Jews smarter than goyim confimed with DNA data

Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than goys 108 IQ vs 100.

Now confirmed by polygenetic data thanks to Emil OW Kirkegaard (thanks emilgoy)

>A newly released multivariate polygenic score for educational attainment, cognitive ability, and self-rated mathematical ability in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study was examined as a mediator of the group difference between Jews (n = 53) and 2 Christian denominations, Catholics (n = 2,603) and Lutherans (n = 2,027), with respect to educational attainment, IQ, and performance on a similarities measure. It was found that the Jewish performance advantage over both Catholics and Lutherans with respect to all 3 measures was partially and significantly mediated by group differences in the polygenic score. This result is consistent with the prediction that the high average cognitive ability of Jews may have been shaped, in part, by polygenic selection acting on this population over the course of several millennia.

INB4 N=53 (there are less jews available)

regardless... its already been replicated in another sample

you have to scroll down though for the n=212 study, its only in R at the moment will be released in a paper soon

emil kirkegaard is based AF and a little bit of a bad goy and sometimes is a little kikephobic, so i trust him

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Other urls found in this thread:

israel is mostly non ashkenazi (arab, mizhari, sephardic, indian, ethiopian, Russian fakers) etc + higher IQ jews are probably more likely to live in the USA or london etc

>jews arent a race
>in fact no such thing as race
>jews are genetically smarter than ever one else


Pretty much any race realist knows Ashkenazi Jews are the smartest ethnic group in the world. It's because they're a bunch of inbred moneylenders. A thousand years of intense selection on mental faculties will do that.

If their so smart then why did they get gassed??

Oh, so certain races or ethnicity have more IQ than others? Incredible.
Now what do they say about niggers having 15 IQ less than whites on average?

they are more of a sub population, genetic clusters (races) exist

>niggers are 40 IQ points behind whites
>"That doesn't mean anything! They're just as capable as everyone else!"

>jews are 8 IQ points ahead of whites

1. This rejects the very high popular claim of 115IQ points.
2. IQ 108 is exactly what Voxday estimated.

Jewish IQ is not superior, it's simply a couple points higher, similar to the East Asian 105 IQ estimate.

Jewish overrepresentation in elite positions CAN NOT BE EXPLAINED by high IQ. Nepotism is a better explanation.

Genetic too according to this study emil is publishing, but this is admixture analysis not PGS, jews are west eurasians to compare high IQ genes. Africans you can't do that as easily; you have to see if self reported ancestry correlates more with IQ than actual ancestry (ass all african americans are mixed)

all 4 authors are race realists on the b-w gap too as far as i know

It can be explained by IQ alone, as they are around 115 on Verbal, probably the most important domain for most positions of influence. ( around 97 spatial, 109 mathematical)

>INB4 N=53 (there are less jews available)
Literally means the study is crap.

Testing only 54 Jews living in the US is very specific circumstances doesn't say anything about the Jews in general, or even Ashkenazi Jews.
There are studies like this were Indians outperform everyone, and we all know that the average Indian is a sub-90 IQ street shitter.

DNA isn't real, the guy who discovered it got stripped of all his science prizes remember?

All the stupid and weak jews have been killed off, Hitler literally ended up breeding a master race by putting the Jews through so much

we need to address jewish privilege.

>a race

>Implying 108 still isn't grug tier
>implying their highest IQs match an autist even on a shitty day

There are more genius in America than all the Jews In the world combined. It's pretty obvious nepotism has more to do with their success than their "IQ"

You mean there's a genetic component to IQ?

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Really? I doubt it. I live in an area where we have a lot of ashkenazi and let me tell you about how smart and intelligent they are. Agressiv yes, but intelligent? Oh goy!

they are publishing this because people are waking up to the fact that holocaust was a jewish eugenics op
israel kike iq: 95
this division and categorization is impossible without planning and control
holocaust denial was invented by kikes
entire purpose of ww2 was to bring 10,000,000 kikes over to the jew world
the reason they needed eugenics was they already knew that the new world had already selected and filtered for the most resilient and hardworking whites
so they want to eugenics themselves so the 10,000,000 most manipulative went over
israel was a backup and control
look at your dick
jews won ww2
question pearl harbor
question why jews were in japan prior
if you had to get USA involved in a conflict... which axis country could have attacked them back then? WHICH?

The average western European IQ when you control against subhumans is 105. For Germanics it is 110.


interesting that it's nowhere near the full standard deviation that's often assumed by retards like Jordan Peterson when they do the whole jews have massively disproportionate control becasue they're so smart bit.

fake jew kike amalekites are smart eh, then
how come they're stealing instead of being
honest. :) let that sink in.

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notice they call the statements "reprehensible" and "racist"

Larry David?

> n = 53
> 108 IQ
Gauss is rolling in his grave and I'm laughing my ass because you got a 8 point boost even after cheating, huehuehuehue.

JF debunked this shitty study days ago. Very low and probably selective jewish sample size, high christian sample size which doesnt even consider race. Garbage. Fuck off.

they where representative of jews as a whole in terms of SES/Income/Parental education level.

the other n=212 study found the same anyway

based and statisticspilled

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No he didn't, the sample was not at all selective, but representative of the jew population at large. Furthermore its already replicated in a n=212 dataset so....

any N

almost all studies are kike ploys to steal white money and lie

read the n=212 one then

the authors are not jews

What about atheist goys?


jesus christ
you think it's jews on the boats pulling niggers up out of libya and delivering them to rape whites?

I don't doubt that Ashkenazi Jews have slightly higher average IQs than European whites. But their IQs aren't nearly high enough to explain their vast overrepresentation in certain sectors, such as the Ivy League, finance, media. The only explanation that accounts for it is ethnic favoritism. Jews get in, take over, and start hiring and promoting their own tribe. If whites did this, we'd be sued for discrimination. Fuck "diversity", fuck affirmative action, and fuck you, Shlomo, for your hypocris, your double standards, and your backstabbing behavior. More and more of us are waking up to what you really are.

CNN is straight fucking Stalinist era Soviet Propaganda at this point...
They are making sure to help memory hole and destroy anyone in their "progressive" path.

Too smart for their own good

that's nice. still more white geniuses than total amount of nepotistic white hating Jews in America.

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>Blacks can't be lower IQ than whites..
>But Jews can be smarter than everyone..



Daily reminder that Jews have high verbal IQ and low visual IQ. Hence they have never been able to engineer their own country and why East Asians have chinatowns everywhere.

This is what the scientific community does, it throws away all its principles, its heroes and its credibility to conform to the societal expectations, science as it was always pedestalised to us is now nothing but a farce, everything gets corrupted with the decline.

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Not quite.

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>race doesn't exist except when Jews want to gloat
>IQ isn't valid except when Jews want to gloat


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>Polygenic scores mediate the Jewish phenotypic advantage in educational attainment and cognitive ability compared with Catholics and Lutherans.
>compared with Catholics and Lutherans
>Catholics and Lutherans
sage and gas

>sample size


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Larry Davis is like 40% native american

Jewish native american, the greatest slave holders of the US of A

Exactly. Not too smart with n=53.

It makes sense. The 100 iq is just the average. Meaning 50% of people have 100 and more or 100 and less. When you have a smaller sample size of extremely rich people versus a more diverse group of people it tends to favour its medium at a higher level. Jews really dont have lower classes and less educated classes the way that Christian's do. I wonder what the difference would be 9f they did the study by location and economic level.

What you don't understand is that it doesn't matter what the averages say, there are far more whites than Jews, which would account for far more white Geniuses than Jewish Geniuses. Jews are known for their nepotism its not worth to even argue, if you don't believe it you're the one who is behind on the subject and ignorant, remove yourself from the conversation because you are obviously irrelevant.

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Yeah and let's switch fucking places with the jews and see how many decades it'll take for them to lose some fucking IQ too with the fucking chemicals in the water supply and food.

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Larry david should be allowed into the ethnostate

emil kirkegaard is based AF

>Prove Jews have higher IQ by using DNA
This is totally okay
>Prove Blacks have lower IQ by using DNA
RACIST! Fire him!

So Jews are smarter than blacks? Pretty racist of them to publish this.

Sounds about right. I think Jewish IQ has lower variance though because of inbreeding. They're an entire race of midwits.

> A jew created the IQ test
> Magically ranks high
Sorry you've been kiked

Source :
> The abbreviation "IQ" was coined by the psychologist William Stern for the German term Intelligenzquotient
> Stern
> Stern
> William Stern was born on April 29, 1871 in Berlin, Germany to Rosa and Sigismund Stern.
> Sigismund Stern merchant in the Manchester cotton trade.


I don’t need your fuckin retarded quizzes. You think someone who sacrifices babies to a beast has a high IQ? Really,…..okay!

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bullshit test due to low sample size (even if "less jews available")
and if we're to take all or most jews included to mean ashkenazim then why aren't the christian "goyim" broken down into further denominations along with unaffiliated or non-religious groups, as well as racial categories
all this tells us is that ashkenazim are probably just moderately intelligent on average (and not the much vaunted "115")

The hero we need, but don't deserve.

>INB4 N=53 (there are less jews available)
can't inb4 this. If they only sample urbanite Jews with more German DNA then they miss the more Jewish Jews in Israeli orthodox ghettos.

Face it, Ashkenazi jews are just a wealthier urban subclass of Europeans and considering them against their non-Jewish peers reveals no differentiation.

IQ tests don't measure intelligence. They sneakily correlate the idea of intelligence with various cultural puzzles. A kike developed the test and magically kikes rank higher. The only reason why it is prevalent is because it serves people's biases and norms. You can't measure something you don't understand. Brainlets won't understand this.

Gotta love how these supposed scientists react to his claims by offering the best and well researched refutation they were capable of - i.e. making him an unperson so everyone who might agree with him will become too afraid to speak up. Truly the pinnacle of human rationality right there.

I doubt that. Nigs and beaners I went to school with sucked at geometry, literature, etc. even though they had the same exposure to education.

>Face it, Ashkenazi jews are just a wealthier urban subclass of Europeans and considering them against their non-Jewish peers reveals no differentiation.

yup basically

Yes basically, but the difference is that the entire Ashkenazi Genetic cluster is upper class.

This, but lets be honest they still pretend even that is not a thing.

Is still not representative.
As per the larger sample of the other study is still rather small for what they claim to proof.

Im half asian half jew. I have a high iq, but the only reason I got tested clinically in the first place was as part of a larger psychological evaluation. Thanks for the chronic depression jewish mom!

I am smarter than every jew I have met and I can use language better than they can despite that being their crowning acheivement in intelligence.
>Inb4 muh chess.

the average IQ for white dullards was 113 not long ago, jews are not smart and being proud of "108" shows it.

That's retarded, they can just cherry pick anyone and say they are Ashkenazi jew and say others are not. I do not trust any of these IQ studies any more. Not the Jew ones.

Isn't that supposed to be racist ?

(Even though that's certainly true)

Even if we accept Ashkenazi have a slightly higher iq than average, there’s still more aryan geniuses alive than regular Jewish population genius or not. The presence of Jews in so many power positions reaks of something nefarious no matter how it’s tried to be explained.

We had a discussion about intelligence and aggression in a uni class yesterday. I definitely wasnt the only one who immediately thought of thr groid.

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They didn't but I wish they had been.

That's picking the most extreme data from each side.
But I don't care. Let us create our society. We created the most powerful civilization in history and they have lived as the most destructive parasites in history within all civilized people

Create a functional Israel for yourself and make it a thousand times better by yourself and I don't care. Leave us alone and don't take our money anymore! Actually generate something for the first time in known history

isolate angols from the rest of 'merica and you get something higher as well



>they where representative of jews as a whole in terms of SES/Income/Parental education level.
>the other n=212 study found the same anyway
How would you know the samples are representative 'of jews as a whole in terms of SES/Income/Parental education level' if the samples are so small? You wouldn't be able to correlate that sample with the whole of Jews given that statistically even 212 is a relatively small sample.

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Not sure what this is about? Living apart from Jews would be bad because...?

sub nigger tier

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>Educational attainment
Kike's run admissions and nepotism is why they are over-represented in academia, usually in fields that require low IQ ability such psychology, humanities, social justice and such. So this metric is shit and in no way a measure of intelligence.

Try pushing this meme again kike.

The idea that everything is based on fucking IQ is pathetic.

We in the west have created amazing things and the best in pretty much any field.

Jews might actually have a high verbal IQ. Israel is full of slaves, which means that the average IQ there means nothing.

Actually having a nice and productive society is meaningful and whites can have that with no jews and no other people. We have done and have been reduced by other people.

Jews don't function, but if they did and had high IQ, let them. Let us have nice, safe, productive, peaceful and pleasant societies

this isnt really news

we've known that jews are intellectually superior for ages now. Dunno wtf the responders are arguing about. Jews are smarter

Is it possible to draw any worthwhile conclusions when the sample sizes are that different? That's a pretty drastic difference, with only 53 students the possibility of a confound is much higher than with 2027, or 2603.

>Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than goys 108 IQ vs 100.
>8 points difference
Even if that was true, what's your point? Jews are insignificant in terms of population compared to whites. We can literally kill off the dumber half of the white population and then still be able to boast a much higher population count than Jews along with much higher average IQ.
In fact, the Jews did exactly this throughout history by using the dumb Jews as scapegoat sacrifices to get away with their crimes. Literally Jewish eugenics; commit crimes against the goyim and then blame the dumb Jews while leaving them out to dry.

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Stop perpetuating "Ashkenazi Jews". They are Ashkenazi. Jew is a useless, innaccurate modifier used to perpetuate the lie.