Some of them actually work, in particular Pakistanis, Eritreans and Nigerians.
This thread will include some more redpills about the current situation of asylum seeker employment in Germany. We have a total of 1.7 million asylum seekers, accepted refugees (incl. subsidiary protection) and rejected asylum seekers in Germany right now. 300,000 are in true work, 80,000 in part time work below the insurance threshold, 600,000 are in working age and on true welfare, 300,000 are not in working age (mostly kids) and on true welfare and 300,000 are on “other” (e.g. studying or in integration courses or wives/kids of working husbands not on welfare).
This one shows the monthly asylum cases and decisions. As you can see, there has been a marked slowdown in arrivals, but still quite a lot per month. Also, only since 2017 have decisioms gone back to a slow rate.
Wow less than half in the best cases, such industrious people.
Lucas Gutierrez
As correctly said by Jow Forums, the majority are men, 60%. As incorrectly said, there are actually women too, 40% who came. 76% have no true qualification, but that is also due to the large number of arrivals aged 16 and below.
>Jow Forums falsely states... >*proceeds to prove Jow Forums right*
Xavier King
Number of employment seekers among “refugees” has peaked in 2017 and has gone down a bit since then. It is now 450k (this includes people in German language courses and integration courses as well as the 175k job seekers).
People on welfare who could work has stagnated at 600k people up from a bit over 100k pre crisis. There are 300k underage people on gibmees who can’t work yet, because they are in school.
The cost for these gibmees is around 12 bn a year.
The participation rate is not 100% for Germans. It is 70% and for various immigrant groups 50 to 70%.
Die mit 32,3 Prozent vergleichsweise geringen Beschäftigungsquoten von Beschäftigten aus den nichteuropäi- schen Asylherkunftsländern – Angaben nach dem Aufenthaltsstatus liegen hierzu nicht vor – zeigen, dass die Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt einen langen Atem braucht. Für alle Ausländer lag die Beschäftigungsquote im Oktober 2018 bei 50,3 Prozent, für Deutsche sogar bei 69,4 Prozent.4 Geringe bzw. mangelnde Sprachkenntnisse sowie fehlende formale Berufsabschlüsse erschweren oftmals die schnelle Integration von Schutzsuchenden in Beschäftigung. Zusätzlich zu den 298.000 sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten gingen im Oktober 2018 rund 71.000 Per- sonen mit einer Staatsangehörigkeit aus den nichteuropäischen Asylherkunftsländern einer ausschließlich ge- ringfügigen Beschäftigung nach. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr waren dies rund 10.000 mehr. Die Zahl der sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten aus den Hauptherkunftsländern der Geflüchteten stieg im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 95.000.
Andrew Williams
are you fucking kidding me?! not a single ethnic group whith 50% or more, and look at the fucking syrians not even 30 %, also as a german you know that migrants who are doing a fucking language course are counting as employed. How is this acceptable in any form?
William Smith
>if we tax people and create government work programs we've expanded the economy
Keynesians get the bullet too.
Jackson Phillips
So less than half work if I understand that correctly, that is hardly proving anyone wrong.
Also 300,000 in true work and 600,000 of working age on true welfare. So the majority are on welfare.
>The cost for these gibmees is around 12 bn a year.
So 12 billion spent on gibs for there immigrants instead of being used to actually help the native population and do something useful.
Dominic Hughes
it doesn't matter if every single one of them works, you cannot have multiple ethnicities living under the same political entity. it does not work, they will endlessly fight amongst one another until there is a political collapse and separation.
Jeremiah Nelson
It makes the cologne rapes seem all worthwhile
Michael Jones
i dont get how any of your stats show something positive if you are a german
Colton Adams
Yes Ruedi, these stats are abysmal, but the Merkelists and "Refugees Welcome" retards from the Green party think they are evidence of a great success. It shows you how little these people know about economics and how the labor market works and that they are completely obsessed with their own feelings.
Jacob Myers
It's almost as bad as the civcucks in America who talk about based beans and nigs.
The actual issue is the mass rapes. Dependance on a welfare state can't be compared to the gang raping of White women and children. Priorities, man.
Just because they have a job, doesn't mean they aren't raping.
Elijah Russell
only 20% are "employed", I'd say that's an issue as well
Logan Foster
It doesn't matter to me in the slightest whether or not immigrants work. What matters is whether or not there's jobs for them.
This is cyclical logic. It's like trying to figure out Evangelion, or Blade Runner or maybe Hamlet. Some people are perfectly sane but just can't make good decisions in a culture where they do not enforce certain taboos within.
Bring immigrants in from equatorial countries to Europe and they breed. The Europeans just don't WANT kids when they don't have jobs for them so they DON'T breed. It's just a matter of population stability in environments that have different pressures. Then we have resentment over who gets to breed or why overbreeding households are poor when we meddle rather than let natural selection have it's way.
This isn't a racist observation, but behavior is as much an evolutionary adaptation as any other trait. Integration only works when minorities are clearly in the minority and change is useful and implemented in very small bites.
Jason Gomez
Oh definitely. But the mass rapes are a bigger issue.
Isaac Torres
schwuchtel, judenknecht
James Anderson
Wow, a whole 17.6%, fantastic result. I notice on your kraut chart that the Syrians in particular are helping your economy just like frau Merkel said since they were all doctors and engineers.
Andrew Anderson
dude, calm down, it's the same shill who posted "lol" to most arguments agains him in another thread about germany yesterday. Op is a faggot shill and he knows it. And so does everyone with a working brain who can at least translate the name of the "source" that op refers to. Faggotry at its finest.
Daniel Diaz
Evolution is racist af desu senpai
Brayden Smith
Israel can tear down their wall now
Landon Garcia
observed also yeah whats the figures on govt jobs handed to uncheckable backgrounds some of that welfare might actually be hidden in wages/overhead of the department as in taxes getting skimmed before being doled out to the invaders
Austin Green
>be in uni >"We should have 1/4 of refugees in this lecture hall. Could you raise your hands?" >nothing happens >most foreign looking people are some asians >rooms assigned at the beginning of the semester changed to smaller and smaller ones >some seminars switched English for the new semester so refugees have it easier >Seminar switched back to German after a few weeks because everyone was able to speak German >leftist student council wasting money for integration/cultural exchange >went there to see if someone comes >a dozen asians
Cooper White
>implying illegal trespassers should be elligable for employment in the first place >illegal trespassers are disrupting low wage labour and housing market in opposite proportions >BKA crime statistics are fake news, reeee
also remember that most refunghis threw their passports away when they arrived at the border and just told everyone they were from country XYZ. So the whole we save people bullshit doesnt even work out for them.
Eli Lee
Oh and you can get up to 530€ a month if you are studying (1/2 needs to be payed back later). And official statistics are always trying to conceil everything so you have to search for real gibs rates. Unemployed people who are sick are excluded from the unemployment statistics. "Look! Unemplyment went down in december!" Sure, some people have a cold.. German statistics are messed up on purpose
Jace Moore
In Australia you’re paid to study. Sometimes studying can be harder than the job you’re trying to get, so our government pays you to do it especially if you have no job. You need to either study or look for jobs. But you still need to pay for university.
Jaxon Edwards
>German statistics are messed up on purpose
This is absolutely true. The amount of obfuscation that is going on in the labor market statistics especially is really bad. Unemployed people above a certain age (I think it's 63 now) are not counted in the unemployment statistic either.
Cooper Lee
this, pol is full of fantasies, every empirical measurement shows a marked decline of refugees. I'm guessing Syrians work less because they are, in my experience, more educated and quite wealthy compared with the other countries?
I think the idea is that they are integrating into society? I think it's a little bit unacceptable to have so many people unwilling to integrate, but at the same time when I lived in Germany my German level was like A1-A2 only
Lincoln Sullivan
Hans I would've defended you in the 1st ww since that was serbia doing the 2nd time being churchill and kikes doing. The 3rd time.... This is on you and with the kikes. Oh ya, btw you proved Jow Forums right.
Jason Turner
What OP is not telling you is the way they measure these numbers. You are counted as "not unemployed" if you are registered with the job center as being in any kind of "measure" offered by the authorities (paid by tax payer). This includes shit like language classes.
Blake Wood
Kill yourself, anti-white nigger.Nobody wants those sub-humans in Europe.
Lincoln Garcia
>importing millions of refugees for jobs that could be easily done by robots in 5-10 years Fucking retarded.
Andrew Cook
Blood is more important than money Your argument is invalid.
They have to go or will be killed in the future european war for the recover of our land
Benjamin Phillips
> only 300,000 of 1.7 million are working is this supposed to prove Jow Forums wrong? lmao
Blake Myers
>Some of them Wow, you sure rekt people. Take a look at studies from last year that show that instead of earning us money, the few of them that actually work just take the work of lower/lower-middle class people. Nothing of value is created, there's now more people on welfare. Much enrichment.
Aiden Gutierrez
You do realise that the new numbers only add into the already existing numbers instead of reduce them or wipe the previous numbers into irrelevancy? lmao
Henry Lopez
>has gone down This is a statistics trick they always use in regards to unemployment and whatnot. Put people on a course or a new program and they're not on welfare or unemployed anymore.
Jackson Williams
Well the point is to make Germans alien in their own country in a couple generations or less. "Jobs" or "doing the right thing" was just the excuse.
Wyatt Green
Totes worth being replaced in your own homeland desu
Jackson Miller
What the fuck? A child who doesn't work and goes to high school gets 40 k a year? That's more then I make right now. That's fucking bullshit, explain yourself Germany.
Andrew Rogers
No one gives a shit about germany m8
Lucas Taylor
Lie with false statistical claims by saying people in a working classroom are emplyed all you want. Your economy will meet reality. Your people will suffer. You will reap what you sow. It is merely a matter of time. These problems also compound on each other. You will be far too late to pull out of your death spiral. I find it hilarious that you believe your civilization is permanent and unconquerable when every single piece of history shows the exact opposite. You have already commited suicide. Your body will catch up to your bullet accepting brain in a decade or two.
Oliver Perez
A lot of them who are employed are probably in slave labour jobs that could have been replaced by automation by now if our governments hadn't given their employers cheap labour.
Tyler Mitchell
how much do you want to bet that they only count adults in the 60/40 gender split so they can ignore the """12yo""" mohammads that would bring the number up to 75%+ male
Joseph Young
Does that mean Germany needs more immigrants and refugees?
Angel Wilson
It's a con: bring in more immigrants, which increases demand for certain goods and services (both private and public). This means more jobs are created that concern those goods and services to meet demand (and these are usually low skilled jobs). The immigrants end up employed in jobs that wouldn't have existed had they not come in such large numbers. And as you can see their presence doesn't create enough demand to create enough jobs to employ them all. Not to mention the average German doesn't benefit one bit from this. All they get are new enclaves to avoid.
Carter Nelson
>Some of them actually work >some kek
Liam Allen
"some of them work" THE ABSOLUTE COPE!!!!!! Holy Fuck.
Why do they think countering "they took our jobs" or citing GDP growth are silver bullets against those opposed to mass immigration? As if we'd sell our souls and doom generations of whites to live in cramped conditions as the minority surrounded by a myriad of foreign cultures for a shekel.
Cooper Myers
No, it doesn’t. It just means that some work, not all, but also it isn’t just 15 people, but 380,000.
Or in other words, previous studies that showed 50% of the refugee population aged 16 to 65 can be in employment within 7 years of their arrival. That was the case in the 1980s, 1990s and it is the case in the 2010s. 50% participation rate isn’t good, but it also isn’t 0%. Also, the notion that a country only needs academics is wrong. Germany also needs truck drivers, people who collect the trash, cut hair, wait tables, paint walls, wash old people and help them go to the toilet, work in construction, as policemen, teachers, marketing, shop clerks etc.
As a matter of fact, a Nigerian with limited German skills willing to take work in construction, may get work within days while a graduate in English and history with a specialization in women’s suffrage may not get work for months or years except as a waitress or cocktail bar woman.
Sebastian Hill
>every empirical measurement shows a marked decline of refugees.
You Macronist idiot frog. The *FLOW* of refugees into Europe is getting smaller, but the existing total *STOCK* of so-called "refugees" is increasing every year because almost none of them get deported or go back to their country of origin.
Brayden Peterson
>Or in other words, previous studies that showed 50% of the refugee population aged 16 to 65 can be in employment within 7 years of their arrival. That was the case in the 1980s, 1990s and it is the case in the 2010s.
No, Sören-Kevin. It's not the case if you import mostly illiterate retards from tribal areas with primitive cultures, like you are doing it in the 2010s. The refugees who came in the 1980s and 1990s were completely different.
Christian Gonzalez
That's not what our studies show. They show that after 5 years of educating them in how to work and function in modern society, they still drain more than twice of what the average ethnic Norwegian brings in. If anyone thinks 2 more years of gibs will change that, they're fucking delusional.
Nicholas Cooper
Hudson Johnson
Doesn't matter shill. There is still zero legitimation to flood countries with foreigners. The birthrates have been driven down on purpose by promotion of feminism, abortion and birth control. Why didn't it got promoted in Africa? It's easy to figure out.
DON'T GET SHILLED >COME TO THE LIGHT >Download and spread, mindfuck the normies
Tyler Taylor
The participation rate of Pakistanis is 44%, pretty close to 50%. Same with Nigerians. The numbers speak for themselves.
If you are truly interested, here is an in depth analysis based on a 2016 cohort of “refugees”. The pic related is their development based on gibmees, integration courses etc.