Global warming is a HOAX

Pic related.

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It's not even if a one tenpeture is changing its critical because
Things change in this +1 icebergs that on exactly 0 start melt like your face when you see tits

Things change in 3+° on the current state
Fish's start think that it's summer when it's not

The end. You're dumb because it's a problem that gonna be in the near future

No, it is NOT a problem. Its a hoax.

begone jew!

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Trump is raising Thule

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What a kind of shit place is Thule if it only ever emerges during ice ages?

>on climate change
Making inquiries about the world around you and challenging convention is seen as ideological belief to libtards or in this case britcucks.

Why do trannies kill themselves all the time?

Why do so many jews run media?

Why is black on black crime so high?

To lefties these are not questions to be answered truthfully but rather tenants of a belief system

That’s an irminsul

i bet you think gas is a fossil fuel aswell, dont u bootlicker

earth is flat

Global warming is freezing the planet, buddy. We need to stop burning coal

>It's colder at 45° latitude than at 72°

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Coldest evera

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>colder in chicago right now than the top of mount everest

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>al gore was right all along

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it's climate change now
get with the times grandpa

Did your nose keep accidentally hitting the space bar

Is this the formidable Jewish IQ?

warmest winter in decades in europe

*On day of cold in the US*
>ClImAtE cHaNgE iS a HoAx

Can you use your brain a little and see the big picture instead of being a litteral sheep, and following oil companies agenda ?

It doesn't hurt to be eco-friendly or find more sustainable ways to use our resources.

I may be a Trump Supporting Conservative, but I try to consume mostly certified nonGMO products.

I really like Trump... but his views on the environment concern me.

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im triggered why didnt they draw michigan

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>You're dumb because it's a problem that gonna be in the near future
you fags have been saying that for the past 70 years

send some of that 'warmest winter' this way

Hahaha freeze in hell florida fags

This is a good thing, cold weather keeps blacks out of the midwest.

There is a 3 degree temperature change when i move from one room to another.

memefag is a shill for sandnigger oil companies confirmed.


Global warming results in an ice age, not a heat wave, idiot. Read a scientific paper one time.

So global warming causes both warming and cooling? You sound ridiculous.

>jew pushing lies

Yeah, i also hear that eating a lot makes you thin

they changed the name to climate change to help clear up this missunderstanding

it's like insulation, it can keep things hotter for a while or it can keep things cool, so during summer the heat is trapped by the atmosphere and during winter heat has an even harder time getting to the ground.


Climate Change is the one "science" that scientists make up as they go along. That's why I don't trust that shit.

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High Verbal IQ

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Pole shift, not global warming. Our planet does this from time to time. Ask the chinks to stop polluting if you're worried about pollution.

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Your brain is a hoax.

N and M
Pretty close aren't they?

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see Jews are rules-lawyers who argue for loopholes in the letter of the law. Violating the spirit of the law is their goal. If you read the bible Jesus berrates jews for being fucking rule-lawyer corrupt pieces of shit and the epistiles continue the discussion on how jews should fucking emascualate themselves for being such fucking faggots who pretend to be upstanding when they're cheaters.

>facejew messenger
>unencrypted remote storage
>low battery
ban all phoneposters

poison water and air is not a hoax and more of a problem and easier to prove.

This nigga doesn't realize that the chart is in Celsius, probably hasn't left his house in days to find out that its not 10 degrees F outside. "Freeze, Florida Fags!" Its 60 F.

Tell your mother to stop first.

stick to the topic at hand, you massive faggot. Climate change is a fact and it might not drown all of our cities but it is changing and we humans are somewhat affecting this.

>"is cold nauw, so fuck niggers and jews and somting about left bad cuz I learned right good"

Congrats you're an npc

>one cold winter
>global warming a hoax

>hottest summer in Australia in years

"Global warming" is a totally natural phase of planetary warming that earth will inevitability go through with or without human interference.

Yup, Ice Age already began, user.

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>destabilize the goldilocks environment that humans thrive in
>super storms and abnormal weather patterns
>overall global temperatures rise as glaciers melt, causing violent temperatures swings as they interact with the ocean
>it gets super cold in places it's not supposed to because of aforementioned problems
Yeah, you stormfags are suuuuuper smart

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you’re the real problem

Do you think the word is "tempeture?"

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La Xina and El Xino are actually to blame in current year.

>warm all winter
>doesnt snow all winter
>gets really cold one week

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Some global warmist said that it's the "polar vortex split" that's causing all the cold to go everywhere, and that it's only going to get worse thanks to global warming.

Don't question it goy, pay the carbon tax!

>Not warming greenland.
We suck at this global warming game.

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i would advise against lumping us all together.

>Implying humans have made any significant change to the global temperature

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Not an argument

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So that's why Venus freezes all the time...and probably why all these enviro-millionaires are buying beach front property...right?

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So it's getting colder because it's getting hotter?

>mild temperatures for whole year, one drought/ hot week

G-global warming user!

>Measure temperatures globally on different parts of the planet through different methods for decades.
>Observe an upward trend in the average temperature when accounting for the entire globe.
>Announce the ongoing process or global warming to the world so that measures can be taken.
>Some day in January it's very cold in a localized area of the US.
>No one believes you anymore.

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People are skeptical about climate change because of all the ridiculous, doomsday claims we've heard about it over the decades. None of which have come true.

>warmest winter in decades in europe

So it's a colder winter now than it was decades ago? That's not very alarming.

Dude, look outside. There's hardly been any snow for years in the Netherlands, compared to when I was a little kid there was snow every year and for more than a week. Sure it may start snowing again today, but fuck, there's hardly any true winters nowadays, it feels more like a really long autumn. Admit it, the weather has been acting strange for years now, it's no longer stable.
Now, I am not saying that it is humanity who's at fault here, I think we mostly had some bad luck with the timing of our industrial age, which added to a process that was already happening, resulting in a tipping point causing what we see now. But there is no denying that shit's fucked up, not just temperature, but also nitrification and acidification are major problems for our environment. In my opinion those two may even be more problematic than the amount of CO2 we create, it's time for damage control.

Ridiculous doomsday claims made by some, which makes the entire idea look ridiculous indeed. Why can't people see through the stupid claims and understand the there is an underlying problem? We're not talking about the end of the world here, at least not for now, but localized disasters are also problematic.

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Implying weather was ever stable.

notice how its still hot near the coasts and liberal bullshit though?
Its not global warming at all. But there certainly is something going on here

It’s literally El Niño you based retard. Every El Niño creates super storms since recording of El Niño.

The claim that global warming is causing superstorms is pseudo science. There is no evidence that co2 emissions cause worse hurricanes, or colder winter storms, that’s literally just media propaganda.

True that, this year is slightly colder but the last 2 years there was no winter in Germany. Just some kind of weird Autumn with no snow. People couldn't even ski in the alps for lack of snow. Then the summers got crazy hot like 40 degrees that no human is supposed to tolerate. Even the grass died in the parks, turning them into yellow garbabe covered patches.

Either way this is all anecdotal, what really matters is the average global temperature and not localized processes. Looks like we're gonna get a climate like in Italy over here.

>Admit it, the weather has been acting strange for years now, it's no longer stable.
This. Just earlier this month Australia recorded its hottest overnight temperature ever. Something is going on

no, it's actually not a hoax. But for retards like you, you obviously only see one dimensional.

Everytime we have record heats, What does it follow by?

RIIIGHT retard, record cooling

Or lets put it this way. mother nature is trying to create a balance, for all the fucking heat we are producing, by way of greenhouse gasses

mother nature has to fucking cool the earth off or else we will get so hot with less cooling, that we are going to look like fucking mars.


>I-it’s global warming
>n-no I change my mind I meant climate change
>I-I mean global cooling. Y-yeah that’s it

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It is El Xiño and La Xiña in current year. Get on with the times.

>I’m just going to ignore all the crazy storms in human history and pretend they can’t happen normally because of our 100 years of data.

True, but you should also probably stop watching so much "Real news" on Fox and CNN. These networks only exist to scare and effect and manipulate the larger part of the population. Same goes for Europe and other countries

It was -20 in Toronto. That's not normal for even Canada. Cold warnings, what a joke just like climate change. Trump is right we need a little bit of that global warming.

>A patch of land in North America.
So it's not just the alien invasion movies, you do actually think you're the entire fucking world. Do you realize that you're less than 5% of the world's surface?

If the sun starts expanding should the first assumption be that humans did it? Based retard.

Its over lads

>We’re doomed,” says Mayer Hillman with such a beaming smile that it takes a moment for the words to sink in. “The outcome is death, and it’s the end of most life on the planet because we’re so dependent on the burning of fossil fuels. There are no means of reversing the process which is melting the polar ice caps. And very few appear to be prepared to say so.”

> His bleak forecast of the consequence of runaway climate change, he says without fanfare, is his “last will and testament”. His last intervention in public life. “I’m not going to write anymore because there’s nothing more that can be said,” he says when I first hear him speak to a stunned audience at the University of East Anglia late last year.

All time cold and hot records are broken every year here. It's clearly less stable than it used to be.

No mention of acid rain... dismissed.

>decades of temperature data measured.
>out of billions of years.

All time temp records have been getting broken ‘somewhere’ in the world every year since we recorded temps.

What is your metric of stability? Because if you look at all time monthly highs and lows, those records are not set in the last 30 years, but in the 50's.


Guess I’ll need to wear my gloves today when I head into work!

t. North Dakota

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The ‘environmentalism is communism’ theory gains more validity every day, it seems. Fucking jews. It’s all so tiresome.

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Take a look at how many have been broken in the last 8 years or so

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So, basically,
You were sucking a cock when you wrote that.

Here you go, cuck.

Now go to a museum and look for these paintings:

>Jan Abrahamsz. Beerstraten, "Het Paalhuis en de Nieuwe Brug te Amsterdam in de Winter," 1640-1666, when the Maunder Minimum happened.

> Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Hunters in the Snow.

Educate yourself and don't be a cuck.

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Indianafag here! Spiks are packing their bags as we speak. Thanks cold!

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You're making my point here, these temperature changes are normal over millions of years, not over a few decades. Only the sun didn't start expanding and seems to be sending the same amount of radiation. On the other hand we know plenty about the greenhouse effect some gasses can have, and we have been emitting these gases for a few decades now. Why look for a hidden yet unknown explanation when the one we have is the simplest and works quite well?

In a hundred years all the honkies that aren't freezing or dead are gonna try to migrate south and get murdered by the mexicans

>Its cold in my 10% of the world so it must be cold in the other 90%

literal retards itt

Nigga its 52 outside in tampa.

Freeze? Shits fucking nice out. Better than when it was 98 outside in December.