Yellow vests : french government new jokes (it's getting harder for citizens)

New law to juridically condamn any yellow vests (jail or mulct) :
New taxes on some supermakets food products (up to 10%) :
Repatriation of "french" djhihadists from Syria in france :

Any chances of getting worse ?

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How many weeks now have the Gilets Jaunes protests been going on?

Oh I hate this Macron faggot more every day.

11th weeks so far.

>taxing cheese

I can't wait they also taxe more the bread and pastry and dry saussage. It will back fire as never happened.

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Macron pute a juifs!

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pute à banquiers

>apeshit mad protests for 11 weeks in a row because people are economically crushed by gas taxes
>how do we quell it?
>I got it, lets tax food too!

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même chose

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12 people made more change than the yellow vest fraud.

whats on for this weekends protest?

>walk down 2 closed off streets in hi Vis on Saturday and then go home.

long like the revolution!!!!


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>how to stop the protest
Guillotine macron and merkel
Let Juncker eat macron's liver to gain his EU shilling power
Let France leave the EU

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He's winning.
>The real victims of a Yellow Jacket party may turn out to be the politicians who had cheered the loudest for their anti-establishment protests: Le Pen and Mélenchon.
>"En Marche's interest is very clearly to have a Yellow Jacket list running in the election," said Jean-Daniel Levy, head of politics at pollster Harris Interactive. "In the circumstances, this is good news for them."
>The president's critics, who have no shortage of empathy for violent protesters, were dismayed. A movement hell-bent on disrupting Macron's presidency (itself born from a historic disruption of France's mainstream parties) was now poised to disrupt the very parties that had worked the hardest to court its sympathies. This was not at all how things were meant to play out.

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Of course

The red scarves are now feeding the games as well. People won't get any richer. The 100 euro thing was a total lie and isn't going to happen.

When are you gonna start killing politicians? It's the only way mah dude's, they should fear you.

They're right.
We have no representation at all

>et party may turn out to be the politicians who had cheered the loudest for their anti-establishment protests: Le Pen and Mélenchon.
>>"En Marche's interest is very clearly to have a

It's already over. campaign chied demissioned.

wow what a free country, making protest movements illlegal

this macron fuck is no more legitimate than some third world banana republic dictator

This regime needs to go.

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Macron was put in charge to make pic related happen (dotted lines).

More taxes (to make French people poorer and import less foreign products), less public spending, and structural reforms (dismantle workers rights).

Good luck.

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Everything after 1 week is too long. If your protests aren't massive and agressive enough to make their point in one weekend they have failed.

They're the only journalists smart enough to understand his plans.
Oh. Really?
No yellow vest candidates at all? Or just no coordinated promotions, etc?

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The French revolution took years.


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Remider that with the Euro:

>by abandoning exchange rate adjustments it transfers to the labor market the task of adjusting for competitiveness and relative prices

- Rudiger Dornbusch

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Former Gilet Jaune protester cunt. I regret to say that I no longer cunt with the Yellow Vest movement. Back in November, there was a certain ambiance of hope and joy among us: cunt were singing Marseillaise, chanting patriotic slogans and protesting against excessive taxation. I believe something has changed cunt, I can't put my finger on what caused the entire movement to spiral into what it is now. Yellow Vest cunt don't talk about cunt or solutions anymore; cunt, they overtly take delectation in cunt, cunt police officers, annihilating private and public cunt as well as sowing chaos and cunt. Most peaceful protesters have already left their ranks and they no longer feel any ideological affinity with the cunt. I concur that the whole endeavor was initially quite candid and well-intentioned, but now it has degenerated into this incomprehensible and reprehensible cunt. People's minds have been infested with the noxious pestilence of demagogic cunt and their eyes now seem to be fraught with senseless cunt, frenzy and rabid desire to obliterate everything in cunt. They believe their misconduct is a consequence of some systemic disparity rather than a function of their parochial cunt. Gilets Jaunes desperately cling to the idea that their cunt will yield some sort of positive change, yet they don't seem to grasp the direct ramifications of their actions, nor do they want to recognize the destructiveness of their cunt, apparently remaining content with venting their frustration in a violent cunt. I fear the precarious cunt will metastasize and lead other people down the pernicious path of cunt. I hold the opinion that it is about cunt the cunt undertook appropriate and extraordinary cunt by cunt the cunt, stripping individual cunt of their cunt and making a cunt of cunt so as to cunt an impending cunt. This cunt cunt cunt.

>Any chances of getting worse ?
lol, it's only the beginning. if you don't wait an hour in lines to see that all the meat in the grocery store had been sold you are not even halfway to worst

Animal Macron shooting his own people.

Show your flag.

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>Germany didn't change its idea on its role in Europe after the end of Nazism, even is it abandoned the idea of imposing itself militarily

- Paolo Savona

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So will there be general strikes?

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You voted for the cuck, you were warned. Now get fucked

Supposed to happen next week. We'll see.

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There's a crazy proportion of Germany's GDP that is exports. Something like 40%. All of the EU is saturated with their exports (and this has consequences with trade and diplomacy with other countries).
Globalization is a big deal for Germany and it has to work a certain way for them. Can you imagine if other countries stopped buying their crap? Millions would lose their jobs. In Germany this time I mean. Or they might just choose to start producing tanks instead of cars.

>Oh no, the people are peacefully protesting our totalitarian regime! We'd better stop trying to enslave them before they start singing!

said no tyrant ever.

That's exactly the issue. When you all your economy is based on exports and some other countries that buy your crap go bust (eg. next financial crysis in 2019-2020) you're toast.

Especially if a country like Italy, your main competitor, in the meantime decides to leaves the Euro (which means the new Lira will have a ~15-20% devaluation, which is like applying a ~15-20% on your goods).

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* When all your economy is based

* like applying a ~15-20% discount on your goods

Sorry I'm on the phone

Holy shit. It’s time for Macron to go. The man has no loyalty to his own people and is no Frenchman.

I am here in America waiting to take the throne and restore the true regime.

t. le Dauphin

Fucking mobile shitboaster

>next financial crysis in 2019-2020
Only in Europe this time time r-right? Or mostly there?
That's another thing with globalization, it makes financial crises so much worse. Europe hasn't even recovered from the 2008-2009 one. Much of the damage that they do become permanent. And the capital becomes more concentrated every time SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH.

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Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches. Let the bodies pile up in the streets.

Yeah no, no, I don't think we need to always do everything together like this.

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>Only in Europe this time time r-right?

No. The next financial crisis will be global.

Ahah no it will be originated in the US, due to how Ameridumbs managed the previous economic crysis. Trump is just trying to postpone it.

The funny thing is that in Europe in theory we wanted to create a big internal market with the Euro to be some what immune to external shocks/crysis. Instead we based most of our economies on exports (case in point Germany).

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>New law to juridically condamn any yellow vests (jail or mulct) :
Wait, wait. They're going to jail you for wearing the safety vests they made you buy?

>implying the "french" did get a point through

they killed there leader and reinstated a monarchy lol.

Guillotine this cunt and all his banker friends.

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Someone redpill me on these glowing orbs. Is it for summoning dark forces?

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11/12 weeks and they still havent figured it out

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A country with its own currency tries to absorb the external shock by temporarely devaluing its own currency (Poland devalued by 30%) and then revaluates it when things pick up again (again like Poland). Which is like applying a temporarely discount on your goods.

The ECB can't because it's not in the treaties (it cannot interviene on the exchange rate).

All the Eurozone countries can do is lower to cost of labor, which in practice means to lower the wages of workers. But in doing so, workers have less money to buy the goods they produce.

So again they consume less but the country exports more (hence why the economy becomes based on exports).

A Euro without austerity cannot exist. And it's a viscious cycle. Things only get worse.

unironically this

We dont have years.


Without eurobank, your lira is rather back to 10000 per Euro. Your fucking coffe will cost 30000 again and mafia will reign.
If we learnt something from Brexit, then shitposting memelords can't. they all talk big game but at the end, there is reality and in that reality you know your coutry is shit and needs the stuff from the north because it. simply. can't.


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It's honestly getting serious here, if you are not into yellow vests protests prepare for the government collapse.

There is nothing to figure out. The lower middleclass is queezed and there is nothing you can do within a globalist framework. the lower caste is happy with mobile games and shitty living conditions, because most of them never believed there is really social mobility.
there is nobody in France (or in the West) who really wants to fix things to the better. even if the yellow vests end up in parliament, they couldn't agree of what to fix first. and we see that with all those strange smaller parties who spend their days writing whitepapers about nothing and everybody just wants high pensions for doing nothing

Draghi used the QE to devalue the Euro and give a breather to the southern economies. However in the end it angered the Americans because it got German exports explode even more.

So then came Trump with the tariffs etc.

Reminder that Germany, along with China, has been inserted into the 'currency manipulator' list by the US.

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Lucifer (light bearer)

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>a high visibility jacket that is now grounds for disappearance by the (((government)))
onions green, call in the scoops.

Any details?

Also after dismantling the rights of workers, migrants are used to diluite the people looking for a job -> INCREASE THE UNPLOYED -> LOWER THE WAGES EVEN MORE

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>Any chances of getting worse ?
No you will accept it and move on like before.

Pow, right in the kisser.

whats the situation like? Any chance that macron will fall?
>Make France French Again

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The fuck am I even looking at?

* unemployed


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So Amnesty International is an actual anti dictatorship NGO.
The European court of human rights say everything is fine.

Diversity in skin color, cultural habits and dressing (and IQ)

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>If you protest your enemy, he win

we are bigger cucks than the frogs, we don't even have right wing parties or even politicians, the opposition to the communist PSD are the progressive EU cocksuckers. Millions of people left this place, do you think that the majority of them plans to come back? no. this country will collapse way sooner than any of the western ones because of the retarded socialist policies.

They were gonna get fucked either way

And whats wrong with all of that? Maybe we can return to our old borders instead of this meme called Romania.

I think things might be different this time.
The US is focusing on its own hemisphere more and more. It was going to happen anyway, but Trump is accelerating it. Instead of policing (which is very expensive) and bribing (which often took the form of trade deals that benefited other nations) the whole world. This was mostly done to contain the USSR, it wasn't meant to last forever. It has more than enough oil and natural gas for its own usage now. The US never let itself become dependent on the system that it created. Exports are a very small part of the US' economy. And most of it is within North America. The US spends trillions to maintain global trade and it doesn't even need it. Companies are moving to the US (and this started before Trump, for a lot of reasons, just going faster now). It's still a slow process, building factories takes years. But it's happening. It's trillions of dollars that are going to be spent completely differently. The US might be in a very different situation to deal with this. But maybe not in time. The interests that profited from the current system have become entrenched.

So what was the trend before? Did it change anything? How am I supposed to reach any conclusion without a basis for comparison? I get the feeling that the chart shows the euro didn't change anything but you seem to be trying to push another agenda by hiding part of the information.

If a coffe costs me 1 euro and I have 1000 euro salary
or if a coffe costs me 1000 Lira and have a 1'000'000 Lira it's the same.

Japan and SK currencies have many 0s too.

Was 2010 the last year the data were available or is this another attempt at manipulation?

Not to mention increasing demand on housing and thus increasing rent.

Fucking piece of the biggest shit this hijo de puta is. How can you be so effing stupid. Your nation revolting at your doorstep because taxes... And you tax them.
Now I unironically want this pos in the guillotine.

Yeah that's a good logic, if it wasn't because the Lira wasn't always in a 1 to 1000 ratio and you got there through inflation which is a way to steal money from your citizens.

what do you mean by old borders? pre 1918? yeah sure that's a probability if the EU and the NATO collapses and Hungary tries to take some land like Russia did in Ukraine.

>which is a way to steal money from your citizens
Also a way to settle debt.
People who live paycheck to paycheck and rent stuff don't care about inflation if wages keep up.

Also create a divide in society, so politics is no longer "should we tax the rich and give it to workers" but "should we tax the workers and give it to clandestine"

So why can't I settle debt with my bank by making money out of nowhere? Why is it ethical for a central bank to do it? Do you realize that this makes everyone poorer and you richer?

Those things will happen without Hungary having to do anything and the EU will never die, as for NATO it depends if it USA will see more usefulness with Interamium after the EU makes its own army.

Everyone will receive their first 2019 paycheck soon.

And there will be way less money on it (50 to 200€ less) because of a new way to collect taxes.

Thats really messed up. How do you guys even afford to live?

>EU makes its own army
the problem with that is there is a huge political divide between the east and the west, so who will control it? who will decide? If Germany and France do everything with the army than how will the EU be any different from the USSR?
I know that Jow Forums knows the answers to these questions but the average goy doesnt even realize how much power these kikes have and would rather give up all their freedoms for muh free movement. Absolutely disgusting.

The EU will be France and Germany the Aachen treaty proved it.Now the lowland nations need to integrated and they will be a power that can no longer be defeated.

Even Germany and France together are quite far from 50% of the EU. We'd just need coordination between the other countries. And please, eliminate the "veto power for some countries" meme, the idea is ridiculous.

>Also create a divide in society
Oh yeah. It's sick what they're doing. Tribalism is a natural tendency. It's what people do. Avoiding tribalism with a shared culture and (understood) shared interests is what makes a country. And it's necessary for a democracy to work too.
But now they're mixing people together at a rate faster than the assimilation rate. They're putting people in impossible situations and then blaming them for being racist when there are problems. But it always causes problems. Everywhere in the world, all through history.

His smile freaks me out, it's like something out of a horror film.

Why is he so creepy? What did France mean by this?

>who will control it? who will decide?
A bunch of non elected drunk bureaucrats.

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Well this is going to be fun.

Well said