My sister wants to visit Bulgaria. Is she going to be in any danger? What should she look out for and avoid?
rodpole me on Bulgaria.
Sister wants to visit Bulgaria
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raped by gypsies, retarded faggot.
just stay away from gypsies and turks. I've been to Bulgaria it's mainly a very wholesome place. I was visiting a friend from college, so I was in a small town outside of Sofia and it was beautiful
There's nothing to be worried about. Gypsies can be bad but they're usually not confrontational, unlike nigs. If going to Sofia, I wouldn't venture outside the city centre at night just to be on the safe side, and you wouldn't be missing out on much anyway
Can you explain to me the thought process of people from rich countries who want to visit some shitholes in Eastern Europe? I genuinely don't get that. Why the fuck would anybody want to go to Poland, Romania or Bulgaria?
She has a friend who lives there.
visiting friends or family. Due to the financial disparity, it's easier for Americans or Brits to come to you than vice versa
ah ok, this makes sense
How does somebody in America make a friend in Bulgaria?
Budget travelling
we have people from all over the world here. I met one of my best friends in college and he is from Samokov. I haven't seen him in a year, but it's tougher for him to come here and he moved back and found a job in Sofia to help support his family
She'll be fine burgerfag. Tell her to avoid going out at night alone in shady neighbourhoods, and tell her to do herself a favor go to Plovdiv and Sofia. Do not engage gypsies.
I'm not sure, I think she was staying in America for a few years and they became friends, then her friend had to move back.
Why, even Bulgarians don't want to be here
thanks for the info guys. She wants to go to Greece while she's there visiting too.
>I think she was staying in America for a few years and they became friends
Was this friend a child of some communist apparatchik? Because rich people in Eastern Europe, who study or go abroad come very often from communist families
I have no idea I've literally never met her, I just heard about her for the first time when she mentioned the trip, but my mother has met her and knows her too I guess.
Bulgaria is a great country to visit, is the cradle of civilization and there is a ton of stuff to see, and doo, don't listen to haters and cucks, if you know how to navigate there it's a great place to live. No nigs, no spics, no chinks, no arabs. Yeah we have the gypsies but they are not really that problematic if you compare them to other minorities of the same class.
>What should she look out for and avoid?
who knows, brown ppl or pumped up gorillas in general
she should have her eyes on all 4 because afaik foreigners are prayed upon in markets or when buying tickets etc
does he have a penis?
i visited Bulgaria three times so far and all have been comfy... statistically it's about as safe as the average European country
No he doesn't :[
>statistically it's about as safe as the average European country
that's not very reassuring.
kys brainlet
>rodpole my sister.
Hemorrhaging Rectum
I had a burger in bulgaria with my gf who has a hairy burger
Beautiful architecture and the cultural experience. America's architectural history only really begins in the 1700's. The oldest building in any given city is usually mid-1800's.
But really, your question is stupid. Why would anyone that lives in a house want to visit a forest? Why would anyone that lives on land want to visit the ocean?
>Beautiful architecture and the cultural experience. America's architectural history only really begins in the 1700's.
Then go to Italy?
pics or it didn't happen
>Beautiful architecture
most of it was bombed to shit during the war m8
i would 2bf
there's this pizaria in vetrala
They have a refugee problem I don't want her exposed to.
>My sister wants to visit Bulgaria
Fucking WHY
How does an American even learn of the existence of Bulgaria, let alone conjure the desire to visit?
read the thread
She will be kidnapped raped and tortured to death and the filthy Bulgarians will sell the video to their kike masters
cultural exchange, boomers in maine loved me and all the other bgs, I suspect they've never seen foreigners who actually work and simultaneously hate brown people as much as them