Why aren't you having white babies, Jow Forums?

What is your excuse for not producing healthy, white children if you're white?

The only acceptable excuses:
>I'm looking for the right one
>No job and no welfare
>I'm mixed and unpure genetically
>I'm ugly and/or unfit
>Literally infertile

Any other excuse is just made up bullshit. The European race is literally about to go extinct and you're not helping the cause exactly. We have to produce the next generation and make it healthy, white, strong and numerous.
3 kids is a minimum, everyone can literally make it work. Use welfare if you can, there is no shame in collapsing the (((welfare state))). Our forebears had 10 kids and were often poor by our standards.
Becoming self-sufficient is also a good idea, and homeschooling!

We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.

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White people are boring.

40% american white women are obese

60% of potential fertile ground.


The Hidden Secrets Of Money









Part 9:

Part 10:

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the portion of that 60% that aren't overweight are taken

Speak for yourself faggot

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I simply cannot stand white American women & don't have enough money to move to Japan or something and find a sweet white as snow Asian.
But white women are all kind of fucked up I think back at all the ones i've been with & for the life of me I can't think of a single one that I would today say is even a half way decent person. Hell I can't even think of a single white women alive who I would consider a solid good loving person.

Be like this guy.

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Race traitors get the rope

>Race traitors get the rope
fuck off white women are complete shit I couldn't bare being with one ever again.
All they do is bitch & moan about dumb shit & go on and on about how their vaginas make them special.
White women are literally the bottom of the fucking barrel.

This is a Polish or Ukrainian couple. Eastern Euro for sure.

You can't find women like that in the West.

How about I already have?

Go to Europe you dumb nigger. Just because American women are shit doesn't mean you have to write off all white women.

Wait a moment: aren't you always going on about what fucking subhumans the hohols are and now you can't tell a hohol from a Pole? Somethings fishy in the Generalgouvernement...

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I lost my penis in the war...

>yellow fever


Well the fuck do you know, I ain't about to send you a fucking status report everytime a child is born.

I almost mistook you for a nigger, turns out you're just retarded.

>I'm looking for the right one
>No job and no welfare


Neither of them look Eastern European in the slightest

Not where I live, at least not outside the capital. America might have a lot of low quality women but so are the men.

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Because I physically can't have white children being a spic and all

>I'm looking for the right one
>No job and no welfare
>I'm mixed and unpure genetically
>I'm ugly and/or unfit
>Literally infertile

You realize that's like 95% of Jow Forums right?

>tfw 25% Jewish, 25% Mexican, 25% Polish, 15% Cuban, 5% black, 5% native

women find me boring and you can't have a child on your own. that's pretty much all there is to it, otherwise I'd have 2 or 3.

None of this applies to people like you anyway, I only mean 100% European people.

I like fucking Latina bitches, that's why.

Le 56% mutt

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Gib beautiful white milkies.

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There aren't many white women where I live and they obviously want rich men, which I'm not at the moment.

What white women are in America is the true nature of the white woman. When you give them the world they'll turn it into a pile of shit.
You can't secure any type of future for the white race with these soulless bitches.

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Fuck off trad cuck

I am

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i'm half jew half Irish. Should I breed a white woman or go for jewess queen?

cheers lad

I'm 12.5% Amerindian.

Latinas easily turn into whites within one bleaching since they’re already half white.

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White milkies are for the white babies, user

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One drop rule nigger, once a mutt always a mutt.

they can be trained

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I'm a mutt myself. I'm an German American.

I have no money


Nice aesthetic op

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how do you come up with these numbers?

>I'm looking for the right one
>No job and no welfare
>I'm mixed and unpure genetically
>I'm ugly and/or unfit
>Literally infertile

literally all of the above.

I'm waiting til I get off felony probation, cunt. don't like the possibility of me being in prison when my son is born

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What's your story, user? Have you secured one yet?

Stop acting like a spic then you degenerate.

I will be a monk.

Because I want a virgin.
But sex with a 12 years old is kinda taboo.
So I'm out of the game.

Just get a cute chubby and trim her down

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About half of girls are still virgin at age 18

cause I don't like kids, and I'd rather enjoy my life, money, and free time without extra pointless responsibilities

Oh, you actually are a spic, no wonder you're a criminal.


Ive fucked so many white journalists/NGO workers its not even funny. Mostly Scandinavians thinking they are doing us a favour by helping syrian refugees.

i already have 2 who are 8th generation canadian
3 is out of the question for financial reasons
im scot/german
wife is dutch/irish
you have any kids, OP?

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Probably cause they look like horses or monkeys.
And I'm not that desperate.

>The only acceptable excuses
I dont need to explain myself to anyone.

hard 2 believe you've fucked "so many" of these, I've worked in these circles and and there's barely any cute girls being journalist/NGO workers.

>I'm looking for the right one
>No job and no welfare
>I'm ugly and/or unfit

3 out of 5, what do I win?!

>Literally infertile
Thats me unfortunately.

Went to college, work in the medical field, combat veteran, blonde haired and blue eyed with a blonde haired blue eyed wife.

Should have stayed the fuck home in Alabama, smoked meth, and killed niggers for a living.

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they're random people hired for a photo shoot for stock photos
god damn you goys are brainlets top kek

Because I've been banging a mulato girl for 2 years now.

Jow Forums:
>What is your excuse for not producing healthy, white children if you're white?

Also /pol:
>All white women are coal burning fucking whores.


theres still time

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I got a blue eyed son

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I have mulattos

Mulattos = subhuman ugly low IQ gorillas. Kill yourself.

Mongoloid Face = Down Syndrome Face. Asians are super ugly amd infantile.Disgusting race.

Do you have the one with the broad feeding the twins?

Not really, it's all about good upbringing. When you're not an autist it's not about being able to have a sex, it's literally matter of choice especially for women.

I’m ugly

Glad I have an acceptable excuse

Because I'm having based and red-pilled Hapa babies!

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There are ugly girls

Or get rich

I'm not, but I walk amongst them. I work construction, I can feel my genes turning burritoer every day

Cus Whye peepo cants dance

That baby is really fucking white.

Is she taking care of her husband's daughter?

Can't find a decent girl.

can't get a white girl. they are all banging heathens.

im too young to get a girl impregnate right now and i live in america so even if i did there would be no "future" for my kids here

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Idk. Somethings wrong with me.

Meme flag

70% of American woman overweight 30%
obese the remaining other 30% most likely rest at the high end of the bmi spectrum just being borderline overweight with chunky misshapen bodies

pregnant sorry for phoneposting

I'm doing my part.
I have 14 white kids, my family and I will come to Europe so that my kids make more white kids
Don't you worry fellow Aryans, We will save the white race

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Its people like you who makes me hope this happens. I hope you live to see this happen and I hope you are the last one to witness it. It would bring me great pleasure seeing all your hopes and dreams fade away with your precious dna.

Four all white children, private Christian school, wife stays home, I bring home the bacon, everybody’s happy and healthy and doing our part.

T. 36 yr old chem engineer

I’m giving my seed to a trad Latina who wants lots of kids, wants to take care of me, wants to cook for me, and wants to stay home. Haven’t been able to find that in a white chick and I’m done searching. She’s 19.

Beautiful user, God bless.

>Why aren't you having white babies, Jow Forums?
I am tho

You talk like we can just pic a woman to give us babies off a shelf.

I cuck as much people as I can already, just need to upgrade into the full Bull territory and let betas raise my children. Feelsgoodman.

Stop playing with your flappy tits and get a job, Michael. You can't become an adult by doing nothing but watch ChapoTrapHouse and cuckold porn all day.

Don’t give up all hope. Go to church or get involved with a church based young adult group (every church has them and they have lots of meet ups and what not). You’ll find a trad white girl that’s not a full blown slut in short time.

Being less boring is literally the easiest task in the world

Do something. Anything

Boycotting humanity
[spoiler]Unironically pretty happy just living each day as it comes desu[/spoiler]