How come the left doesn't go after Islam for oppressing women when they are all about feminism and women power and...

How come the left doesn't go after Islam for oppressing women when they are all about feminism and women power and stuff.

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All meme flags are Israelis.

because they hate white people only and most Muslims are sand apes

Because they have conflicting narratives at times that won't allow for it.
Yes they want to blame patriarchy and divide men and women and every other damn thing.
But they also are globalists.
And have every intention of mixing all the races and cultures together so there are no races and cultures and they can be molded and controlled that way.

I’d plow and inseminate her forever.

because the left doesn't like to be mean towards retards

sorry I am not going to represent the Amerishit flag, which has niggers raping and murdering whites in horrible atrocities everyday while no one cares or does anything. I piss on that flag

Its because they are too busy fighting people like you.

Ugly jews show devil star flag

>she's attractive
you can see that she'll be a cow in 8-10 years.

>flabby, wide ass
>no muscle tone on thighs
>those cheeks
yes. confirmed pre-diabetic.

They try not to mention things that go against their agenda. It'd end in them having to choose between opressed wamen and opressed religious minorities, both which they want to serve like the shit-eating beta orbiting faggots they are.

what the point of us using these flags if everyone already calls us jews maybe the mods need to improve this board(remove flags)

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Because all the media they consume tells them not to. There are huge inconsistencies, but as long as they ere on the side of what they're told is virtuous they'll never care. 80% of the population are blank slates with no opinions of their own and will believe anything.

They're compartmentalized for now. In time, they will turn on each other in an attempt to claim top spot of 'most oppressed' in our meanie weanie society. Blacks are at the bottom. Feb is their rebound month. March is faggot month

The left are not there to make salient points, they're useful idiots against "Nazis" or active psyop agents conducting dissonance causing demoralising propoganda --> Such as feminism is compatible with islam.

Mohammad was the original feminist

Chloe Ferry was legit cute when she was just a good-time chubby Geordie lass from that there tv show like.

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Ok number one, Muslims will cut your head off for imposing debachery on them. 2, the left is allied with Islam because it’s the tyranny that we plebes are going to have to live under while ruling party does whatever they want in a breakaway civilization. They don’t need us and Islam is just one of the many contagions they’re injecting into society.

Found a kike meme flagger.

Had her lips and nose done. Would still fuck though. Honestly don’t know what race this one is though. She’s so fake.

part of the test of being a man is resisting the bullshit of a woman. women actively demean and emasculate you because they are insecure, not because they want you to actually listen to them. Islamic men are strong dudes who never listen to their women, and women respect literally only that. daily reminder that feminist dudes are the last to dip their dick into the well off pussy

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Lol! True.

Because muslims rank higher on the oppression hierarchy than women.
Because apparently 9/11 was the worst thing to happen to muslims ever.


What the fuck is wrong with her face?

Because racism is a white thing and they hate white people.

Because Islam would kill them.

She's a cow now.

I guess I can Google that. N o r t h F u l f I l l m e n t C e n t e r ean?

This. Well, just your #1 point. Why aren't more people in the thread saying this? It's not hard to figure out.

It's part of the same reason they get such a hard on freaking out about things like "neo nazis". They know they aren't putting themselves in genuine danger by doing so, yet they still get to entertain themselves with the illusion that they are, and that they're being heroic for doing so. It's all a fantasy, a game, but if you involve people who might actually seek you out and try to silence you, then they don't want to play.

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Because political alignment is based on shared greivances/enemies, not shared interests, and they both hate western capitalism and white men more than they hate each other.

Because their goal in the West is to destroy white values and the white race.

In Arab countries this shit is also happening, not as bad as west of course, but destruction of family unit and traditional values is already poisoning them as well.

whenever i see this hideous thing i feel really bad for my uk bros.

Ok, my #1 for the average college-dummies running around trying to pull down civilization. My #2 for those who actually know how this is going to end.

i mean many lefties call out religion for oppressing kinda do.

Fuck off shill memeflags won't be removed!!

I want to nut on that foot.

What's the point asking why the left does anything? It's well documented they are absolutely retarded.