TIred of SJW bullshit in games, can someone list their redpill games?
Thank you in advance, user.
Right wing games
Leo Gutierrez
Other urls found in this thread:
Wyatt Robinson
>muh games
All games are blue pilled, you dumb cunt.
Aiden Richardson
Like vidya? Any Gary Grigsby title. War in the east is pretty cool but tough to learn.
William Scott
Aoe 2 HD best game.
Joseph Cox
buy a rifle and figure out how to hit targets in rapid succession while moving. It's a very fun game and extremely redpilled
Grayson Walker
Evan Martin
Blake Allen
you boomers always think your old shitty vidya are good.
Logan Howard
games are for children and leftist faggots
Xavier White
This. Games are gay.