When did you outgrow the "redpill" and become a normie? 21 here

When did you outgrow the "redpill" and become a normie? 21 here.

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Literally kill your self before it’s too late for the rest of us or just because

Give it time, son. You'll grow back into it

going back from redpill doesn't happen

kys shill kike

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I'm 30 and I'm making a deep dish pizza.

Shittest slide thread I've seen in a while

When I was about, well 14 or so. Everyone realizes it eventually, except for inbreds, they just don’t have it.

When you feel loved. I stopped being racist when I found my gf. Now I want everyone in the world to be as happy as I am. Before then I blamed all my problems on anything but myself.

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I legit lolled, nice one OP

I also wanted everyone to be as miserable as I was. I envied people who were happy.

>I'm 21
>I'm so mature guys

Kys kid

grow up

When you're 56 and the uglo-sucksons have betrayed Mother Europa.

You too.


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it won't last

I have a high paying job, a loving wife, and a baby on the way. What do you have britbong?

>claims to be grown



21 - still a child.

says the incel.

Kys loser

triggered by age.

>/pol 2019

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Lmao. gets his dick sucked by some abbo subhuman and thinks raysism doesn't exist

But in all seriousness, you don't have things figured out as well as you think you do. If you've got work bumpin, good money all that good shit, awesome. But you'll be blown away by how you think even 4 years from now. Don't get a big head faggot

>you don't have things figured out as well as you think you do.
Neither do you. Some 50 yr old could say the same to you, but it would be just as wrong. Grow up.

I didn’t outgrow it, I just stopped playing the “Let me show you how much I hate the jews more than you” game and I also stopped taking politics so personally.

that's cute
you think you'll go back
you're here forever


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Yes. We are better than you. Some people are just better. I just dont see how you find value in being a immoral nigger lovin npc.

I have to lie to myself to be you.

Got redpilled here at 15
Left it at 19.

>inb4 underage
Yea well I'm not anymore and you'd be a fool to think there aren't a lot of kids here faking their age.

my first thought kek

When I quit distractions; that is 'feminists rekt videos', Jow Forums, read some books, started listening to intelligent people. generally filtered all the noise and garbage input.

When you start asking yourself 'why' question and you are honest with yourself - you will move forward.

No. You're not. If being better means living in your moms basement posting frog memes, you're delusional. Grow up.

he's right , you're a retarded kid until your mid 20s
you're old when you hit 30

If being better is just being a retard who blindly follows anything that has "progress" behind it, then youre quite delusional. Not everything can be "love." Grow up.

Maybe you were but I'm more woke then all these redpill babies who are older than me.
>Not everything can be "love."
I don't know what you're rambling about, but being "bluepilled" and happy is better than being autistic and blaming da joos for everything.

>Maybe you were but I'm more woke then all these redpill babies who are older than me.
that's what all the retarded know it alls say

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the only retard here is you so you would know.

>im not a retard - trust me

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Your still a kid

(((Hi, OP)))

I'm immune to it. Only idiots react to the red pill. I'm 27 and I've been on Jow Forums on-and-off for 5 years.

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Leave before you cant shlomo.

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