>Billionaire investor George Soros slammed Chinese President Xi Jinping as “the most dangerous enemy” to those who believe in open society and warned against Beijing’s high-tech surveillance regime.
>“China is not the only authoritarian regime in the world but it is the wealthiest, strongest and technologically most advanced,” the progressive political activist said Thursday at a private dinner during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
>“This makes Xi Jinping the most dangerous opponent of open societies,” added.
inb4 some Westerner signs Xi's praises even though Xi either complete disregards, if not actively wishes for, the collapse and subordination of every other country which is not China
Charles Foster
Even a stopped clock is wrong twice a day. I can't wait for the war between Mankind and the Chinksects.
Leo Rodriguez
Soros wants no one to challenge his globalist dominationism ideas. He supported the fall of Soviet communism in the 80s not out of humanitarian reasons but because he wanted to make use of that part of the world to line his Swiss bank account.
Angel Carter
race traitor you're not better than a white-worshipping Lu
Austin Lee
Never think Marxists aren't rivals with other Marxists if you ever read about the Sino-Soviet split.
Joseph Sanchez
Soros is right on this one. It’s unfortunate for us in the West that Xi is such a strong leader, while a retard sits in the Oval Office. Hopefully Xi will have a heart attack or get poisoned soon and some retard seniority party member or a Gorbachev gets to take his place.
The West's internal enemies (e.g. Soros) are MUCH more of a threat than any external enemy like the Chinks. The only reason the Chinks have grown so much in the first place is because of the utter jewry of the rich elite like Soros.
Lincoln Phillips
"The enemy at the gates is known. He waves his banner openly. Far worse is the traitor within. He speaks in sly voices familiar to his kin and rots the body politic. A murderer is less to fear."
Parker Turner
For the first time i agree with Mr. Soros.
Xavier Cooper
Also reminder that Soros was the one funding the Tiananmen Square democracy protesters. Not sure why people hate him so much, he has always only the well-being of free people in mind. Yeah that does mean he tends to swing left and liberal, but that's because those are the political spectrums of civil rights.
You're literally brainwashed by Jow Forums fascists if you think Soros is the bad guy.
>inb4 some Westerner signs Xi's praises even though Xi either complete disregards, if not actively wishes for, the collapse and subordination of every other country which is not China that is bad for everyone that is not china but mad respect for Xi that is a comptent leader can't wait to be a colony of his
Ian Reed
doesnt he put muslims into concentration camps unless they convert to state islam (which is basically just praising the CCP)? to be honest.. he does sound kind of based
Isaac Gonzalez
That fucking J*w is just jealous. I'm cringing reading that and I hate China too
Joshua Robinson
I wouldn't exactly call Xi competent. He's more like reverse Gorbachev.
idc and doesnt matter we become one with the chink
Brandon Flores
THIS. George Soros is a genuinely good guy. Pure evil, lying right wingers edit videos of him to make out he says evil stuff like helping nazis when in reality he said that his father helped him escape nazis.
Levi Mitchell
>The only reason the Chinks have grown so much in the first place is because of the utter jewry of the rich elite like Soros. Kek what the fuck. China grew after they opened their trade barriers and became the global working class, not because of some rich, old Hungarian man. >Also reminder that Soros was the one funding the Tiananmen Square democracy protesters Wtf I love Soros now
Tyler Hall
The chinks have not been Marxists since the late 1970s and Mao's death
Sebastian Mitchell
1981 Reagan became U.S. President 1989 Romanian Revolution 1990 Germany Reunification 1991 Soviet Union collapsed
2017 Trump became U.S. President 2025 North Korean Revolution 2026 Korean Reunification 2027 China collapses
Tyler Perez
For once Soros is right.
Liam Reed
oh fuck the boogeyman is getting BTFO by xi jinping
Jackson Green
>philanthropist with a twitter following is as bad as dictator with an army
Michael Myers
He's always been right.
Easton Turner
they are really just jealous of anyone with money and respect
Jaxson Perez
>philanthropist Yes, Osama bin Laden was also a great philanthropist who donated money to many causes he believed in.
Adrian Howard
I can't wait until the west collapses
Nolan Barnes
Free will of the people so pedophiles like you can rape children in Thailand
What Deng did was more copy Tito's Yugoslavia or Hungary's goulash communism than anything.
Xavier Sullivan
I doubt fobs would post here you just sound bitter that even 60 year old sexpats get more young pussy than u
Chase Parker
He's right. Democratic countries are stagnating and bickering with each other while China grows. At the same time China is presenting their authoritarian system as an alternative to democracy for developing countries. And who can blame developing countries preferring China's system when it means the current elite can keep their power and the results seem to be better than what Europe and the USA are offering? If you actually care about democracy, you should listen to Soros and other liberal internationalists, because democracy will not survive at this rate.
Tyler Peterson
>democracy will not survive Good
John Smith
anyway its a ruse and a bait
Soros and usa cooperate with china because china has a stock of 1trilion of usd as in debt from usa and they put a pressure on russia to trade the gas on the world market in dollar and china wants also to have a pipeline from russia for russian gas
Same as the petrodollar but this time gasdollar guys
Dont be stupid to belive the media the rich are controling
So anyway when russia sells the gas in dollar the price of the dollar will rise and china and soros make money so the real story is that putin is their enemy
Luis Davis
@100845543 *yawn*
Asher Roberts
>because democracy will not survive at this rate.
The values of boyfuckers and later autisic anglos sperging about freedom like Locke and JSM are uterly useless when faced with a competent competing system. Even if "the west" survives in "it's current form" under said liberal internationalists it will still be a repressive police state.
Charles Cruz
>when faced with a competent competing system Luckily there is none, just miserable shitholes like China and Iran that nobody would ever want to live in.
Nicholas Davis
So he wants China to look like India?
Brayden Johnson
I wish so bad its hard to even imagine what the world would be like when we truly leave all the Cold War drama behind us forever
like what will happen??
Tyler Martin
lol chinks are officially hated by the boss of modern western liberals, most of which are pretty far left.
everyone hates chinks lol
Anthony James
Westerners love surveillance though... Until it means you can't flood a country with nogs though lmao? What a hypocrite
Caleb Johnson
We had a brief period of pure American hegemony after the Soviet Union collapsed. It wasn't that great.
Nolan Garcia
>Westerners love surveillance though No we don't ?
>Until it means you can't flood a country with nogs though lmao What does it have anything to do with the topic ? Obssessed much ?
Elijah Rodriguez
It was pretty good actually.
Thomas Butler
UK has highest concentration of surveillance
Of course Soros is worried about too much surveillance and control. Nogs can't run wild in your country like they do in Europe
Jeremiah Jenkins
Btw I am quite obsessed about Western countries being ruined by open borders before I can visit them all and experience what it's like befor cultural enrichment
Kevin Brooks
Are you Chinese? First time seeing a Chinese here. You should do an ama or something.
Luke King
>Yugoslavian wars >War on Terror >smug retards writing about "the end of history" Can't say I'm a big fan
Ryder Hall
*steals your trade secrets to sell to make cheap shitty phones* nothing personnel waittus
Asher Davis
>democracy will not survive at this rate Democracy works for small, literate societies. Enlightenment thinkers who came up with the division of powers and universal suffrage never intended them to work for masses of 7000M humans, most of whom are starving rednecks. Chinese-characteristics socialism, i.e. state technocracy with no freedoms of religion, press or association are what third world countries need to stop being third world.
David Ross
Shitholes gonna be shitholes.
Hunter Smith
Millions of people are moving to China including westerners
Christopher Perry
It'd be dumb to not expect a backlash after all of that
Gabriel Murphy
He almost broke up European Union by attacking uk pound, make many Asian countriees collapse at Asian financial crisis, and killed vast number of people by economical devastating, and then he called other person the most dangerous person in the world? It's not even funny, This infuriates me.
Logan Sanders
>Chinese-characteristics socialism, i.e. state technocracy with no freedoms of religion, press or association are what third world countries need to stop being third world.
I've seen some brainlet posts before, but...
Landon Ramirez
Holy cringe
Henry Jackson
chink surveillance is best surveillance remember the chinks futuristic cyberpunk system/"gotta get good boy points/virtue signal" ultimate SJW machine so called "social credit system"
t. kid who doesn't know about Yugoslavia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Colombia or the DR Congo
Bentley Campbell
I heard that they built concentration camps for muslims
Isaac Watson
I never implied they were
Leo Collins
It's him destroyed democracy, He gained his wealth by destabilizing financial security from third world countries, which resulted in surge of so-called '''alternative rights''' from almost every country he attacked.
>The values of [democracy] are uterly useless when faced with a competent competing system - King James II, 1688 - King George, 1775 - Emperor Napoleon, I 1812 - Tsar Nicholas I, 1853 - Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1914 - Comrade Vladmir Lenin, 1917 - Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, 1939 - Emperor Hideki Tojo, 1941 - Comrade Joseph Stalin, 1945 - Chariman Mao Zedong, 1962
Don't worry though young bootlicker, this time I'm sure it'll turn out different!
Eli Jackson
How'd that "Arab Spring" work out again?
Mason Martin
I'm pretty sure those countries weren't first world when they were ruled by strongmen.
Tyler Diaz
Not first world, but not the absolute shitshow they are now either. They need strongmen for stability as of now
David Myers
Authoritarian governments never lead to long-term stability and they inevitably always end in a war/coup/revolution. What happened with the Arab Spring or with the Syrian civil war was the predictable result of decades of oppressive autocracy.
Alexander Torres
>Authoritarian governments never lead to long-term stability Say it to the Roman emperors or to the European monarchy.
Ethan King
So you we have to choose between the jew and the chink? Grim.
Elijah Thomas
>My arbitrary, western-centric values are more important than lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty
The absolute state of """"""""philanthropic"""""""" jews.
Nolan King
You don't know a lot about the history of the Roman Empire, do you? Protip: About 75% of all Roman emperors died of unnatural causes. And Europe when it was absolutist monarchies had wars an average of every 25 years.
Lucas Rodriguez
I dunno, dozen times more died in the few years of civil war than in the 40 of Assads rule, thanks to foreign meddling (on all sides). Let's not even talk about how hard Libya tanked economically Democracy doesn't work when you have a large amount of uneducated and impoverished masses, they'll just vote for extreme populists, in this case Islamists
Eli Torres
the European monarchy gave us WW1 and the collapse of the roman empire was so traumatic for the people involved it allegedly inspired the Book of Revelations
Chase Hernandez
Fucking based! Hail Jinping! May China's conquest reign supreme! Do it Jinping! Conquer the world!
Xavier Walker
>Democracy doesn't work when you have a large amount of uneducated and impoverished masses, they'll just vote for extreme populists, in this case Islamists In which we learn the amazing realization that a poor, uneducated populace does not produce a stable, functional society that doesn't fall into regular wars or be oppressed by an autocrat.
Asher Jenkins
fuck george soros fuck usa fuck drumpf fuck china fuck winnie the pooh
Lincoln Sullivan
Why is history on the late Roman republic not taught in schools?
Ryan Carter
Have you ever been to China?
You'd be surprised how comfy and rich people are. Life so colourful here
Lincoln Ward
dude why are rich chinese boomers so irritating? please tell them to lower their volumes in quiet places
Ethan Gonzalez
>You'd be surprised how comfy and rich people are. I'm sure the CCP and PLA elites live a very opulent life indeed.
Jeremiah Stewart
Your Gini coefficient is in the 40s
Kayden Barnes
But any Westerner living here won't be poor, so it's a bad comparison to make versus or poorest