Hello guys. I have access to some pretty high ranking government officials within the Brazilian government and there is a coup brewing within the Brazilian Military to oust Bolsonaro and back his V.P General Mourão, this will probably lead to a new military dictatorship and a possible retaliation by Israel (if you've been on par with the news Bolso is really close to the Israelis).
I have no idea how or when this will go down but if and when it does you guys heard it here first. I'll be lurking the thread and if it gets any traction I'll answer some questions
Fuck this shit,bring back the monarchy and send all niggers back to africa
this is the only way this shithole will recover from the massive mistake that was ((democracy))
Adam Perez
First post, best post.
Carter Hernandez
Based beyond comprehension, but sadly, it's not gonna happen, not after Vargas erased our history.
Cameron Clark
All marxisys and muslim shills against right wing nationalism should be dropped from helicopters. Having avrelationship with Israel may be bad for muslims, but muslims are bad for everyone and so are marxists.
Stop obsessing over israel. I don't care if they kill ahmed, because ahmed kills christians and is against everyone. This is a leftist muslim alliance shill thread. You shit candidate lost despite the kike globohomo backing them. And Bolsanaro is going to cleanse the favelas. So die in a fire.
Well my dad is the CEO of the military and he said you're full of shit.
Michael Diaz
ya na israel is "against" leftism in that they're competing in the mid-levels over the same slave farms
"muh values" and "muh free market" aren't worth a shit when you're as hamstrung as the western world is to international interests that bank in israel and use it as their mafia haven.
Fuck all of it, let the commies fuck up the slave farm and die off in turn.