the peacocks ability to survive. Natural selection doesn't have runaway effects because once a trait no longer works optimally in an environment it no longer is selected for, as in the animal can no longer survive and will die out. The reason peacocks have such big tails is because female peacocks kept breeding with the male peacocks with big tails. Female selection or sexual selection does have runaway effects because females pick a trait not based on how well it helps something survives in practically but how they FEEL it represents survivability.

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Now let's get to the important shit, we all know women go on and on and on about height "I don't date men under 6 foot" says the thot. Well if women keep selecting for taller men, more hung men etc we will end up with a fisherian runaway effect. People will get taller and taller and taller and we know that exceptionally tall people have all kinds of health issues and short lifespans. The tallest people in history don't live long lives and are plagues with joint issues and back issues because they are more vulnerable to gravity. In the future people will have all kinds of physical problems because of womens preferences for tall men. Hung men have all kinds of problems with erectile dysfunction and blood flow issues, if women keep selecting for bigger and bigger dicks in the future we'll have men who will no longer be able to sustain an erection for long periods of time or even at all. John Holmes the porn star had co-stars who said he was barely able to maintain an erection due to this size. If women are allowed to keep selecting traits based on their own stupidity and ignorance the human race will mutant and deform to the point where in the future we'll have a host of physical illnesses and problems due to fisherian runaway. If the thot epedemic is not stopped today the children of tomorrow will have reduced lifespans, joint illnesses and a reduced quality of life. Potentially the human race could even go extinct. Thanks for reading

fucking twats

How do stop preferences?

who gives a fuck if we go extinct, we deserve it desu pham

Quality insight mates

I think women are trash. People go on and on about what exactly it is that hollywood has been doing to the population over the decades, well I can tell you the biggest thing they have done. Hollywood has led young men to believe that women have personalities, and deep moral and ethical character that is equal to a mans. Noooo way. Women are property, just watch them attempt to have personalities.... it's fucking pathetic. I would try to be more optimistic, it's just that I have a younger sister, an older half sister, and 3 older female cousins. They are all trash. Every, single, one of them. Garbage. I tried to get through to my sister. I made progress in conversation (as she was no match for me on any subject), but eventually after she goes back to her own life, she just reverts right back to her standard cringe NPC SJW setting. Women are like programs that have a tiny spec of sentience that you can only work over with charisma and Chad traits.

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Thots don't generally want giant freaks of nature either. 6'4 is about the upper end before height becomes a detriment.

but, I'm watching Pulp Fiction on netflix right now, and I think all of the female dialoge in this movie sounds like genuine shallow cunty women. Maybe Tarintino just knows his shit.

OP's retarded and gay
Fisherian runaway makes sense for the Irish Elk where their rack was so huge as to cause severe challenges accessing food and maintaining proper nutrition. Men don't need to invest that much nutrition and energy into their penises. Also, while tall guys are more inclined to die earlier due to blood flow issues, many short guys are still breeding. Why? Because when it comes to laying pipe in a civilized society the size of your dick and your shoulders don't mean as much as the size of your wallet. The only thing on track for a Fisherian runaway is man's capacity for cunning. Our entire evolutionary history except for the last 12,000 years has been tied up in alpha chads slinging their alpha dicks at all the chicks. Civilization has levelled that out, so men are slowly but surely getting craftier.

Ah, but recall that saying:
>Hard times create strong men
>Strong men create easy times
>Easy times create weak men
>Weak men create hard times
While we're on track for a Fisherian runaway in craftiness, civilizations continue to collapse. Meaning that every 20 generations or so there's a good 4 or 5 generations where strength is reselected for as only the fittest survive. In short, it's all balanced out. We're going to continue getting craftier as a species while women's hypergamous nature will keep ensuring the fitness of our species.

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>Because when it comes to laying pipe in a civilized society the size of your dick and your shoulders don't mean as much as the size of your wallet.

Ah that's bullshit and you know, I'm 6'2 with a 8 x 6.3 inch cock and I've been fucking the wife of a millionaire on and off for weeks

Peacock... not all animals see in colour OP


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Women select better physical trains like strength, health, self-discipline

kys OP

Except people have been getting taller on average for centuries and life expectancy is getting longer. Kinda throws a wrench in your whole LSD epiphany doesn't it?

>Women select better physical trains like strength, health, self-discipline

I hope you don't believe this

Not really, after a certain point it becomes a negative to be tall. The tallest people in history had short life expectancies

You can't say to woman stop fancying big man !
I am small man fancy me instead, life is not like you want it to be only your way.

Women prefer physically strong men over intelligent men. Given that the most important trait for our species, and the one trait that gives us the biggest advantage over literally every other species on the planet is intelligence, this is bad news for human society.

Women will literally fuckichad and Jamal back to the stone age.

Many intelligent people are also neurotic and insecure, and this sensitivity makes them more perceptive and observant of the world around them. Women find these traits unattractive.


No they fucking don't you dumb faggot, they like cocky, reckless assholes.

Roasties die childless or have baby Tyrones. This has no bearing on *human* evolution. Nice try, though.

Yeah this "women care about money" thing is just a meme invented for betas to cope with. Women don't need your fucking money, they have money. They want the validation of being fucked by a good looking Chad

I fell for this shit for a very long time...

It happens more intensively in poorer communities where thots only fuck the most violent and reckless chimps they can find.

Chad's are intelligent too, IQ is associated with attractiveness. And most important he knows how to dominate other men and get them to work for him, including all the worker bee nerds you talk about. By fucking Chad , women skip the middleman , while getting the benefits of the nerds

You know why are you aren't getting laid right now?
Cause you're here.
Pic related is me with my gf of 5 years.

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