IS it true what they say about Sweden

Is it true what they say about Sweden

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I went outside for a walk a few months ago and I saw more people in hijab than without. Granted, there's a muslim school close to where I was walking, but still

I don't like going outside

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Big plot twist I'm black and Muslim

we know already because of your flag, Malik

>Big plot twist I'm black and Muslim
Plot twists are usually something unexpected, Ahmed.

Which bone is that they have in their hair?

Their spine

Bigger plot I do not give a flying fuck about Sweden

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el *twist

I don't think and englishman should even try to say bad stuff about sweden? According to your own police just posting that stuff is a hate crime and should be reported and investigeted while ignoring muslim rape gangs.

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No, you only care that your wife is fucked by Malik down by the curryshop

Not English like I said before I am a proud Yemeni and I do not and have not ever given a fuck about Sweden.

Another Jewish Putinbot thread bashing Sweden?

Why are Russians always such shitty people?

Fucking hell how are swedes such big pussies
Latvia is not perfect but we would lynch this nigger on the spot if he tried this shit on a a public transport here

no you wouldnt, emils lmao

its even worse than they say

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maybe all the rapefugees fucking up Stockholm and murdering people daily is putin to?

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Its worse than they say and its going to get worse.

We wouldn't have to because no nigger would even dare try, not like your country which serves its own ass up to subhumans on a silver platter

Immigrant is not same as rapefugee.


Yes! But the lost son will soon return and liberate us

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They have low corporate tax . The mineral wealth is taken for little Swedes don't see this happening .. They think they are progressive but vote for capitalist pigs

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>I am a proud Yemeni
Desertion is not something to be proud of