Does Jow Forums support Howard Schultz running as an independant?

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Literally WHO?


Former Starbucks CEO. Running as an independent. Jew.

Well - yeahhhh.

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Absolutely. He will siphon Democrats votes because he is closely aligned with the progressive left but not left enough. The so called moderate Democrats and the original Liberals will vote for him.

He drinks the fag's coffee choice. Nope.

Yes, all the rich celebs will drop the Dems like a sack of shit now that they’re talking about 70% tax and saying living a life of conspicuous excess is a bad thing. They won’t vote R so they can vote for this guy, splitting the leftist vote and weakening the Dems.

Thank god another billionaire is here to make sure americans don't get free healthcare, lmao!

t. European


Yeah, I mean, whatever, it'll make for good political theater, I'm sure.

Get fucked by a yuuge sauSAGE

I not know or care who he is but if he splits the lefty vote I support him.

This whole thing is a plot to keep the Democrats from picking someone too far to the Left. If the Dems go centrist, I suspect Schultz will use his "campaign" as leverage to get a cabinet post.

We should still support it though as it will help Trump if he actually goes through with it.

Yes, and we need to get his name out there as much as possible, and make it look like he has a ton of support. This will only help Trump and real Americans

This is the wild card Trump needs. The illegals that vote aren’t enough without the gullible moderatorate dems who know they should vote republican but naively elect radical dems. If the far left and moderate left can’t unite on one candidate and Trump modivates his troops he wins even without the wall. That being said he should do everything in his power to get the wall started now.

Divide and conquer, innit. I hpoe the Greens will also run their own candidate.
What are the Libertarians up these days, stil running around naked on stage?

You pay by far the most for healthcare, it's like 20% of your GDP. In Europe it's like 11-15%.

They called McCain a maverick, but Trump was twice the maverick than that traitor. After Trump it will probably be a long time before we get another candidate with Trumps ability to shake up and disturb the status quo.

>You pay by far the most for healthcare

It's because Jewified Amurca culture has created the sick and conditioned them for a quick fix. Plus the Jew made any other cure illegal.
Send the patients to me. I will put them on a fast and give them a diet, exercise and stress management program that will cure and prevent 98% of the ailments and I will charge them $10.

literally who

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Obviously the left hates him.

billionaires are vampires

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Yep, there are a lot of (((people))) getting VERY rich from Health care in the US.

I feel like every extremely rich guy thinks he can become president now


I don't think the few who understand how the Federal Reserve system works understand the mechanics of how a billionaire benefits from inflation, crashes, and taxes. All things that keep prevent us from being able to own anything and always needing to submit to a boss and the mainstream narrative.

The left is very naive on that fact, muh Obama, muh (((Quantative easing))), doubles the National debt --> OH WAIT, DEBT = MONEY in our FIAT monetary system --> rich people getting richer and the state is getting poorer.